Official Checked Star Member
It's not passion, it's formulated outrage...or rather, the total exploitation and capitalization of dead children. If it was about the victims, then she'd actually cover more cases with more victims, instead of focusing on the sex life, family life and jail house eating habits of Misty Croslin, Casey Anthony and the fucking Hogan family.
Showing slow motion home movie footage set to a sad piano score is just pathetic. She's nothing more that a populist who knows that lonely stupid people will join in her pretend outrage to fool themselves into thinking it makes them better people. It's easy to forget how insignificant and flawed we are when we can sit back and curse and jeer suspected child killers every single night.
Chill lol. I don't care about what it is, because I don't watch her show. If you don't like it, don't watch it. :dunno: