I Have A "Bug Problem"...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I live in an apartment building on the third floor. Once a month, we have an exterminator come to our building and spray for bugs...on the outside. I rarely see bugs in my apartment (maybe 1 or 2 every 6 months or so), but lately I've been noticing that I see one every other day or so. The bugs are things like beetles, millipedes and things like that.

I'm assuming that they're getting in through my bedroom windows because A) that's where I see most of them and B) I have a window air conditioner unit so there could be a gap in the "seal". I think that the bugs are climbing up the side of the building somehow and waltzing into my extremely comfortable home. I hate it.

I've tried bug sprays and bug traps but those don't seem to work. I don't want to call a private exterminator and pay a lot of money to keep bugs from getting into my apartment, but I also don't want bugs in my apartment.

Does anyone have any tips on how to help prevent bugs from getting into my apartment?

FYI - The only reason this bothers me so much is because my bed is right by the windows that they're (assumingly) getting in through. I don't want to wake up with a big ass bug on my cheek and have a heart attack while I scream like a little girl. That is not how I would like to die.

PS - I literally just found a bug crawling on the wall by my pillow. I was trying to sleep, BUT...now I'll be up for a while because I'm a big pussy.
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oh, you're using Firefox v.3 too?


Hiliary 2020
youre in chicago right?
its sept, maybe the bugs know its gonna start getting cold soon and they are
looking for refuge.
I remember when I was a kid that in mid sept-ealry october crickets would start sneeking into the basement. alot of them.
so give it a month, they'll start dying off.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
My suggestion: Do what I do. Grow a bigger pair of balls and deal with it while they crawl or fly inside in their last dying days. It's cold outside and they're on the refuge trail. CLOSE ALL THOSE ACCESS POINTS! You want air conditioning with insects, or you want the actual temperature without creepy crawlies? MAN UP AND CLOSE ALL ENTRY POINTS UNTIL IT SNOWS! ;)

No offense, btw. Just sayin'.
I like big stomping boots used for the destruction of all small critters, bugs, spiders, rats, weasels, dogs, cats, little children, etc...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My suggestion: Do what I do. Grow a bigger pair of balls and deal with it while they crawl or fly inside in their last dying days. It's cold outside and they're on the refuge trail. CLOSE ALL THOSE ACCESS POINTS! You want air conditioning with insects, or you want the actual temperature without creepy crawlies? MAN UP AND CLOSE ALL ENTRY POINTS UNTIL IT SNOWS! ;)

No offense, btw. Just sayin'.

But...they're HUGE!!! And CREEPY!!!



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
But...they're HUGE!!! And CREEPY!!!


So are my ex-gf's tits. But you gotta face your fears and then cum on them.

or at least the first part. Facing the fears. ;)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Her boobs were creepy? I don't think I want to know...:uohs:

Honestly no, I think her tits are beau..ahem, WERE beautiful. She came back a month ago and we had lovely sex. But she goes to the tanning booth now and they're not the same. Freckles. Darker. BLEH.

Her pussy was better because her idiot new husband has a tiny dick and doesnt appreciate her in bed, but oh well. Not my concern.

So yeah, I loved her tits. Beautiful round things that helped my cum. But they exist only in memory. :(
Buy a fly swatter and have some piece of mind. Around this time every year, you tend to get a lot of those pesky flies/insects in your house every time you open the door. What a pain in the ass!
We get waves of different bugs here. Love Bugs, then caterpillars eating leaves and making nasty looking nests, and now it's milipede season. How they get in I don't know.
Great Stuff Window Sealants

Pros: Completely seals all the cracks around your A/C unit. Improves the energy efficency of your apartment in summer or winter. Available at most large hardware stores (I found it at Lowes).

Cons: It's a bitch to get off the window frame when you move out. You've been warned :uohs:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
We get waves of different bugs here. Love Bugs, then caterpillars eating leaves and making nasty looking nests, and now it's milipede season. How they get in I don't know.

Apparently they're the smartest things on the face of the planet. What has always amazed me is how bugs somehow manage to crawl up floors and floors and floors of buildings.

Here in Chicago, there is a building called The Hancock Center which has a restaurant/bar all the way up on the 95th floor. (Awesome view) Everytime I've been there, there's always spiders on the outside of the windows. Seriously, how did they get all the way up to the 95th floor?!?!?! :eek:
I live in an apartment building on the third floor. Once a month, we have an exterminator come to our building and spray for bugs...on the outside. I rarely see bugs in my apartment (maybe 1 or 2 every 6 months or so), but lately I've been noticing that I see one every other day or so. The bugs are things like beetles, millipedes and things like that.

Whew! When I saw the headline I was afraid you were referring to bugs “below the equator” and on your “person”.
.... It's cold outside and they're on the refuge trail. CLOSE ALL THOSE ACCESS POINTS!....
That's what's goin on for sure but use Ortho Home Defense Max in the spring. Your crib will be on lockdown...FOR REAL. I swear by this stuff! H.Depot or Lowes. It costs about $10 bucks a gallon but it works so well, you wont get through half the bottle. They have a smaller bottle for $6 or so but for your situation; it's better to have too much than too little.


I only get ants, moths, flys and spiders inside where i live. I can deal with killing all of them except for the spiders. As soon as I see a spider I scream like a school girl and head for high ground.

once I saw a rat in the basement, that was freaky, it was so big and I was scared to go venture down there, I only knew it was safe when I sent my sister down there and she came running back to tell me there was a rat caught in a trap
I've gotten so many spiders and other assorted little crawly things in my house that I've just stopped trying to fight it and only kill them when I see them anymore.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I've gotten so many spiders and other assorted little crawly things in my house that I've just stopped trying to fight it and only kill them when I see them anymore.

I never kill spiders. They crawl, they build.. there's a web or three in my bathroom still. (despite the onset of winter's early stages)

People are freaked out by it but honestly.. my home is bug free(besides spiders) because of it. If I see a fly, mosquito or ant in my house, it's already in a web and being EATEN! GUA HA HEEE! My 8 legged friends will kick your ass!

I like spiders. I'll share my home anytime in the summer. Come on in, build a home in a corner and chill.


I swear.. if I had a dollar for every time a small black crawling thing (spider) caught my eye in November/December...