How long do u Surf 4 porn?


Ive read recently that 47% of 18 to 30 year old,s spend at least 45 mins a day when online searching 4 porn . I only search 4 porn when im Bored and thats about 30 mins every time i go online . So Freeone members how long do u surf 4 porn when u go online .
hi lisa;)

i started to surf porn @ 18 years old;It can go to 45min to 3 or 4 hours. That depends of what i am looking for.


georges;) :)
Anything from about half an hour onwards. Not everyday though... probably every other day, if that. Gotta be in the right 'mood'...


Fuck'en Bitches and Leav'en Stitches
Sometime I go a week or so without downloading porn, then I will spen 3 or 4 hours almost every night "exploring". I was probably about 16 when I started. I got too riske stealing mags from gas stations.

Do you masturbate while surfing porn Lisa? Or do you save that for later? :cool:


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Hmmm I go porn surfing every day. At least a couple hours at night. I can live without porn, but while I can get it, I take advantage of it. PORN RULES!!!
Usually about an hour on average, but when I find a new site to mine it's usually more...
I only come here for the conversation. And if i cant find any porn to wank over i just go back to working or downloading music. But i'd say 45mins is an accurate time for when i do search from pr0n0.
30 minutes checking out freeones latest links but I have only modem, with a highspeed connection it would be probably only ten minutes. I'm a programmer geek so I burn most of my time with programming...


Surfing almost every day a couple of houres and can live without porn for a while. I use to store several vids and pics masturbating simultainiously.