How to enlarge your penis?

Serious please, I'm finiding the tips or any websites explain it. (Other than eating pills) Things like how female keep their breast looking good with massage, sleeping naked... any idea?
serious: there is no way to enlarge your penis
all the shit You Might ever heard about this possibility is a complete bullshit and moneymaking tricks
In my opinion there's nothing you can do. All the pills and penis enlargement things are for buying it, so the manufacturers can make a profit.

The only thing you can do is being in a good shape, so you have a flat and musculous body. You can shave, so your penis looks bigger etc.


Closed Account
serious: there is no way to enlarge your penis
all the shit you might ever heard about this possibility is a complete bullshit and moneymaking tricks

^^^^ So true.

The only other option would be surgery and I would hope this would be used only under extreme conditions. I find from the reads here that many men feel they aren't large enough. I think it is often just like the normal sized girl that thinks she is fat. Its in your own head, simply insecurities. You don't need a 8 inch or better to have a good sex life. Again I use the same comparison, like magazines and tv tell girls/women they must be bone thin to fit in. Porn leaves men wondering/thinking they don't fit the bill as a man. Its all hype, smoke and mirrors. You are much more than just the size of your pp, keep all your other components of yourself decent and working well and you'll be fine.

Let me say again that if there is a really extreme problem and sometimes there is(no need to answer) and you are young, give it time before you worry. If there is one and you are older, see your doctor about penis enlargement surgery. My :2 cents:

my never fail method is to have my gf take off a significant amount of clothing and then prance around the house or even lounge around ,my wingding never fails to grow at that sight.
How to enlarge your penis?

Take an expensive pill, and then squeeze it and pull on it repeatedly.

lone gunman

Closed Account
Man,you don`t need to enlarge your penis.Believe me,it really doesn`t matter.
As for a metod,I don`t think that anything but the surgery works.
When women ware big heavy earring the earlobe tends to stretch over time, becoming longer.
Try hanging somthing from your penis and it probably will also stretch over time.

(I'm not realy recomendind you do this, however it probably would work)


a combination of daily exercise a healthy diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, 7-8 hours of sleep per night and drink lots of water
Don't worry, once you go through puberty it should get larger.
Dead-hang a brick on your unit. That should do the trick.