How Much Hard Work Goes Into Being A Pornstar???

Pornstars make their jobs look easy onscreen, but I bet that there's alot of hard work behind the scenes.

For example while many female adult film stars have surgical enhancements, many look like they work really hard in the gym to stay in tip-top shape.
Do they stay in shape naturally, have a personal trainer, keep fit from dancing, etc?

Marketing & personal appearances:
I would imagine this is time consuming and more hectic than they let on.

Health/disease checks:
This must be quite stressful always having to be checked for STD's, always fearing that a sick dick may have slipped through the cracks.

Stalkers & assorted nutjobs:
Another negative aspect of their career, these kooks that can't differentiate film from reality. Always lurking somewhere in the shadows.

I'd imagine that there is times when this isn't as fun as they make you believe on film, yet they pull it off like the pro's that they are.
There was a series on HBO a while back called Pornocopia (?) that really went behind the scenes of what it takes to be a pornstar...from getting into the business to maintaining one's popularity.

It's not as easy as it seems.

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
I guess it all depends on how u handle your biz.

I have 6 employees and 3 companies.

I am single and own everything.

Always have.

So I produce and direct 5 movie series.

I have an internet co that has about 15 websites.

I have a studio I rent out.

Just started a new clothing line.

Have a large deal w a wireless co.

Travel 80 % of the year.

I deal with all of the accounting and financial reporting and analyzing and goals.

I manage all my employees.

I look at daily reports, monthly reports etc etc

It is not easy at all.

I work very hard.

However I'm not your average porn actress.
Thanks for your answer Brittany. Indeed, you seem to have a plenty filled life, it's not an easy life but I think it's worth the interest :thumbsup:

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
I cant be a superstar without doing the pr etc.

To me they all work together.

U cant be in this biz for 15 years and be a star if u are not doing other shit to keep your brand alive.

Being a pornstar is all about branding, marketing etc.
You know, Ms. Brittany, I never thought about it like that, but it makes a lot of sense. I'm now trying to think how pornstars brand themselves. Ever thought about doing a Mountain Dew advert or anything? Also, just as like a serious question for you Brit, what do you think of the (as people in both naughty america and sin city video) belief that porn is moving more and more into an accepted norm, and what would you like to do to bridge the gap between porn and mass culture? would you do movies like "Pirates" or "Rush" or anything?

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
I personally do not care for being in front of the camera very much.

I do not work hard to do movies at all.

Actually very much the opposite.

I do however believe in cross over marketing.

I do mostly with technical pr etc as I have a lot of websites and a few wireless deals.

I like going the way of business versus being the star.

I'm way more comfortable with that angle.

Never have been into the whole star thing.
Nightfly said:
JiDoKwan, you seem to have answered your own questions IN your

True, but I want to hear from the pro's that frequent this board.

And Ms. Brittany, thank you for your replies.