I think the United States should talk to him see what this guy can do for us.
As far as people immigrating to America, or any country for that matte, if it's not done legally, with due process, they should be deported immediately. Any of those deported should file for admittance, and proceed to go about entering legally. Those here illegally with known ties to gangs and cartels, should be sent back, via catapult. We have way to much corruption, on both sides of the boarder crossings. Agents from our side, should be dealt with as harshly as possible. We can't do much about their side, but I think it's more then obvious, the mexican police, and military are responsible for allowing dangerous persons to cross over, as well as stealing military grade weaponry for the cartels. This notion that all of these guns are getting purchased legally in America, then being sent to mexico, is ridicules. It's pretty unlikely that someone, or a group of people are buying AK47's and M16's from gun shops, and converting them to full auto. It happens, but on a far smaller scale then gun grabbers want to believe, and if they are from here, and going South, they were stolen from military armories, and I just can't count that as a reasonable reason to place blame on our gun laws. I also think a great deal come from the South, up into mexico, and I don't know how to monitor that.
There are a great many of people who want to enter this country, that would be good law abiding members of society, and I would hope want to become a citizen, and if they do it properly, should be allowed, unfortunately they have a lot of fear, and justifiably so with all of the violent and evil cartels and gangs terrorizing them. The big problem is, the politicians in mexico, are corrupt. and unwilling to help with this problem, or say they will, and lie to us. Look at some of the crap their president has pulled. He has no control over these groups, and obviously stays alive by leaving them alone, or taking a payday, otherwise the cartels would have killed him already. But one of the things that bothers me the most is, who are THEY letting into their country, that is then crossing into ours? How many islamic extremists could have crossed? Or people that are carrying viruses, that would decimate Americans, because our bodies aren't adjusted. Many countries you would go to, require vaccines before you enter, because they have illnesses, we don't.