I just started talking to this girl that I went to high school with. I told her that I wanted to get to know her better and five mins later she gave me her number. We talked for 3 hours on facebook.I clicked on one of her facebook pics and the pic shows her wearing a t-shirt that says ''eat my pussy''. The next day she sent me a text that read send me a pic. She then called my phone and sent me another message on facebook. She gave me her email and I sent her two pictures of my dick. She told me that if I had a car,we would have already had sex. I've only had sex one time in my life,so I'm still learning. She then said that we could do something this weekend. How can I get this chick in bed with me? She keeps saying that she's horny,but we both have to get ready for college which starts in a couple of weeks. I really want to fuck her bad! Any help would do wonders for me.