I'm very sad.

The greater the challenge, the sweeter the victory!

I had to work 2 shit jobs all the way through my 20s myself with a ton of debt... but it will pass... just keep plugging away and never lose sight of where you want to be, and you will be there someday! But you have to be single-minded and never even consider giving up.



Member, you member...
Time heals everything - in time all will come out well.
That job you want will happen and all those years investing in school will pay off.
Keep your head up!
Go out to a bar tonight and find yourself a nice little hottie for the evening..
Remember finding a job is a full time job.
Hit a bar 2 weekends ago, got some touching, some grinding-but alas, no touchdown.

My balls are about to explode.

Debt wise, right now I regret college, esp grad school. Hopefully, my debt will be worth it.
I have a huge student debt and no job. I feel like I've wasted years to no avail.
And I havent felt the silky wetness of a lady in like 6 months! I am going mildly crazy!
Sorry to hear. I know a lot of people go into massive student debt and it can never be discharged in bankruptcy either.

I guess I stayed at home and went to the local college, saving a lot of money and starting out with very little debt. I always figured I had to have $2.5M to retire on a budget equal to only $30K/year.

Yes, I live only $30K/year, basically near the poverty-level, so I can save all I can to reach my financial goals for retirement.
I'm younger, and retirement isnt [yet] an issue. But staying local was smart bro. I lost out taking high APR debt for grad school.

And you know right now, more then the debt, I just need some pussy. Just to smell that musky wetness. Damn.

Debt = bad. :yup:


I have a huge student debt and no job. I feel like I've wasted years to no avail.

And I havent felt the silky wetness of a lady in like 6 months! I am going mildly crazy!


Welcome to the real world!
I thought I was alone, except I haven't felt the silky wetness in more than 6 months.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I can relate. Not to those specific points but... My wife of almost 10 years, a woman who I thought "had my back" just decided to divorce me and try to take my son from me. I luckily have joint 50/50 custody. But it was a surprise because we never fought or argued. Boom, that was it. I feel she betrayed me and that hurts.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Real life isn't fun, but it will get better.
Just keep your head up and keep fighting.


Ok I offically need a shot of jack right now. kingfisher I'll buy you a drink or 2