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Ingraham : Democrats will replace you with immigrants

Laura Ingraham echoes Charlottesville white supremacists during immigration segment

Ingraham embraces all-out Nazi rhetoric in her continuing attacks on immigrants

Fox News' Laura Ingraham has given up trying to be subtle — she's embracing all-out Nazi rhetoric in her continuing attacks on immigrants.

In a segment of her show "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday night, the host echoed the rhetoric of the white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, a little over a year ago. They who chanted, "You will not replace us," "Jews will not replace us," and "Immigrants will not replace us."

"Will travesties such as birthright citizenship finally be ended?" Ingraham said Tuesday on her show. "Will we mandate e-verify to penalize businesses who game the system to keep American wages low? Of this, my friends, you can be sure: Your views on immigration will have zero impact and zero influence on a House dominated by Democrats who want to replace you, the American voters, with newly amnestied citizens and an ever-increasing number of chain migrants."

Ingraham surely knows that her divisive and fearmongering rhetoric here echoes the revolting neo-Nazi marchers in Charlottesville— and she is fine with it.

It is, of course, nonsense. Even if the United States did adopt the dreaded "open borders" policy that Ingraham and other anti-immigrant bigots ominously stoke fears about, no one is actually being replaced. National populations grow all the time — they grow when any child is born! — and that doesn't mean the existing citizens are thus removed. Saying otherwise is a clear and dishonest attempt to instill prejudiced and hate-filled sentiment in the minds of voters.

Using the "replacement" language on Ingraham's part isn't even a dog whistle — it's a direct homage to some of the vilest rhetoric in recent history.

The rest of her screed is patent nonsense. To think that birthright citizenship is a "travesty" while throwing immigrant kids in cages is like "summer camp" — as Ingraham has previously claimed — is a gross distortion of the moral universe.

And if Ingraham actually cared about low American wages, she could advocate for a higher minimum wage or policies that empower workers. But since the GOP vehemently opposes these measures, it's clear figures like Ingraham only cynically use the issue of wages to attack immigrants.

It's also worth pointing out that Ingraham's rant here is going after legal immigrants — belying the claim some of the right make that their only problem is with the criminality of illegal immigration.

Come on, Laura, grab your torch and join them...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
And if Ingraham actually cared about low American wages, she could advocate for a higher minimum wage or policies that empower workers.

I find this argument to be rather "intriguing" from a statistical standpoint, because as of 2016 (latest BLS figures I've seen), only about 2.7% of hourly paid workers earned at or below the prevailing federal minimum wage. The figure stood at 13.4% in 1979 (first year that the data was compiled on a regular basis). It was 4.3 percent in 2013, 3.9 percent in 2014 and 3.3 percent in 2015. It's just not that many people, and anyway, see the trend?

But do we have an issue with income disparity in this country? Yes, we do. But it's not because burger flippers aren't making at least $15/hour. That's a completely false narrative. What we have in this country right now is a tremendous skills gap in automation and technically demanding jobs. The economy stands at near full employment. There are more job openings than people to fill the jobs of late. Many industries are (finally) taking it on themselves to train and educate prospective employees, since our education system can't/won't do the job, and far too many kids think that getting an associates in cosmetology (or left-handed underwater puppetry), and racking up $50K in student loan debt, is a good idea.

To Ingraham's point, I don't agree with her that illegal immigration is having that great of an affect on overall wages. The illegals are generally going for low skill jobs that many Americans won't do anyway. To get higher paying, skilled jobs in the trades, it's usually necessary to be licensed or certified. But in areas like IT and computer science, there most certainly is a GREAT number of H1B visa holders that are little more than slaves to their employers. One of my former companies had a large number of H1B engineers on staff. They were underpaid (versus their Americans counterparts) and they did as they were told. This is why limousine liberals like Markie Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg and the boys from Google are so in favor of expanding the H1B visa program. They don't care about the migrant workers picking fruit in the hot sun. They speak up for them simply to run cover for their desire to hire more $50K/yr. Indian or Pakistanis that are filling jobs where an American would demand $80K+/yr. Silicon Valley is the bastion of liberal thinking in corporate America. California is perhaps the most liberal state in America. So why does Gov. Jerry focus on Jose being underpaid while working at McDonald's, but not Ishkar being underpaid while working at Facebook? Why? Cause Gov. Jerry knows who butters his buns.


Staff member
I find this argument to be rather "intriguing" from a statistical standpoint, because as of 2016 (latest BLS figures I've seen), only about 2.7% of hourly paid workers earned at or below the prevailing federal minimum wage. The figure stood at 13.4% in 1979 (first year that the data was compiled on a regular basis). It was 4.3 percent in 2013, 3.9 percent in 2014 and 3.3 percent in 2015. It's just not that many people, and anyway, see the trend?

But do we have an issue with income disparity in this country? Yes, we do. But it's not because burger flippers aren't making at least $15/hour. That's a completely false narrative. What we have in this country right now is a tremendous skills gap in automation and technically demanding jobs. The economy stands at near full employment. There are more job openings than people to fill the jobs of late. Many industries are (finally) taking it on themselves to train and educate prospective employees, since our education system can't/won't do the job, and far too many kids think that getting an associates in cosmetology (or left-handed underwater puppetry), and racking up $50K in student loan debt, is a good idea.

To Ingraham's point, I don't agree with her that illegal immigration is having that great of an affect on overall wages. The illegals are generally going for low skill jobs that many Americans won't do anyway. To get higher paying, skilled jobs in the trades, it's usually necessary to be licensed or certified. But in areas like IT and computer science, there most certainly is a GREAT number of H1B visa holders that are little more than slaves to their employers. One of my former companies had a large number of H1B engineers on staff. They were underpaid (versus their Americans counterparts) and they did as they were told. This is why limousine liberals like Markie Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg and the boys from Google are so in favor of expanding the H1B visa program. They don't care about the migrant workers picking fruit in the hot sun. They speak up for them simply to run cover for their desire to hire more $50K/yr. Indian or Pakistanis that are filling jobs where an American would demand $80K+/yr. Silicon Valley is the bastion of liberal thinking in corporate America. California is perhaps the most liberal state in America. So why does Gov. Jerry focus on Jose being underpaid while working at McDonald's, but not Ishkar being underpaid while working at Facebook? Why? Cause Gov. Jerry knows who butters his buns.

Well said :clap:
When you raise the minimuym wage, it's the whole wage spectrum that shifts up. If some who used to make $12/hour now make $15, those who used to make $15 won't stay at 15, they are gonna get $17 and those who used to make 17 will make 20, etc.
And when you raise low wages, that's money that's gonna be used to buy stuff, that's money that's gonna go back into the economy, not sleeping on some saving account where it ain't gonna benefit to anyone.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
When you raise the minimuym wage, it's the whole wage spectrum that shifts up. If some who used to make $12/hour now make $15, those who used to make $15 won't stay at 15, they are gonna get $17 and those who used to make 17 will make 20, etc.
And when you raise low wages, that's money that's gonna be used to buy stuff, that's money that's gonna go back into the economy, not sleeping on some saving account where it ain't gonna benefit to anyone.

If/when the wage spectrum shifts upward, that's called wage inflation and it leads to a condition known as wage push inflation. Wages are the highest cost component for most employers. So if wages rise broadly, the cost of production rises and therefore, prices increase accordingly. What matters to the individual isn't nominal wages, it's real wages (including inflation). And yes, we have an issue with stagnant real wages in the U.S. as well. But what good is a 10% raise if I have to pay 10% more for a car, milk, bread, meat, etc.? As I explained in the [NOBABE]Amazon[/NOBABE] thread, businesses don't just absorb wage and benefit increases (and many of the [NOBABE]Amazon[/NOBABE] workers who were at $15/hr. are getting a net pay cut ;)). Over time, they feed it back into their pricing mechanisms... or they reduce overall employment levels through automation or productivity projects... or they resource employment to less expensive locales.

Nixon attempted to put the lid on inflation with government enforced price controls in the 70's. That was an unmitigated disaster. And it's fine to do a feel-good sugar bump and raise the minimum wage to whatever you want to raise it to. But if a person really and truly wants to make more money, in my mind, the answer is to secure a job which pays more than that burger flipper job ever will. The burger flipping job is meant to be entry level. It's honest work and there's nothing wrong with that. But if you don't take advantage of opportunities to be trained for a higher paying position (and a great many people do not), why would you expect the government to dictate to your employer what your paycheck should be? Notice all the self-serve kiosks going into McDonald's, Burger King, Walmart, Kroger, etc? So there were 10 workers, now there are 8. Is it some sort of victory if the 8 get raises, while 2 get fired?

Don't misunderstand me, Johan. I'm not against people making more money. Quite the opposite. I'd like to see everyone make the most that they can make, doing whatever it is that they choose to do. But there are almost 7 million unfilled jobs in the U.S. right now. I can tell you from experience that it is incredibly difficult to find qualified applicants for most any sort of technical job - and not all of them require college degrees... a good many do not - and they're very well paying jobs. So all I'm saying to people young and old is, MAKE WISE CHOICES IN LIFE. And don't believe people on the left or the right if they tell you that you won't amount to anything without their help. They want you as their slave, their sheep, their pack animal. Take that job at McDonald's. Work extra shifts. When the guy comes in to work on the cash register, ask him how he got into that line of work. Pay attention. Sign up for those free McD's classes and work your way up... or leave for more money somewhere else. But don't sit there praying for some crook in Congress to grant you another piece of fat back to put in your pot when it suits him.

Yeah, I know life is harder for some than others. It ain't easy. It was a helluva lot harder for my dad than it's been for me and he did just fine. But some people make it a damn sight harder than it has to be by not making WISE LIFE CHOICES.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
^^^The cookies they're squabbling over... they were made by the worker/machine builder, the immigrant baker and the banker/investor who took my advice and worked together to build something that makes them all wealthy. They each own 32% of the LLC.

Hey, wait a minute... 3x32... that's only 96%! Where's the other 4%?

I don't work for free either, brah. :D