In a Post-Apocalyptic World

In a post-apocalyptic world, which task would you assign the highest priority?

  • Re-establishing a functioning government

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other... fortifying a community against the inevitable maniacs

Well, shit, if Burger King and McDonald's are gone, where are we gonna get food from? :eek:

Ari Dee

Official Checked Star Member
I voted, "other" only because a safe place to live would be highest priority. IE- bunker, underground, etc.

A food source isn't going to do me much good if I've already been eaten by zombies or murdered by a post apocalyptic psycho.
You don't think those burgers would last? With the crap they put in them it's possible it would last 100 years or so

True, but there also wouldn't be any illegal immigrants or high school kids to make them.

Might not be a problem for me :D


That depends. If you lived in Europe you'd be good to go, but if you live in the US when the shit hits the fan you'll be stuck eating globs of fat for the rest of your days.
I voted, "other" only because a safe place to live would be highest priority. IE- bunker, underground, etc.

A food source isn't going to do me much good if I've already been eaten by zombies or murdered by a post apocalyptic psycho.

We'd have to protect girls like you. Most likely there would be marauders going around looking for pretty woman to fuck and maybe even enslave

Ari Dee

Official Checked Star Member
I like how you had to point out the obvious, that people would be raping even more than they already do.
(For the record, in current society, in the US, only 6% of rapes are even reported).

& simultaneously pulled the sexist card of how I'd need protecting ;)
For all you know I could be one hell of a sniper, maybe I'll take out these rapists from several hundred yards, and then you'll have to scavenge their corpses for food.
Boom. :p
Locating a sustainable food (and drinking water) source

Why procreate if you and your kids are about to die from starvation and dehydration ?
Why preserve knowledge the knowledge of mankind if mankind is to die from starvation and dehydration ?
Government are no more ? Good riddance !
There will be two choices you will have to make. Bug Out or, Bug In. For me, I'm bugging in. I'll be damned if I run to the mountains (where every other dick-swinging survivalist will be heading.) Camping is cool. But, doing it for months on end, trying to stay warm, always having to build a fire, hunt game, etc. And, everyone else up there is going to be doing the same thing. Fuck that shit.

I'm staying put and defending my home. At least I'll have a roof over my head. I've got food and water stashed for situations as described by the OP. I've got over 7,000 rounds of ammo and nine rifles and two pistols.

And, if it comes to the point where I do have to leave, (only when the house is destroyed) I'll load up my truck with everything I can put into it and then I'll bug-out.


