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Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans protest killings

By ALEXANDRA OLSON, Associated Press Writer
Sun Aug 31, 6:36 AM ET

MEXICO CITY - Hundreds of thousands of frustrated Mexicans, many carrying pictures of kidnapped loved ones, marched across the country Saturday to demand government action against a relentless tide of killings, abductions and shootouts.


In the capital, Romana Quintera, 72, wore T-shirt with a photograph of her baby grandson, who was kidnapped for ransom five years ago when gunmen burst into her home and killed her niece. Two people imprisoned for the attack have refused to reveal the boy's fate, and Quintera said investigators have given up on the case.

"We're desperate," she said, holding back tears. "We ask authorities with all our heart to be more sensitive. Maybe nothing like this has happened to them, or they would be more sensitive."


Homicides have surged as drug cartels battle each other for control of trafficking routes and stage vicious attacks against police nearly each day. In the gang-plagued border state of Chihuahua alone, there have been more than 800 killings this year, double the number during the same period last year.

This week, a dozen headless bodies were found in the Yucatan Peninsula, home to Mexico's most popular beach resort, Cancun.



Such lovely people down there in Mexico...:wtf:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I know this makes me sound heartless, but wearing a t-shirt with your kidnapped or murdered childs face on it isn't making a difference. They've been missing for 5 years. Chances are, they're dead, and that's probably why the police have stopped investigating it like it just happened.

There's nothing wrong with holding on to hope (what ever gets you through the day), but people like that need a reality check. Your kid is probably dead and you should probably start making peace with it before you go crazy.
Most of that violence is related to the so called "war on drugs" and the demand for drugs in the US.But that's their fault right? Same thing with what goes on in Columbia.We want drugs but keep them illegal so poorer people of the world are killing each other to reap the profits and then they are made out to be the bad guys.It's really amazing how people here just refuse to see it's us and our laws and demand for drugs at the heart of the problem here.:wtf:
Most of that violence is related to the so called "war on drugs" and the demand for drugs in the US.But that's their fault right? Same thing with what goes on in Columbia.We want drugs but keep them illegal so poorer people of the world are killing each other to reap the profits and then they are made out to be the bad guys.It's really amazing how people here just refuse to see it's us and our laws and demand for drugs at the heart of the problem here.:wtf:

No dount. We are definately part of the problem. But what do you suggest we do? Legalize all drugs?

I'm for legalizing marijuana but anything beyond that is a little sketchy. I don't think it would be good for society if people could just pick-up a gram of cocaine or meth at the local 7-11.
No dount. We are definately part of the problem. But what do you suggest we do? Legalize all drugs?

I'm for legalizing marijuana but anything beyond that is a little sketchy. I don't think it would be good for society if people could just pick-up a gram of cocaine or meth at the local 7-11.

I would legalize all of them and treat it as a health insted of a criminal issue as most of the europeans do.We already have bigger % of people in jail than almost any country in the world.We tried prohibitng things people wanted like alcohol once and we all know how well that went.The bad effects of drug use are undeniable as the bad effects of alcohol are undeniable but downsides with all the people in jail and the other bad effects of trying to prohibit them is even worse.The people making huge profits off them would be against their legalization as well lol.
No dount. We are definately part of the problem. But what do you suggest we do? Legalize all drugs?

I'm for legalizing marijuana but anything beyond that is a little sketchy. I don't think it would be good for society if people could just pick-up a gram of cocaine or meth at the local 7-11.

I'm not into drugs at all, including marijuana, but I would still not have a real problem with legalizing mariguana. As far as everything else goes, no way. Someone doing a little weed next door is not going to concern me, but someone being able to be high on meth next door freely would be a problem.
I'm not into drugs at all, including marijuana, but I would still not have a real problem with legalizing mariguana. As far as everything else goes, no way. Someone doing a little weed next door is not going to concern me, but someone being able to be high on meth next door freely would be a problem.

I understand exactly what your saying but I think we need to maybe think about that having them being illegal is really not cutting down on their usage.
In fact I think them being illegal and the forbidden fruit is part of the allure of doing them at all.The europeans have much different approach and much less of a drug problem.
I would legalize all of them and treat it as a health insted of a criminal issue as most of the europeans do.We already have bigger % of people in jail than almost any country in the world.We tried prohibitng things people wanted like alcohol once and we all know how well that went.The bad effects of drug use are undeniable as the bad effects of alcohol are undeniable but downsides with all the people in jail and the other bad effects of trying to prohibit them is even worse.The people making huge profits off them would be against their legalization as well lol.

Yeah I agree that drug abuse should be looked at as a health issue and not a criminal one.

I think one of the main problems with countries like Mexico, where drug cartels are a big problem, is that the police and government officials in those countries are so corrupt. And the ones who are not corrupted are threatened and/or killed by the drug cartels. So there is no justice.

The US will never legalize drugs like cocaine, meth, heroin etc. So the only way to stem the drug violence is to protect government officials from the cartels and to root out corruption in the police forces. Which is easier said than done.
Most of that violence is related to the so called "war on drugs" and the demand for drugs in the US.But that's their fault right? Same thing with what goes on in Columbia.We want drugs but keep them illegal so poorer people of the world are killing each other to reap the profits and then they are made out to be the bad guys.It's really amazing how people here just refuse to see it's us and our laws and demand for drugs at the heart of the problem here.:wtf:

Excuses, excuses.

Savages! That's what they are. I had another article about a particularly alarming trend going down there as well. The article is about the disturbing trend of out of control rape going on down there. I'll see if I can dig it up...
So let me see if I understand this. Is the theory that's being proffered here that mexicans and/or hispanics are more savage than caucasians?
So let me see if I understand this. Is the theory that's being proffered here that mexicans and/or hispanics are more savage than caucasians?

I don't know, you tell me. Are they?

More than 800 women were killed in Mexico in 2004 alone. The wave of killings, which includes the ongoing disappearance and murder of large numbers of women in Ciudad Juárez, on the U.S. border, led the Chamber of Deputies to create a Special Commission on "Femicide", also in 2004, which is due to be dissolved on Aug. 31.

According to the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information Technology (INEGI), over 6,000 girls, teenagers and women were murdered for gender-related reasons in the last six years, up to the end of 2005.

"Mexican women are often seen as objects to be used and discarded, to be thrown on the rubbish heap, as literally happens in Ciudad Juárez.


Swell people though, eh? A culture that treats its woman like this is appauling - truly sickening and flat out appauling.


what the fuck you lookin at?
hmmm...thats one way to control illegal immigration...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Swell people though, eh? A culture that treats its woman like this is appauling - truly sickening and flat out appauling.

Our culture treats women like that, but in a more (and I hate to use this word) "sophisticated" way. Our society womanizes, rapes and abuses women just as much as other cultures.
Most of that violence is related to the so called "war on drugs" and the demand for drugs in the US.But that's their fault right? Same thing with what goes on in Columbia.We want drugs but keep them illegal so poorer people of the world are killing each other to reap the profits and then they are made out to be the bad guys.It's really amazing how people here just refuse to see it's us and our laws and demand for drugs at the heart of the problem here.:wtf:

Well you know how the drug cartels are financed by the US when it serves their purpose, such as in the now renamed School of the Americas*.

Innocent Voices was a great film about US support of a Latin American military on a murderous rampage against it's own expendable people. Sounds like the institution of the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden during the Soviet's Afghanistan invasion and others. So, what's new with you?


School of the Americas Watch is an advocacy organization founded by Maryknoll Father Roy Bourgeois and a small group of supporters in 1990 to protest the training of mainly Latin American military officers, by the United States Army, at the School of the Americas (SOA). Most notably, SOA Watch conducts a vigil each November at the site of the academy, located on the grounds of Fort Benning, a US Army military base in Columbus, Georgia, in protest over myriad alleged abuses committed by graduates of the academy, including murders, rapes and torture and contraventions of the Geneva Accord. Military officials deny the charges, stating that even if graduates commit war crimes after they return to their home country, the school itself should not be held accountable for their actions. Responding to mounting protests spearheaded by SOA Watch,[citation needed] in 2000 the United States Congress renamed the School of the Americas the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), rather than closing the academy. In addition, all students must undergo a minimum of eight hours of class on human rights.
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Assume all you want. You know what they say about assume: Don't make an ass out of u and me. :rofl:

I don't know, are they? Read the article I just listed. Are they? I'll assume you can read. :rofl2:

Keep dancing, ninetysix.
You're not fooling anybody.
Our culture treats women like that, but in a more (and I hate to use this word) "sophisticated" way. Our society womanizes, rapes and abuses women just as much as other cultures.

Brother CCT, you read the articles I provided, correct? America abuses women just as much as other cultures? Sure about that? That is one hefty number for all those crimes against women down there. :dunno:

Keep dancing, ninetysix.
You're not fooling anybody.

That's right bodie54, let 'em all come to America. That's the ticket. :D


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Brother CCT, you read the articles I provided, correct? America abuses women just as much as other cultures? Sure about that? That is one hefty number for all those crimes against women down there. :dunno:

I could list all of the women that I personally know who have been raped and abused but I don't want to get carpal tunnel in both of my wrists, so...yeah, I'm sure.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::thinks about what to post::

Hmm. Rape perhaps? Border control? Nah.. not my gig.

::downs some wine::

Maybe, I..nah. Not in the mood to joke.

::looks down at my dick::

You're all wanked out tonight, bud. No more tuggin' on you 'til tomorrow. ..or well after midnight.

::looks around drive E::

Ah, the Brothers Grimm. Been meanin' to see that. Yup. I'll watch that. Ooh, a 2cd version. Decent quality MP4. Mmm.