IMF chief on maid sex assault charges

IMF chief on maid sex assault charges

WASHINGTON: The head of the International Monetary Fund and a possible French presidential candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has been charged with sexual assault and attempted rape after being hauled off a Paris-bound plane by police at a New York airport.


Mr Strauss-Kahn, a key figure in the rescue of the world economy after the global financial crisis, was charged yesterday over an incident the day before at a Manhattan hotel in which he allegedly forced a maid to perform oral sex.

Police said the maid, 32, immediately reported the incident but by the time security staff arrived at Mr Strauss-Kahn's room, he had fled the Sofitel hotel on Times Square, leaving behind his mobile phone and personal items.

Police discovered he was booked on an Air France flight to Paris late on Saturday afternoon.

Airport authorities held the plane, allowing detectives to arrest him in the first-class section.

The maid told police she had entered the suite costing $US3000 ($2840) a night, believing it to be vacant. Mr Strauss-Kahn had appeared naked from his bathroom, before chasing her through the five-room suite.

''He dragged her down a hallway into the bathroom where he engaged in a criminal sexual act,'' a police spokesman alleged. ''He tried to lock her in the hotel room.''

Police said Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, had tried to remove the maid's underwear before she got away. She suffered minor injuries.

Strauss-Kahn's lawyer Benjamin Brafman, said the IMF chief denied the charges and would plead not guilty.

The former French finance minister, who has been considered a possible Socialist Party candidate in the presidential election next April, was charged with a criminal sexual act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment. Under New York state law, a criminal sexual act includes engaging in oral sex.

Mr Strauss-Kahn, who does not have diplomatic immunity, was expected to face court late yesterday.

Wether it's true or not, the guy's political career is probably over. And he surely won't be able to run for the french presidence on April 2012 since the primary election is on June 28th.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
As it plays out, this is probably going to be one of the strangest news stories of the year. You'd think a guy staying in a $3000/night room would just put a callgirl on his IMF charge card and call it an "entertainment expense". But apparently this guy has a history of sexual indiscretions. Still, innocent until proven guilty, but seems like there's some smoke that might indicate a fire here.
More than certainly some set up made either by the french government to discredit him from runing the 2012 election as well as continue his job (even tough I suspect the american government to be part of this too) who can't stand that one man makes pressure to have debts decreased and other financial problems resolved more quickly. I don't think that dsk is the type of guy to fuck a house keeper. The house keeper lies and was payed to lie to discredit dsk.A house keeper is not a person that can be trusted and is often lieing.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I don't think that dsk is the type of guy to fuck a house keeper. The house keeper lies and was payed to lie to discredit dsk.A house keeper is not a person that can be trusted and is often lieing.

Yes, you Royal Dauphin-ness Lordship Sir ... those below the stairs types of working class riff-raff can never be trusted. Always stealing the family silver, mother's best ass dildo and, of course, the memorial aristo inter-breeding records; it's even worse if they are filthy foreigners to boot.

They should all be flogged and/or guillotined.

Go have another drink. You clearly need it.



I wonder if, during the course of the scuffle, the good money-man ''con'' asked the maid,
"Do you know who I am?'' :pimpdaddy:

1) They say he attacked the maid after he came out of the bathroom
2) He left in a hurry, leaving his phone and other stuff behind

It seems like there was something seriously wrong with him! Either he was high on drugs, or he really have powerful urges! LOL.
I wonder how he's going to explain.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
More than certainly some set up made either by the french government to discredit him from runing the 2012 election as well as continue his job (even tough I suspect the american government to be part of this too) who can't stand that one man makes pressure to have debts decreased and other financial problems resolved more quickly. I don't think that dsk is the type of guy to fuck a house keeper. The house keeper lies and was payed to lie to discredit dsk.A house keeper is not a person that can be trusted and is often lieing.

I suppose that Tristane Banon was also lying about him attempting to rape her back in 2002 (are female journalists also liars by nature?). :dunno: And would it be that Piroska Nagy entrapped Dominique Strauss-Kahn in their affair (with the help of the U.S. government maybe?), and then tricked him into firing her, but made him find her a new job before the affair went public?

This poor man has just been a victim of scandalous, conniving females pretty much his whole life, huh? No wonder he ran out of that hotel, leaving his cellphone behind! The poor man knew that Big Daddy O was trying to frame him for rape.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
More than certainly some set up made either by the french government to discredit him from runing the 2012 election as well as continue his job (even tough I suspect the american government to be part of this too) who can't stand that one man makes pressure to have debts decreased and other financial problems resolved more quickly. I don't think that dsk is the type of guy to fuck a house keeper. The house keeper lies and was payed to lie to discredit dsk.A house keeper is not a person that can be trusted and is often lieing.

Instant same thought. The finance ministers of europe had a secret meeting just before, and it was leaked he had a very controversial point of view on the greece deal.

Plus Sarkozy hates this guys guts, he would have been a dangerous candidate against him next vote in france

Very convenient a woman screams rape.

I don't buy this story.
As it plays out, this is probably going to be one of the strangest news stories of the year. You'd think a guy staying in a $3000/night room would just put a callgirl on his IMF charge card and call it an "entertainment expense".

As sad as it is I think some people out there are just scumbags and probably get off on that type of stuff. Even though he could easily pay for a call girl it wouldn't surprise me if he did what he did.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I told you it was bullshit!

Lawyers for Dominique Strauss-Kahn have proof the IMF chief was at a restaurant having lunch with his daughter at the time he was alleged to be sexually assaulting a hotel maid, France's RMC radio reported on Monday.

RMC said the lawyers had pieced together Strauss-Kahn's movements and found that he left the hotel at midday, after paying his bill and handing in his key, then went to eat with his daughter and took a taxi to the airport.

The schedule meant he had already left the hotel at the time the maid alleged he chased her down a corridor, forced her into a room and assaulted her, RMC reported on its website, adding that the lawyers had material evidence and witnesses.

Strauss-Kahn, a center-left former finance minister whom polls had tipped as the likely frontrunner to win France's 2012 presidential election, will appear in court on Monday. The case has sent shockwaves around the world.

His lawyers have said he will plead not guilty to charges of a criminal sexual act, unlawful imprisonment and attempted rape, which threaten to bring a humiliating end to his career as International Monetary Fund managing director.

The radio did not cite its sources.

Of course, another woman surprisingly comes out of the woodwork, very conveniently RIGHT NOW:

Second Woman Accuses IMF Chief Of Assault

Anna North — IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was examined yesterday for physical evidence that he sexually assaulted a Manhattan hotel maid. And now, another woman has come forward to accuse him of assault.

According to the Times, detectives from Manhattan's Special Victims Unit searched Strauss-Kahn for signs of a struggle — in one official's words, "things like getting things from under the fingernails, the classic things you get in association with a sex assault." The alleged victim, who has not been named, also picked him out of a lineup. Now, back in France, another woman is filing a complaint alleging that Strauss-Kahn assaulted her in 2002. According to to the AFP, writer Tristiane Banon actually went public with her allegations in a 2007 TV segment, but Strauss-Kahn's name was bleeped out. She said that during an interview, a politician had asked to hold her hand, then tried to rape her. Banon elaborated,

It finished very violently — as I told him clearly "No, No!" — and we finished up fighting on the floor. There wasn't just a couple of blows. I kicked him, and he tried to unclip my bra, to open my jeans.

Banon has confirmed her alleged attacker was Strauss-Kahn, and is now working with a lawyer to file an official complaint. Her mother, Socialist politician Anne Mansouret, has also spoken publicly. She says,


This getting pathetic :2 cents:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Originally Posted by Rey C.
You'd think a guy staying in a $3000/night room would just put a callgirl on his IMF charge card and call it an "entertainment expense".

What Rey would have done had he been the IMF Chair. :1orglaugh

I've never even been in a $3000/night suite. So if you ever see me in one, yeah, it's safe to assume there's some illegal/immoral shit going down. For that matter, for 3 grand a night, you'd think they'd throw in at least a complimentary rub & tug. :dunno:
Think about the IMF being headed by the leading socialist in France.
You'd note that the french socialist have nearly nothing in common with what socialism was back in time in the 70' or the 80'.
And, inside the socialist french party, DSK was said to be one of the closest to the english Labour.
You'd note that the french socialist have nearly nothing in common with what socialism was back in time in the 70' or the 80'.
And, inside the socialist french party, DSK was said to be one of the closest to the english Labour.

That's who I thought they he was like.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Mahmoud Abdel-Salam Omar, Egyptian banker accused of groping maid, leaves Rikers on $25G

Maybe we need to start a master thread, where we can post all the emerging stories of bankers who rape and/or grope maids.

Why can't we get back to the good old days, when bankers just figuratively raped people?

Wonder who is going to be next in this Rapist Rogue's Gallery? My money is on Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman. He just looks like a rapist if I ever saw one! :cthulhu: