I'm considering buying my first porn dvd lol

i'm strongly considering buying my first porn. What are some good Titles that you guys recommend. I'm not into gay porn or that weird stuff(like bondage or pee or stuff like that) So basically any suggestions from your run of the mill porn would be greatly appreciated. Also which virtual sex titles are good?
My first was Up and Cummers 11 it was Jenna Jamesons second movie. I wasnt dissapointed w/ my buy. Just look around Freeones and find someone you like and look through there store for one by them. Its all about who and what you like.


are you talking to me?
i recommend
"Bella loves Jenna"

and "The Fashionistas"

both available in Freeones Video Store :thumbsup:
big lu said:
every single vid from Ass Worship by Jules Jordan is a masterpeice
agreed, although i would extend that to pretty much every jules jordan video. i have the first 4 flesh hunter movies, and i highly recommend them.
I've purchased like 2 in my time, I was a little disapointed each time. Plus I got sick of em rather quickly. But that's just me - I move from one babe to another very quick. I say give it a shot. I really can't recommend any good titles though as I get mine from freeones...


Member, you member...
If you have a favorite actress in mind, buying a compilation dvd of that actress might be the way to go.
shop here http://adult.dvdempire.com/Content/Promotions/gonzo_Mar05/3rddegree.asp?userid=99364065947044 buy one get one free

3rd Degree studio is really good

some of the screenshots:
cum on in http://images.avfantasy.com//screen_shot/dvd23DF-COI.jpg
camel hoes 2 http://images.avfantasy.com//screen_shot/dvd23DF-00039.jpg
cum beggars http://images.avfantasy.com//screen_shot/dvd23DF-CuBe.jpg
crack addict 2 http://images.avfantasy.com//screen_shot/dvd23DF-00033.jpg
what gets you off http://images.avfantasy.com//screen_shot/dvd23DF-00013.jpg
wetter the better http://images.avfantasy.com//screen_shot/dvd23DF-00015.jpg

if you want softer core stuff I recommend "Last Girl Standing" its a Vivid film
that has a lot of the mainstream girls, jenna jameson, brianna banks, kira kenner, sunrise adams, savana samson etc.


heres screenshots of those other recommendations:
Bella Loves Jenna http://images.avfantasy.com//screen_shot/dvd2VID-24465.jpg

Fashionistas http://images.avfantasy.com//screen_shot/dvd2EA17443.jpg

i say you go for the 3rd Degree titles though. 2 for 1 and the sex is a lot hotter

let us know what you ended up choosing
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