How much do you think this tattoo would cost?



  • Cool-Black-Ink-Dragon-Tattoo-On-Man-Left-Back-Shoulder.jpg
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In my area artists will charge about $400 for a half days session. That would most likely be 2 sessions. Once for the outlines and shit and then filling. But why would you want to? In 10yrs its gonna be a black blob. Get something with less detail like some tribal with thick detail. Something that won't look like shit in a few years. I have 14 but now that I'm getting a bit older I wish I hadn't got any at all but to each his own. Good luck and if you decide to get it post a pic. ;)
You're looking at a lot of ramen noodle dinners depending how quick you want it. Tattoo artists vary by artist. At least by me. Some do 75 an hour and other in the hundreds per hour. It all depends where, the artist and how long they take.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Don't get tattooed. And the bigger the tat, the worse it will look when you're old, and there is a lot of danger of getting that ink into your system

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I would say a good artist would charge between 750 and 900 for all of it. I'm curious as to why you wonder how much it cost.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
200 if you go through a friend. My guess. I've had a few done privately like that.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Prison. Find the right artist and its only 100. Put money on your books and expect multiple passes. Buy neosporin and state deodorant. (Triclosan is useful as an antiseptic, moreso than deod)
Outside? 200 just for outline and to start the darkest shading. Easy 1000+, dont go anywhere but the biggest local city you can. Downtown artists got their shit straight.