How to hide porn

Just wondering is there a way you can hide your porn files from other users?

I have a younger brother who uses a separate account but all files are accessible to all accounts, in other words if he accessed media player he can see the files and also if he went through the hard drive. I hope there is a way in which i can keep the files i have to be only be seen by me and not by others. I find it a drag if i have to back it all up on hard drive and whenever i want to watch attach it in back and forth.

If it makes things easier i've got windows 7 operating system.
If you don't have enough money to buy your own computer, you may buy a USB flash drive or an external hard drive
Easy. Just make a folder and check the "hidden folder" box. Put all PrOn inside, and you'll be safe as houses.
Best thing you can do is buy your own computer then, no worries. How old are you, anyway?;2

^Magic Folders

This my own laptop, just my brother uses it and i can't afford a new 1 as im currently unemployed and finished uni

What is this magic folders and how does it work?

If you don't have enough money to buy your own computer, you may buy a USB flash drive or an external hard drive
Ive already got that and i always back it up, problem is my external hard drive is a bit faulty where it says its malfunctioned and i don't want to keep bringing it in and attaching it to the laptop each time i want to watch porn and jerk off.

How does this lockbox work? Does that mean i put in my files here and i can leave a copy on hard drive and it is invisible to others?

Don't store porn on your computer at all. There's plenty available each time you get on the computer.

I know, but currently watching it over the net is a hassle due to slow speed and buffering. Im sure you can appreciate that when your watching you don't want it to stop an buffer which takes ages atm. Thats why i tend to download mine, which then i don't have to rely on the net each time.

Easy. Just make a folder and check the "hidden folder" box. Put all PrOn inside, and you'll be safe as houses.

Ah ok so it will only be hidden for other users in which they can't unhide it?
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thats how i hide mine :D


Closed Account
Whatever you do ... do NOT just simply leave it lying around in the My Documents Folder like one of my brothers-in-law did.
Oh, he didn't have a freakin' Porn collection, but there WAS a photo there simply titled "Vagina."
I immediately thought, "DUDE! That's the last place you'd want to have that photo lying around. Your wife and your daughter can easily see it there."

It got worse on another day when his 3rd grade daughter asked me for some PowerPoint help. She said she knew she had downloaded an image, but now couldn't find it.
My brother-in-law walks in, "Heyyy, what's going on?" I told him we were trying to find an image my niece had downloaded. My brother-in-law goes, "Did you check in the My Documents Folder?" Trying not to open the My Documents Folder, I just went, "Uhhhhh ..." My brother-in-law reiterated, "Check the My Documents Folder." So, I opened the Folder!

While it wasn't in Thumbnails mode, the little Icon with the "Vagina" title seemed to catch my eye like a friggin' neon sign. :rofl2:
I just sorta kept the Scrollbar moving and quickly went, "Ummm, no her image is not here." Whew!


Closed Account
Just wondering is there a way you can hide your porn files from other users?

I have a younger brother who uses a separate account but all files are accessible to all accounts, in other words if he accessed media player he can see the files and also if he went through the hard drive. I hope there is a way in which i can keep the files i have to be only be seen by me and not by others. I find it a drag if i have to back it all up on hard drive and whenever i want to watch attach it in back and forth.

If it makes things easier i've got windows 7 operating system.

If you dont have your own computer, what the hell you doing storing porn on the family computer??? get a fucking job and buy your own PC, you fiend

If you can't use a flash drive, my recommendation would be to put the porn onto bland CD-Rs/CD-RWs. They can store a lot of porn and you can just pop it in and watch to your heart's content. The only issue with that is that they are sometimes difficult to write.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Yup, it's where I buy my delicious smut. And what do you mean "used to"?

honestly, ive got more porn than i can handle. plus ive been going used and cheaper at another site i found,

not nearly as good customer service. its from private people too. not as nice an experience but pretty fucking cheap.
Remember when hiding your porn meant stashing your Playboy magazines under the mattress and hoping your mom didn't make your bed that day? Ah, those were good times.
honestly, ive got more porn than i can handle. plus ive been going used and cheaper at another site i found,

not nearly as good customer service. its from private people too. not as nice an experience but pretty fucking cheap.

Ewww..... Used Porn. How can you sexually climax knowing that STDiva was doing so with that exact copy only weeks before?