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"I'll be Back" said the Terminator...

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Whats the world coming too? I believe in our right to own and carry guns too protect ourselves with, whether @ home or when were in public, but all the law abiding citizens are NOT the ones going out and committing all the crazy ass crimes that are killing and maiming people.

Were way to late for gun control so what do we do?? For instance I didn't watch the news tonight and this is what I miss. :surprise:



Like I already mentioned, The law abiding citizens that own guns are NOT the ones committing these crimes, so how do we stop criminals from getting and using illegal firearms that they own or were able to obtain in the street by illegal means (usually stolen or guns tossed cuz they were used in the commision of a prior felony) from getting these weapons and committing outrageous crimes like this, and others that have taken place in the not too distant past??? Its just getting ridiculous everyday some crazy shit happens.
When it comes to the street markets for firearms it is hard to keep track of what all is out there. That is why the government will not risk banning firearms.

The law abiding citizens might hand over their registered firearms, but that doesn't mean they haven't an unregistered. And does the government still plan on marching up to crime syndicates, street gangs, cartels, and every other crime group out there and asking them to hand over their firearms? Bullshit!

I remember hearing on the news about the gun and knife show circuits and how they require no background checks, they just sell the firearms to whomever as long as they have I.D., money, and, if I remember right, not a felon. No less the criminals will always find a way to get them. The law abiding citizen will end up being bottom of the criminal food chain. Well majority of them.
It has everything to do with Terminator!

If we ban firearms Skynet gets shut down and turned into some kind of radio frequency government program and we never have killer robots destroying all of humanity! Do you really want to live in a world that doesn't have an uprising of killer robots in the name of banning all types of firearms? DO YOU!?

I didn't think so.

Now start training.
Double post. Means my post is pretty damn important. Better read and believe.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
When it comes to the street markets for firearms it is hard to keep track of what all is out there. That is why the government will not risk banning firearms.

The law abiding citizens might hand over their registered firearms, but that doesn't mean they haven't an unregistered. And does the government still plan on marching up to crime syndicates, street gangs, cartels, and every other crime group out there and asking them to hand over their firearms? Bullshit!

I remember hearing on the news about the gun and knife show circuits and how they require no background checks, they just sell the firearms to whomever as long as they have I.D., money, and, if I remember right, not a felon. No less the criminals will always find a way to get them. The law abiding citizen will end up being bottom of the criminal food chain. Well majority of them.

I know there are loop holes in that circuit, there not all like that, in fact I bet most are on the up and up and sell according to whatever the law is.. If they get caught selling illegal firearms not only are they shutdown but they do some serious PRISON time... I think the Courts, Judges etc.. better start taking into consideration the repeat offenders, the violence involved in the original crime, and stiffer sentences for violent offenders... these criminals are allot of the time repeat offenders!! I think once the LAW is held to a stricter stance on these felons the 1st time they offend / commit a crime, that will decrease the criminal pool in society.

Also I would demand, make it a law, that law abiding citizens who own guns to have a SAFE or some means of gun security so thieves cannot steal there weapons. just a couple of suggestions I think could make a difference in who and how many criminals get a chance @ obtaining weapons and limit there chances of being free to do so.. :2 cents::dunno:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I remember hearing on the news about the gun and knife show circuits and how they require no background checks, they just sell the firearms to whomever as long as they have I.D., money, and, if I remember right, not a felon. No less the criminals will always find a way to get them. The law abiding citizen will end up being bottom of the criminal food chain. Well majority of them.

I think what they're talking about is some states (including mine) don't require private sellers to perform background checks on purchasers. So if I went to a gun show here and set up a booth, I wouldn't be required to perform a background check on anybody that I sold to. But the FFL holder at the table beside me would be required to perform the check, since that's a condition of his license. I went to a gun show with "Trooper Buddy" year before last and he bought several boxes of ammo in the parking lot, out of the trunk of a guy's car. I don't know if that was legal or not (being in the civic center parking lot), but I thought it was funny being with a cop from another state and he's buying ammo in the parking lot, out of the trunk of some oddball's car.

On principle, I'm not for making a change that requires private sellers to perform checks. But with all of the abuses (you're still not supposed to knowingly sell to convicted felons, people with dishonorable discharges from the military, etc.), I guess I could see my position changing without too much argument, as long as the government can provide a low cost, easy to use mechanism for doing it. Are they going to let private citizens into the FBI system? I kind of doubt that. So my question would be, how would a private citizen do the check, and still be prevented from going in every few weeks and looking up dirt on his ex-wife's new husband or whatever?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I know there are loop holes in that circuit, there not all like that, in fact I bet most are on the up and up and sell according to whatever the law is.. If they get caught selling illegal firearms not only are they shutdown but they do some serious PRISON time... I think the Courts, Judges etc.. better start taking into consideration the repeat offenders, the violence involved in the original crime, and stiffer sentences for violent offenders... these criminals are allot of the time repeat offenders!! I think once the LAW is held to a stricter stance on these felons the 1st time they offend / commit a crime, that will decrease the criminal pool in society.

Also I would demand, make it a law, that law abiding citizens who own guns to have a SAFE or some means of gun security so thieves cannot steal there weapons. just a couple of suggestions I think could make a difference in who and how many criminals get a chance @ obtaining weapons and limit there chances of being free to do so.. :2 cents::dunno:

You're also a big fan of The Wire, so I know you'll get this. See if you agree. Instead of the police continuing this retarded "war" on street level dope dealers and users (especially), I think the FBI, DEA, IRS and all the other alphabet Feds should be focusing on the big smugglers and their U.S. based bankers (what did Cedric Daniels say? "Follow the money"... right?). Let the local cops focus on violent crime, and as you said, violent repeat offenders.

I think it was Season 1 when the Commissioner decided to "put dope on the table". All it amounted to was a show of force... and it didn't mean or accomplish a damn thing. It was a PR stunt. And we see it every day.

You may not get the Jared Loughners of the world, or this guy who shot up the Detroit precinct... since I figure he was as batshit crazy as the guy from Arizona. But if we let cops be "real po-lice" again, maybe the hardcore criminals would get knocked back on their heels. Yeah? :dunno:

:2offtopic BTW, has anyone heard a followup on the story of the Bank of America and Wachovia bankers who laundered hundreds of millions of dollars for the Mexican drug cartels a couple of years ago? I heard there was a fine. But I'm sure somebody went to jail over that... right? How about the case back in the 90's where Polytech was going to smuggle hundreds of fully automatic AK-47's into L.A. for the street gangs. Is anybody doing 100 years over that? But I bet we'd see Pookie and Paco on the evening news, in cuffs, after the "drug task force" took them down and seized $10K in street value of drugs ("Hey Mildred! Come over here and look at all that dope the po-lice seized. The po-lice in this city sure do a good job, don't they?"). And maybe they also got a worn out Glock and an SKS with a missing trigger. Dope on the table!!! :nanner: :facepalm:


Its just getting ridiculous everyday some crazy shit happens.[/FONT] :facepalm::why:
You're absolutely correct, shit will tend happen in a nation occupied by 350 million people, but my question is... Are shootings really really on the up and up or is the media just fixated on reporting every single shooting as a national story?


Furthermore ... ''We must do something in the name of Gabby''.

(similar in nature to the Brady bill or.... worse!)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You're absolutely correct, shit will tend happen in a nation occupied by 350 million people, but my question is... Are shootings really really on the up and up or is the media just fixated on reporting every single shooting as a national story?

Well, to be fair, when a guy walks into a police station and opens fire... that's going to get coverage no matter what. But I think you're onto something. Remember five or six years ago when there were all these stories on the news about shark attacks? I think a little boy or a little girl got bitten early in the season, and then every incident made the nightly news. People went all Chicken Little and every story had a reference to Jaws. But at the end of that summer, some smart lad compiled the stats and found that shark attacks were actually LOWER that year than in previous years.

I do know one thing though. If I lived in the inner city, where shootings are all too common, I'd be pissed. Let's say you've heard of or seen a drive-by twice a week for the past six months... and nothing on the news about any of them. But let a Congresswoman and some cops get smoked, and now all of a sudden, we have a freakin' national epidemic? I would probably develop a "cry me a fuckin' river" attitude pretty quickly.
I do know one thing though. If I lived in the inner city, where shootings are all too common, I'd be pissed. Let's say you've heard of or seen a drive-by twice a week for the past six months... and nothing on the news about any of them. But let a Congresswoman and some cops get smoked, and now all of a sudden, we have a freakin' national epidemic? I would probably develop a "cry me a fuckin' river" attitude pretty quickly.

No kidding. And then you have asswipes like Spike Lee rambling on about how America is the most violent country in history. God I hate elitsts who ramble on about what is actually going on in the real world, as if they have a clue.


Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
You're also a big fan of The Wire, so I know you'll get this. See if you agree. Instead of the police continuing this retarded "war" on street level dope dealers and users (especially), I think the FBI, DEA, IRS and all the other alphabet Feds should be focusing on the big smugglers and their U.S. based bankers (what did Cedric Daniels say? "Follow the money"... right?). Let the local cops focus on violent crime, and as you said, violent repeat offenders.

I think it was Season 1 when the Commissioner decided to "put dope on the table". All it amounted to was a show of force... and it didn't mean or accomplish a damn thing. It was a PR stunt. And we see it every day.

You may not get the Jared Loughners of the world, or this guy who shot up the Detroit precinct... since I figure he was as batshit crazy as the guy from Arizona. But if we let cops be "real po-lice" again, maybe the hardcore criminals would get knocked back on their heels. Yeah? :dunno:

:2offtopic BTW, has anyone heard a followup on the story of the Bank of America and Wachovia bankers who laundered hundreds of millions of dollars for the Mexican drug cartels a couple of years ago? I heard there was a fine. But I'm sure somebody went to jail over that... right? How about the case back in the 90's where Polytech was going to smuggle hundreds of fully automatic AK-47's into L.A. for the street gangs. Is anybody doing 100 years over that? But I bet we'd see Pookie and Paco on the evening news, in cuffs, after the "drug task force" took them down and seized $10K in street value of drugs ("Hey Mildred! Come over here and look at all that dope the po-lice seized. The po-lice in this city sure do a good job, don't they?"). And maybe they also got a worn out Glock and an SKS with a missing trigger. Dope on the table!!! :nanner: :facepalm:

Exactly the gangs and the street level dealers might be huge fish, but the cartels and the people who supply the streets with all the DRUGS and GUNS are where things need to be shutdown / controlled, if the cops nail all criminals in the streets and the JUDGES put all of there ASSES behind bars for several years especially if the crimes were violent and carried out with guns.. the police wouldn't have to worry about previous offenders they've already dealt with 2 or 3 times already...

To be honest it also seems like the CRAZIES that commit crimes like the Detroit Police Precinct, the Arizona incident, either already had records with violent crimes or a detailed / noted MENTAL issues where if taken care of there people would either be in the Mental Facility or the State or Federal Prison System where they belong in the 1st place, instead of wandering around in public just waiting to explode. :2 cents:

I don't even remember hearing or knowing about (Bank of America / Wachovia) laundering money for the cartels or the gun running / smuggling by polytech for the L.A. gangs... but of course you hear about the little raid that got 25 guns off the streets. :dunno::facepalm:

You're absolutely correct, shit will tend happen in a nation occupied by 350 million people, but my question is... Are shootings really really on the up and up or is the media just fixated on reporting every single shooting as a national story?

I guess it depends on how many celebrities / kids are shot or get killed, but yeah, things happen everyday that get little or NO mention... But the Media sure loves and sensationalizes incidents that pull @ the heart strings of mainstream america.. :horse:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I don't mean to take your thread off topic, Marlo. But here's a Bloomberg link that details what BofA and Wachovia (later bought by Wells Fargo) did. A lot of other U.S (and foreign) based banks and financial institutions are named too. But BofA and Wachovia seemed to have their hands in it deeper than about anyone else. Bravo, to Bloomberg. :clap: But no, this didn't make the nightly news anywhere else. Not NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN or Fox (as far as I know).

BTW, search the story to see what kinds of prison sentences were levied. I couldn't find a word about the U.S. sending any of these bastards to jail.

Don't you think this is just like The Wire? Wasn't it Season 1 when Daniels' unit caught that stooge for a Congressman picking up bags of cash from the Barksdale crew at the lowrisers. And as soon as the Congressman's name was brought into it, they told Daniels to drop the case... and give the money back.

But just like on that TV show, what are cops obsessed with? Putting (little bits of) "dope on the table." :rolleyes:

Two different issues, I know. But I think if cops were freed up to be actual po-lice, a lot of the community based violent crime could be addressed more effectively. And like you said, if these HUGE sums of coke and heroin weren't making it in to begin with, how could it be sold on the street (like it is now)?

Just before sunset on April 10, 2006, a DC-9 jet landed at the international airport in the port city of Ciudad del Carmen, 500 miles east of Mexico City. As soldiers on the ground approached the plane, the crew tried to shoo them away, saying there was a dangerous oil leak. So the troops grew suspicious and searched the jet.

They found 128 black suitcases, packed with 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100 million. The stash was supposed to have been delivered from Caracas to drug traffickers in Toluca, near Mexico City, Mexican prosecutors later found. Law enforcement officials also discovered something else.

The smugglers had bought the DC-9 with laundered funds they transferred through two of the biggest banks in the U.S.: Wachovia Corp. and Bank of America Corp., Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its August 2010 issue.

Wachovia admitted it didn’t do enough to spot illicit funds in handling $378.4 billion for Mexican-currency-exchange houses from 2004 to 2007. That’s the largest violation of the Bank Secrecy Act, an anti-money-laundering law, in U.S. history -- a sum equal to one-third of Mexico’s current gross domestic product.

“It’s the banks laundering money for the cartels that finances the tragedy,” says Martin Woods, director of Wachovia’s anti-money-laundering unit in London from 2006 to 2009. Woods says he quit the bank in disgust after executives ignored his documentation that drug dealers were funneling money through Wachovia’s branch network.

“If you don’t see the correlation between the money laundering by banks and the 22,000 people killed in Mexico, you’re missing the point,” Woods says.
Banks Financing Mexico Gangs Admitted in Wells Fargo Deal

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
You're absolutely correct, shit will tend happen in a nation occupied by 350 million people, but my question is... Are shootings really really on the up and up or is the media just fixated on reporting every single shooting as a national story?

I think you've noticed how gun violence ALWAYS escalates. when they're trying to pass laws prohibiting firearms...and I don't mean, they try after the violence, I mean they try, and coincidentally, fucktards start shooting shit up. I know you've seen newscasters go off about the kind of gun used...and they have no clue about what they're talking about.

You want to stop criminals from getting guns...provide a tool for ANY private seller. A toll free number to call, and do a back round check, on the person he's selling the gun to. the ONLY reason they want to do away with gun shows, is because they can't keep track of the guns in the hands of the LAW ABIDING citizens...they could give a fuck less about criminals getting guns, that's how they generate billions of dollars for their bullshit war on gang violence, or their ridiculous war on drugs.