How do you feel about your boss?

How do you feel about your boss?

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Just wondering what you guys think.....I personally feel that my boss, and her boss, are a couple of idiots who know NOTHING of the business, and yet I have to put up with their bullshit day in and day out. Makes want to......:throwup:


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maybe you should answer your question too do you like your boss?

Let me answer your question as well I have a great boss I been working for him for 20 years we have are little run ins but all around he is a cool boss. :thumbsup:
My boss is soooo bad I need to start two threads inside of a minute to describe how bad he is!
My boss is great, we give each other shit all the time, he gives me a lot of autonomy in my work, and he is easy to respect because he works at least as hard as I do. His wife, on the other hand, who is also my boss, is a complete airhead who is off with the fairies and loves to waste money and cause me headaches with stupid shit.
My boss is great. She is one of the best managers I ever worked for.

OTOH, I worked for some pricks that were some real pieces of shit...I don't even want to go there.
biggest slave driver on earth!

Lets hope he doesn't read this
My boss is a dictator and many of my collegues have got a huge problem with that.

But the thing is, he is a GOOD dictator. He makes the right decisions without getting bogged down by the usually crap opinions of my collegues.
for the moment I kinda hate him, and i think he's going to hate me next week if I start a strike for a higher salary
I don't have just one boss; I have a different boss (steward) at every gig that I work. Sometimes it happens to be a steward I've had before, sometimes it's someone I've never seen before, or somewhere in between. With union work, the steward is just another stagehand who is chosen to do paperwork/represent the union on the jobsite, so for the most part my stewards are my coworkers. One day I'm hanging lights or pulling points with them, the next day they're telling me what to do, or vice versa. That said, my opinion of the steward depends on who's stewarding the gig. Sometimes it's a cool guy, and others it's a raging asshole. Overall I don't have a problem with them, though.
God some of these answers are great.....I hate both of mine......equally. Only 4-5 more weeks to go of putting up with their shit.:mad:
At least 85% of the time, I like my boss.

14% of the time, I don't like him.

1% of the time I want to quit and make his workday hell.