Idiotic ban of ad campaign as "nazi related"

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Burn on hot milk, now blow on cold water?
One more example of absurdity!

Fighthing with the "nazi heritage" so often turns into stupid and cockamamie forms, that it is just ridiculos!

This time esso/tchibo campaign was banned in Germany, cuz their ad slogan resembled the slogan written in the nazi concentration camp during WW2.

If follow this logic, any word could be banned, cuz most likely it had been pronounced by Hitler. Why not to ban the german language completely?

I think that "for each his own" is a popular expression that "belongs" to the whole humanity, and it is not linked to nazi only. It is used everywhere in the world, and this is really paranoidal idea to ban neutral expression, just cuz some guy with biased sense of humour decided to write it at the entrance to the nazi camp.

I guess that many aphorisms and combinations of words were used by Hitler in his speeches, and in wide nazi propaganda. But this fact should not make that phrases outlaw.

for example I even didn't knew about that phrase on the gates of nazi camp. So who's serving for nazi heritage more, those who use this words to advertise their peacefull products/services that has nothing to do with nazi, or those who remind everybody of the fact that many years ago the same words we written at the blah-blah-blah...and that's why it tends to be offensive! wtf?

the similar idiotic paranoidal fighting with the ghost was with swastika-look-alike military building

The campaign, which began in early January, used the expression "Jedem den Seinen", which can be translated as "to each his own" or "to each what he deserves", and is close to the slogan "Jedem das Seine" which hung at the entrance to the Buchenwald concentration camp.

That's bullshit! I'm sick of these fruity fucks who want to live in the past and ban everything that some fucking hermit living on a remote mountain somewhere might find offensive. So Hitler said something similar. Build a fucking bridge and get over it! I'm sure Hitler said many other things that are common expressions in everyday speech. Are they also gonna try to ban those? I'm sure Hitler would say "good morning" to people. Is "good morning gonna be banned from everyday speech? If their slogan had been, "Arbeit macht Frei" I would understand a public outcry, but something like what they had? Come on, that's an expression I've heard in 3 other languages!

This reminds me of something that happened after the 9/11 attacks. The second installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Two Towers, was due out 3 months after the attacks. After the attacks, some bullshit group like the ACLU was lobbying to have the movie's title changed because it might be offensive to some people. FUCK YOU!!! The title had absolutely nothing to do with planes being flown into buildings. Tolkien wrote the story 50-some-odd years prior to that! It was about the towers of the sun and the moon, not about office buildings in New York City.

If they're gonna ban something that Hitler endorsed, make it something worthwhile, not some obscure reference that most people don't know about. Their argument that it shows little knowledge of history is bogus. Most people would not know that it was a concentration camp slogan. You would only know the Nazi relation if you studied WWII further than the average person does.

One thing that they might think about banning (and it would benefit us greatly on Freeones right about now) is coprophilia, as rumor has it that Hitler was a lover of scat. ;)


Closed Account
That's bullshit! I'm sick of these fruity fucks who want to live in the past and ban everything that some fucking hermit living on a remote mountain somewhere might find offensive. So Hitler said something similar. Build a fucking bridge and get over it! I'm sure Hitler said many other things that are common expressions in everyday speech. Are they also gonna try to ban those? I'm sure Hitler would say "good morning" to people. Is "good morning gonna be banned from everyday speech? If their slogan had been, "Arbeit macht Frei" I would understand a public outcry, but something like what they had? Come on, that's an expression I've heard in 3 other languages!

This reminds me of something that happened after the 9/11 attacks. The second installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Two Towers, was due out 3 months after the attacks. After the attacks, some bullshit group like the ACLU was lobbying to have the movie's title changed because it might be offensive to some people. FUCK YOU!!! The title had absolutely nothing to do with planes being flown into buildings. Tolkien wrote the story 50-some-odd years prior to that! It was about the towers of the sun and the moon, not about office buildings in New York City.

If they're gonna ban something that Hitler endorsed, make it something worthwhile, not some obscure reference that most people don't know about. Their argument that it shows little knowledge of history is bogus. Most people would not know that it was a concentration camp slogan. You would only know the Nazi relation if you studied WWII further than the average person does.

One thing that they might think about banning (and it would benefit us greatly on Freeones right about now) is coprophilia, as rumor has it that Hitler was a lover of scat. ;)

I agree, and with that logic just shown, I'm going to ask for the ban of Coca-cola, is it was a sponsor of the Nazi Youth Core and therefore in league with Hilter.

(also, because I think it's shit, over commercialized has an appealing human rights record and makes people fat)
(also, because I think it's shit, over commercialized has an appealing human rights record and makes people fat)

Um, you mean appalling, right? :confused: I don't think any corporation has an appealing human rights record. :hatsoff:


Closed Account
Well spotted.

Moral of the story; Spell checkers give suggested spelling. Spell checkers don't always suggest the correct word


knows petras secret: she farted.
the fucking shape goes back wayyyy before hitler and the nazis. it was and still is a hindu symbol for good fortune.
I live in Germany and all I can say is that this "political correctness" issue is even harder here. In every school class I was taught that it is not ok to say that one is proud of being german or to be proud of german inventors, actors, scientists and so on. For citizens of other countries this would be possible because they didn´t start WW2. Now I´m far from being a patriot but you can imagine my frustration when I got expelled for two weeks from school just for asking: What the hell have I got to do with WW2?
BTW, excuse my bad grammar, I hope you can understand my post.


knows petras secret: she farted.
I live in Germany and all I can say is that this "political correctness" issue is even harder here. In every school class I was taught that it is not ok to say that one is proud of being german or to be proud of german inventors, actors, scientists and so on. For citizens of other countries this would be possible because they didn´t start WW2. Now I´m far from being a patriot but you can imagine my frustration when I got expelled for two weeks from school just for asking: What the hell have I got to do with WW2?
BTW, excuse my bad grammar, I hope you can understand my post.

your grammar is fine. and ive heard this from other germans in the states. germans are not proud of being german, which totally sucks. its a wonderful country with great contributions to the world steeped in good history as well. yeah, some asshole fucked it up for everyone but man. that blows. its not every germans fault, especially 60 years fucking later!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Wow, that's ridiculous. You know what...

I think I'm going to find the top Jew; the most important, influential Jew that has the most respect from the Jewish community and ask him/her to do me a favor. I am highly offended that they call themselves "Jews" and I would like them to stop using the term.

- "Jews" sounds like "juice"
- "Juice" is the nickname of O.J. Simpson
- O.J Simpson was a running back for the Buffalo Bills
- The Buffalo Bills just couldn't win a Super Bowl
- "Super Bowl" sounds like "soup bowl"
- I was eating a bowl of soup once and 20 children died the next day in a school fire

So, everytime they use the term "Jew", it is disrespectful to the children who died in that horrible, horrible fire. They should've done some research on the subject before they so disrespectfully offended so many people.
'To each his own' seriously? :wtf:

I really cant see how the connection was made. Yeah something similar was on a sign at a concentration camp, but out of however many people that live in Germany how many perentage wise actually made the connection between the two. I'm guessing not many, another storm in a tea cup created by people who have nothing better to do.

In this case, this slogan was not at all offensive.
Wow, that's ridiculous. You know what...

I think I'm going to find the top Jew; the most important, influential Jew that has the most respect from the Jewish community and ask him/her to do me a favor. I am highly offended that they call themselves "Jews" and I would like them to stop using the term.

- "Jews" sounds like "juice"
- "Juice" is the nickname of O.J. Simpson
- O.J Simpson was a running back for the Buffalo Bills
- The Buffalo Bills just couldn't win a Super Bowl
- "Super Bowl" sounds like "soup bowl"
- I was eating a bowl of soup once and 20 children died the next day in a school fire

So, everytime they use the term "Jew", it is disrespectful to the children who died in that horrible, horrible fire. They should've done some research on the subject before they so disrespectfully offended so many people.

I, personally, find it more offensive that the Bills were the AFC team in the Super Bowl. :hatsoff:
True. I won´t lie here live a lot of psychos as well who say that the Holocaust was a lie and nothing but anti-german propaganda. These superiour-race idiots have to be shot, no question. But what fucks me really up is this: For example, a bunch of young immigrants with bad social and economic backgrounds murder an old lady just to get hands on her 50,-€ NO ONE who works for any type of media would present it like that. All they would do is to state that there happened a crime committed by "teenagers". NOT that they´re immigrants because the media (television-news, newspaper, etc) fears to be accused of being fascistic. SPEAK THE GODDAMN TRUTH. If I could put my frustration concerning this topic into one post, probably some server would break down.
Y´all got repped. :hatsoff:
I live in Germany and all I can say is that this "political correctness" issue is even harder here. In every school class I was taught that it is not ok to say that one is proud of being german or to be proud of german inventors, actors, scientists and so on. For citizens of other countries this would be possible because they didn´t start WW2. Now I´m far from being a patriot but you can imagine my frustration when I got expelled for two weeks from school just for asking: What the hell have I got to do with WW2?
BTW, excuse my bad grammar, I hope you can understand my post.

Your english is very good.
WW2 was not your fault. (I assume ;) )
Although WW2 was not the responsibility of just one silly mustached person but many very recent people (many direct relatives of some today) making very awful, even evil choices ... I agree you make your own choices and shouldn't be forever forced to bear the burdens of others. Being perpetually criticized for things you personally didn't do and not being allowed to take pride in who you are is unfair.

But if you think about it, it is not so uncommon. Several interesting parallels exist. Just as one example, it is not uncommon for whites in the United States to be called "white devils" or "white trash" without anyone batting an eyelash, even though those whites may be descendants of ancestors who fought and died in a war to free African slaves. Or their ancestors may have risked their lives or castration to hide and shelter fleeing slaves. In any case, they didn't personally take part.

Even though you personally had nothing to do with slavery, even though you may be descended from such a noble ancestor who fought against slavery when it was easy to do nothing .. you are not allowed stand up and say something as simple as "I'm proud to be white!" .... Anyone who doubts this should try it and see the various reactions they get.... (be careful)

Interesting post jamrak...
As usual George Carlin was so right about racial/national pride. He said why would you be proud of something that isn't an accomplishment and comes to you automatically just by being born? You never hear anyone say, "I'm proud to be left handed" or "I'm proud to have a genetic predisposition towards alcoholism."
As usual George Carlin was so right about racial/national pride. He said why would you be proud of something that isn't an accomplishment and comes to you automatically just by being born? You never hear anyone say, "I'm proud to be left handed" or "I'm proud to have a genetic predisposition towards alcoholism."


I'm proud to have a huge cock. Even though it just comes naturally too.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Tolkien wrote the story 50-some-odd years prior to that! It was about the towers of the sun and the moon, not about office buildings in New York City.

They weren't towers, they were two great trees, which later became the Moon and the Sun; Silpion(Moon) & Telperion(Sun), although the one we see is just a mere vessel for the great flowers which it carried.
Yeah its pretty bad here in GER. It really is nothing else than "to everyone what he deserves". If it was "Arbeit macht frei" then, yeah, I'd understand it.

We here are definitly over sensitive. In 2006 we had the soccer world cup here and there were lots of Germany flags at that time and the media instantly began to warn that this would be a good place for nazis/political extremists to hide in the mass. I'll never understand people here fully because I don't had anything to do with it.

In History in school we really discussed topics like "how could it come so far", "who is to blaim" etc. really really intesitive...and we were told like 6 billion times never to forget that it was the germans fault.

yeah it was, but fuck that. I know it, I remember it but if I want to be proud of my country for w/e reason I will be proud, bottom line.

That's just really dumb around here.
Yeah its pretty bad here in GER. It really is nothing else than "to everyone what he deserves". If it was "Arbeit macht frei" then, yeah, I'd understand it.

We here are definitly over sensitive. In 2006 we had the soccer world cup here and there were lots of Germany flags at that time and the media instantly began to warn that this would be a good place for nazis/political extremists to hide in the mass.

Exactly, can you remember how forbidden it was to shout: Deutschland!
Instead one should shout: ´Schland.
Just so it wasn´t too patriotic. Man.... :rolleyes: