How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang rape

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

^ youre just defending degenerate depraved behavior because they are mexican.
dont kid yourself man, you are defending rapists because of their race.

I'll keep this request short & simple for you: point out the exact post and the exact words where I defended any rapist at any time. Can you do that? Give it a try.

Am I just being irrational and illogical.
If that's how you've interpreted anything that I've posted, then yes... yes, you are.

I'll even give you some of what I posted to Facetious. You can start with that. Apply whatever spin you can and then we'll discuss your findings. But I don't see how what I posted could be interpreted as a defense of rape or rapists... unless the person reading it has a very foggy mind or a severe lack of basic, comprehensive abilities.

Was this a race based case? I don't know, as I have previously stated. It is possible. It's also possible that these asshole guys just saw a vulnerable girl (who happened to be White) and would have preyed on her no matter what. And yeah, I have been picking on the people who know what they know, based on nothing more than the fact that they know what they know because that's what they know. Is there sometimes a double standard applied when issues of race, gender or religion are in question? Yes, and I believe I've stated that in more than a few previous posts as well. Where people are getting crossed up in their underwear is when they claim for a fact that race is the root cause of this or other violent crimes. But they act as if supporting data is covered in the H1N1 virus. I'm fresh out of freebies and passes. Bring data. Use some (at least) basic logic!
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

The Hate Crime talk is premature at best or misguided and unwarranted at worst. It's best not to insert one's own "incorrectness" in search of a situation (like this gang rape crime) to then trumpet an unpopular view on race relations or to try to create "reverse discrimination" situation.

Hate crimes are 99% of the time INTENTIONAL. This means the perps WANT to leave undeniable clues about race to intimidate or glorify their actions. Where are the swastikas? Okay, so these perps are latinos, where are the anti-white markers? :dunno:

The victim knew one of the perps ahead of time. It's looking more like an initiation rape of some kind. Maybe.

Plus all this 'hate crime' speculation is just distraction away from the fact that the power structure in that school failed miserably. Adults are to blame in the end for not intervening.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

Plus all this 'hate crime' speculation is just distraction away from the fact that the power structure in that school failed miserably. Adults are to blame in the end for not intervening.

I disagree. While it does appear that the school failed to stop it, the individuals who raped the girl are to blame for the crime, and the bystanders who watched and failed to intervene as to blame as well to a lesser degree.

This is the problem I have with our current societal belief system, we place the blame everywhere for individual's behavior except where it truly belongs: on the INDIVIDUAL.


Hiliary 2020
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

yes and individuals make up groups.
And some groups have a much higher rate of committing violent crimes than others.
just as some have a much higher rate of being the victims of others.
I'm just saying that if a government, its law enforcement,the news media, the school system, and its people can't/won't even recognize that due to political correctness and/or fear of being labeled and possibly having your life destroyed well than fuck it, we should just stop bitching about how terrible these crimes are and just get used to it, cause its only gonna increase.
The whole situation makes me sad in many ways.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

before we go any further ..... Group Hug ? :D

:rofl::1orglaugh Well timed, Facetious!

One point of order. The issue of "race" keeps being brought up here. I would like to point out that Hispanics are not a separate "race" per se. They are actually a varying blend of Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid so they truly do not represent a separate "race". Techincally, they are an ethnic group.

There can obviously be similar sentiments that relate to racial issues when it comes to ethnicity so perhaps the distinction is a small one, but I think it is important to point this out since the word "racism" is one of those politically-charged words that is rife will all sorts of assumed accusatory qualities. I think it is possible to identify certain negative traits that may tend to be more prevalent within certain segments of American society (including certain segments of ethnic groups) without being a bigot and certainly without being a racist. To label all members of that ethnic group as possessing those traits....that is bigoted.

OK....back to the show! :popcorn:
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

I hope to God that every one of these animals gets raped brutally in prison and then beaten to death.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

I hopeto god that every one of these people is correctly identified, charged and sentenced to the full letter of the law and then treated in a humane fashion while having their rights and freedoms as citizens curtailed. During this process I hope that they come to realize the full horror of their actions and take steps to atone for them. If and when they are deemed to have those rights reinstated I hope that they do not leave the penal system as hate filled deranged monsters with distended rectums.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

I hopeto god that every one of these people is correctly identified, charged and sentenced to the full letter of the law and then treated in a humane fashion while having their rights and freedoms as citizens curtailed. During this process I hope that they come to realize the full horror of their actions and take steps to atone for them. If and when they are deemed to have those rights reinstated I hope that they do not leave the penal system as hate filled deranged monsters with distended rectums.

LOL...your "distended rectums" ending made me laugh.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

Using a mossberg 590 pumpgun or a m1a1 assault rifle and shooting these fuckers is better than having your girlfriend humiliated. These trashbags don't desserve to live, they desserve to die kinda like in the movie death sentance.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

Guy gets 31 years for throwing poo. These guys might find some way to get out of prison. If they don't get over 31 years our system is fucked.

are u fuckin kiddin me??? nobody got 31 yrs for throwing poop

Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

smh @ you white folks are so ignorant when it comes to poverty stricken areas. i grew up in LA and have been here in FL for a while.

it's a known fact that whites are more racist towards non-whites than non - whites are to whites.

whites have groups dedicated to killing non - whites

the blacks that "hate" whites only hate becuz they think whites hate them. whites hate blacks because they just flat out hate all non - whites and fear 'em..

blacks think white cops are out to get them.

man i know wtf im talkin about. yeah there are the few true black racists, but majority really ain't racist. now blacks vs mexican is a diff story
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

smh @ you white folks are so ignorant when it comes to poverty stricken areas. i grew up in LA and have been here in FL for a while.

it's a known fact that whites are more racist towards non-whites than non - whites are to whites.

whites have groups dedicated to killing non - whites

the blacks that "hate" whites only hate becuz they think whites hate them. whites hate blacks because they just flat out hate all non - whites and fear 'em..

blacks think white cops are out to get them.

man i know wtf im talkin about. yeah there are the few true black racists, but majority really ain't racist. now blacks vs mexican is a diff story

Dude, Im white, and I have been in enough small towns throughout the southeast where when I was working, all I heard was "bout time a honky does some work" and other snide remarks. I heard the same remarks in other towns with my black co-worker.

I was in job corps, 1800 blacks, 200 whites, 200 hispanics. whites and hispanics teamed up to stay somewhat safe. But there were times I had to go toe to toe with 5 or more black guys trying to kick my ass because I was white. You wanna know how many times I saw a group of black kids jumping a white or hispanic kid?

Yes there is still racism from whites, but blacks and hispanics are just as racist.
My wife's (who is part mexican) grandfather used to get his ass kicked every time he went to visit his hot little mexican girlfriend by her brothers simply because it was a white man. He persisted, they backed off. Thank god, otherwise my wonderful son would not be here.

Yes, a lot of racism is born into people, and people of every color are racist. Try being a white guy in Japan.

Blacks in america have a huge issue with crabbing, until they fix that amongst themselves, then they have no room to stand. God forbid a black woman gets ahead in life and ends up marrying/dating a white guy. You should hear the insults slung at her from her own relatives....

While blacks make up about 13% of the population, they do 22% of the hate crimes reported by the FBI. So much for only white people are racist. So while white people are 80% of the population, they do around 55% of hate crimes.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

One point of order. The issue of "race" keeps being brought up here. I would like to point out that Hispanics are not a separate "race" per se. They are actually a varying blend of Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid so they truly do not represent a separate "race". Techincally, they are an ethnic group.

Very good point. And you're right. To take it one step further, most of the race card poker players here are actually talking about Mexicans, not so much Hispanics. And "Mexican" certainly isn't an ethnic group, but a nationality. My ex-fiance was Latina/Hispanic (half Italian and half Spanish), and neither she nor her family liked Mexicans either - they were from Peru. Me, I don't like or dislike Mexicans or anybody else - I pretty much dislike everybody equally! :lovecoupl And I don't like anyone in a gang or any violent criminal. I don't care if you're in the Crips, La Cosa Nostra, Israeli/Russian mafia, Mexican Mafia, Bulldogs, Hells Angels, Triads or Aryan Brotherhood - to me, you're trash, no matter which one of those groups you run with. And being weird like I am, I see a White Hells Angel raping a White girl, a Black Crip raping a Black girl or a Mexican Bulldog raping a Mexican girl as being just as bad as if they rape a girl from some other nationality, racial or ethnic group. I don't know where I get these crazy ideas from. I'm dating a Democrat right now, so that's probably it. :dunno:

There can obviously be similar sentiments that relate to racial issues when it comes to ethnicity so perhaps the distinction is a small one, but I think it is important to point this out since the word "racism" is one of those politically-charged words that is rife will all sorts of assumed accusatory qualities. I think it is possible to identify certain negative traits that may tend to be more prevalent within certain segments of American society (including certain segments of ethnic groups) without being a bigot and certainly without being a racist. To label all members of that ethnic group as possessing those traits....that is bigoted.

Again, you make very good points. No one is arguing that violent crime rates are not higher among certain races, nationalities, ethnic groups, or for that matter, socio-economic groups (less educated and poor Whites commit a much higher percentage of violent crimes than better educated, upper middle class and upper class Whites). This can easily be shown by the empirical data... not so much anecdotal stories, from people who have their own (rather unique) perceptions of reality, or might just be making up stories for convenience sake. My interest and frustration in this thread was because of the simple minded fashion that some have in discussing this particular crime - which is horrible, no matter the motivation. But to some, anyone who wants to discuss emperical data or actual facts has to be some kinda left-wing, pinko, commie luvin', race traitor, guilt conscienced liberal... that takes up for scummy taco benders, who don't do nothin' sides sit 'round and dream about rapin' White womins. Cant you see the truff, man???!!! Theys takin' over!!! :rolleyes: Yeah, whatever. Like I said, some believe what they believe, just because that's what they like to believe. Some people believe the Earth is 6,000 years old too. And to them, those of us who refer to contrary data are "Godless sinners who are trying to destroy the moral fabric of this great Christian nation." Again, whatever. I always try to consider the source when race and religion topics come up. Data and facts are not what some people want to hear or talk about. Such is life. Ignorance is bliss.

But being a generally good spirited fellow, I think even Facetious appreciates that it really is knee slappin' funny when one uses the argument that Mexicans (or Mexican culture) thrives on rape (to the point that they hang the rape victims' panties from trees! Dang, that's gacho, Ese!) - and that's supposed to support the belief that Mexicans, in particular, are prone to this sort of thing. But THEN (the part that had me laughing), not 2 days later, the same person uses a totally different argument (that completely steps on his first anecdotal claim), to supposedly support his belief that this was indeed a race based hate crime of Mexicans against this White(?) girl. See, some Mexican "friends" of his, combined with his street cred and gut feel, have told him that Mexicans don't dehumanize other Mexicans by raping them. But... uh... wait... what happened to the hanging of the panties from the trees from the Mexican women crossing the border??? And what about those two Mexican girls that the Fresno Bulldogs shot in the head after they raped one of them??? Sumthin' ain't addin' up! ;)

My dad had loads of great sayings when I was growing up. You usually got a wise country saying just prior to a good ass whoopin'. One was, "If you're going to tell a lie, at least tell a good lie!" Another was, "If you ever rob a bank, at least be smart enough to wear a mask." So some people need to tell better lies on here and work a little harder to mask where they're actually coming from, IMO. :rofl:

The main thing is that this girl recovers as best she can, and the perpetrators of this crime are held accountable and punished to the fullest extent under the law. And hopefully this school and others will learn valuable lessons about security too.


Hiliary 2020
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

I do agree with alot of what you wrote rey.
The last part about the girl recovering the punishment and the school is true.

I'd like to add addressing this post is about the girl making a statement to the school.
What needs to be learned there is how political correctness is deadly.
THe school needs to recognize whites as the minority, because they are.
they dont because of PC
THe vice principal and others saw the men outside but did nothing, not even question them.
THey put PC ahead of student safety, and a girl got raped and almost killed.
WE also need to ask why the crowd of can I assume mostly if not all mexican, not simply latinos, watched and did nothing.
I interperate that as racism, because it was a white girl and the sick fuck rapists were mexican.......... of course its up to the individual to see it as they believe.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

You mean the violent crime, I assume. No one group is causing "all the terror" in Washington, D.C. South East D.C. is probably still the highest crime area in Washington. It's a heavily Black area, although there are probably some Hispanics that have moved in since I left NoVA - the best part of a visit to D.C. and NoVA is when you leave town, IMO. But S.E. is the poorest area. N.W. is (or was) the most prosperous area and is pretty integrated with Blacks, Whites, Asians and Hispanics. I think Blacks make up roughly 60% of the population of D.C., so my guess is they make up the majority of the criminals. I'd also say the majority of the violent crime is centered in the poorest area of the city (S.E.), just as it is in most major cities.

My aunt and uncle once drove me through Cicero in Chicago. I wanted to see it because that's where Al Capone lived. It is (or was) an almost completely White/Italian enclave of Chicago. It's not a real nice place either. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the majority of the crime there is committed by White/Italians. Could be wrong though. :dunno:

Say, that's an interesting screen name you've come up with. Anything you'd like to share with the class there, Storm Front? ;) :D :wave2:

Cicero was, until late in the 20th C., a "sundown town" - a town where blacks were either explicitly discouraged (with signs at the town limits, for example) or expressly forbidden from staying overnight or living there."sundown+town"&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk

"Bear in mind that the exclusion need not have been total. Some towns drove out their African Americans, even posted the traditional sundown town signs, yet allowed one family to remain. In 1899 when residents of Pana, in central Illinois, expelled their black community, killing five in the process, they didn't throw out the barber. No one had anything against the barber, who served only white customers. Pana went on to put up the traditional sundown town signs at each highway entrance to town, but the 1900 and 1910 censuses show a handful of African Americans – the barber and his family. In 1986, when residents of Cicero, a suburb of Chicago, burned out a black would-be resident, Cicero had more than 90 African Americans. They served in white households, lived in such institutions as jails, hospitals, and colleges, or rented in large apartment houses not in residential neighborhoods."

Post of the year IMO.

This is the central problem with Political Correctness: Not only does it censor speech (and therefore freedom), but it IGNORES truth and the search for truth in favor of sparing people facts that might be "offensive."

When we as a society are blind to the truth and no longer seek it out above all other things, we are lost. We are ALL lost. Seeking the truth is man's noblest enterprise.

So, what truth are we to arrive at? Hispanics are inferior to whites? More barbaric? WHAT?

This isn't necessarily aimed at you, CunningStunts, as I think several others have made reference to "political correctness" in this thread, so I just wanted to take this opportunity to mention the stellar quote I found regarding that phrase, which I posted in another thread earlier:

"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."

Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

(my thread on the quote is here: )

:2 cents::hatsoff:
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

Cicero was, until late in the 20th C., a "sundown town" - a town where blacks were either explicitly discouraged (with signs at the town limits, for example) or expressly forbidden from staying overnight or living there."sundown+town"&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk

"Bear in mind that the exclusion need not have been total. Some towns drove out their African Americans, even posted the traditional sundown town signs, yet allowed one family to remain. In 1899 when residents of Pana, in central Illinois, expelled their black community, killing five in the process, they didn't throw out the barber. No one had anything against the barber, who served only white customers. Pana went on to put up the traditional sundown town signs at each highway entrance to town, but the 1900 and 1910 censuses show a handful of African Americans – the barber and his family. In 1986, when residents of Cicero, a suburb of Chicago, burned out a black would-be resident, Cicero had more than 90 African Americans. They served in white households, lived in such institutions as jails, hospitals, and colleges, or rented in large apartment houses not in residential neighborhoods."

So, what truth are we to arrive at? Hispanics are inferior to whites? More barbaric? WHAT?

This isn't necessarily aimed at you, CunningStunts, as I think several others have made reference to "political correctness" in this thread, so I just wanted to take this opportunity to mention the stellar quote I found regarding that phrase, which I posted in another thread earlier:

"We have now reached the point where every goon with a grievance, every bitter bigot, merely has to place the prefix, 'I know this is not politically correct, but...' in front of the usual string of insults in order to be not just safe from criticism, but actually a card, a lad, even a hero. Conversely, to talk about poverty and inequality, to draw attention to the reality that discrimination and injustice are still facts of life, is to commit the sin of political correctness. Anti-PC has become the latest cover for creeps. It is a godsend for every curmudgeon and crank, from fascists to the merely smug."

Finian O'Toole, The Irish Times, 5 May 1994

(my thread on the quote is here: )

:2 cents::hatsoff:

My point is this: when you get large numbers of immigrants in areas, they don't appear to assimilate into American culture anymore. It's an observable fact that these areas have higher crime and higher dropout rates, leading to higher unemployment rates, and the cycle begins anew.

But like I stated in my last post, this is merely a symptom of a larger problem and I can't say that this has any affect in this case... and these individuals that perpetrated this horrible crime against another human being should be punished to the maximum extent of the law to let others know that this will NOT be tolerated. We need to start snuffing out this new belief particularly in the younger generation that violence is "cool" and "hip." It is not. In a free society, freedom comes with costs, and one is responsibility for ones actions. When violent, sexual crimes are committed, another individual has had their rights and freedoms taken away; therefore, the perpetrators MUST be dealt with harshly, not only to take them out of society but to serve as a deterrent to others. :2 cents:


Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

So the other day, the gang rape of Mexican women was "commonplace" (even hang the panties from the trees, do they?). But today, Mexicans would never dehumanize a Mexican woman by gang raping her - that's why these Chicanos picked what we believe is a White girl? So... which is it? :confused:

I mean, if there was major money or a PR issue riding on your theory, this sort of major conflict in what you've said, within a 48 hour time span, might mean we'd have to start that walk that I always hate so much. The one toward HR. That last goodbye. But ya see, if you rely on data, instead of gut feel and street cred, you don't have to worry about disagreeing with yourself.

It might be frustrating and I might get on someone's nerves from time to time, Facetious. But the side that I sometimes take is just the one that opposes the one that is irrational, illogical... or maybe just poorly formed. Passion for ones opinion is fine. But does the opinion pass the giggle test? If it doesn't... then :ak47:

Yes counselor :bowdown:

giggle test take 1

& 2

If these rapist thugs had been white and the victim was a latina, all hell would have broken loose in the name of a hate crime. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it ! :1orglaugh I could just see Mecha, Lulac, La Raza (THE race) among other hispanic only activist groups out on the streets protesting against the white community in general for committing such a horrible crime against their people.... ''my people this . . . .my people that'' ... and the white trash that did not commit a hate crime (in my example) would be charged with a hate crime in this case. JMO :dunno:
Hey what's good for the goose is good fro the gander.

And on the part where I don't believe that Mexican Americans would beat, forcibly intoxicate, rape (for 2 .5 hours) and for all intents and purposes, leave for dead face down in the sand one of their own, that's an opinion that stands.
Now, the Mexican on Mexican rapes that are taking place in Mexico nearest the USA border are an entirely different story as they involve hardened Coyotes, Drug Cartel nutters ... just crazed bastards, this is the element that I'd rather not see imported into America.
Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra

Yes, please, by all means, resume the racist rants and sadistic torture fantasies of how you'd like to punish them...
