Honeybee mobs overpower hornets

That's fucked up! Of course the bees are gonna kill the yellowjacket! It's fucking taped to a wire and can't defend itself! That's like hog-tying a guy and throwing him into a cage full of hungry lions! I thought they were gonna put a swarm of bees and a swarm of yellowjackets in a tank together and let them go at it.

Once I was mowing the lawn, and I happened to see something similar, only with ants and a yellowjacket. The yellowjacket had landed for something, only it was stupid enough to land about an inch from an ant trail. Almost immediately 3 or 4 ants climbed on top of it, biting him repeatedly. I thought that the yellowjacket would simply fly away, so I resumed what I was doing. When I came back 5 minutes later I was surprised. The yellowjacket was still there, only it was invisible under the swarm of ants that had overtaken it. The only way I knew it was the yellowjacket was because the shape of the swarm of ants was consistent with the shape of the yellowjacket, and because they were in the same spot the yellowjacket had landed a few minutes before. Within the next 10 minutes the struggle had completely stopped and the ants had begun dismembering the yellowjacket and had started carrying the pieces away. :eek:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Honeybee hordes use two weapons - heat and carbon dioxide - to kill their natural enemies, giant hornets.

Japanese honeybees form "bee balls" - mobbing and smothering the predators.


clever lil buggas

The Japanese honey bees can do that, but only when they catch the scout, and they can't let him get away. The European bee's they have imported, are helpless to defend against the giant hornet, and 30 hornets, can decimate a hive of 30,000 bee's in under 3 hours. Decapitating them, and tossing their bodies aside, to be taken back to feed the young hornets. Those fucking hornets kill people. They're 2" long, with a 3" wing span, and a 1/4" stinger. Sentry's hover outside the nest, and when danger approaches, the slam into the enemy to warn, then bend their abdomens, underneath themselves, AND SPRAY VENOM at the intruder.


Look at this scary bastard.