How do you get that smell of vomit out of carpet?

I puked on my carpet last night and after I passed out my brother cleaned it up but the smell just won't fully go away. We've club sodaed it, and I've fabreezed teh crap out of it and I can still smell it. someone please help me cause I can handle the worst of smells but that smell of vomit always just makes me want to do it again. *shiver*
Damn, its brand new carpet too, my parents are gonna be pissed, not that I'm 19 (almost 20) but that I messed up the carpet.
Nightfly said:
LOL!!! Where's Martha Stewart when you need her?! :D :rofl: :1orglaugh

Is she an Official Checked Star Member here?
wlfman812 said:
Is she an Official Checked Star Member here?
No. But that would improve her image. :D
Since i'm not the best to english, u might find something of it on-understandable. (Even a word like that?:O)

But normaly u first clean up (open windows 24/7 - untill the smell is out), after removing all the puke u are ready to get in work. Get some kind of (Hmm, what word can i use here? A tower (Okay, not named that, but), that thing u use after coming out of a bath to make you dry) and a bottle of water with soab(That kind u use to clean up after dinner). After cleaning and rubing untill u cant more, u lay alittle soab (That kind u use to clean up after dinner) all over there where it was. For 30minutter. Wash it off, and u should have a clean spoot, if the smell still stays there there is something call deo if you cant get the smell away untill they are back ;)
Freeones said:
Lot of experts here I see :D
Hehe. Well, we have all haved alot of party, and you cant have a party without someone puke at least one time in your life;O - So to know how to clean it is a must;)
Good God!!! I think I'd rather just rip out the carpet than use that stuff!!! LOL!!!

Really the best option is to not party with "bubblegummers" who can't hold their alcohol in your house or bring them home after whatever party/drinking event. I once had a buddy who would vomit after like 3 beers. lol Needless to say, we always sent him back to HIS house after the party so he could deal with his own mess!!! What a n00b drinker he was! :rofl: :ban: :D :1orglaugh

BNF said:
There's really only one answer. You can find it at a janitorial supply store.


Member, you member...
The Govna does not post very often, but when he does, it's always a good read.
Good luck with the hazardous waste clean up and keep us updated on the puke purification.