HIV A Lie and a Farse? House Of Numbers

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I watched a very interesting documentary recently called House Of Numbers. It investigates everything in regards to HIV and calls into question beliefs engrained into us as children about HIV and Aids. In fact some in the film even suggest HIV doesn't exist. It's really eye opening and has got me thinking.

I have long thought the media pushing aids all the time was a little over the top but I had no idea until watching this film. Below are a couple clips from extra footage but the film is not free on YouTube. Also see the trailer at



I honestly don't get their point.
Andronicus is currently busy unleashing his charm on innocent children. But somebody has to say it...

You spelled farce wrong.
This isn't a very positive article. Quite negative, I shall diagnose it.


Lord Dipstick
What happened to WTC 7?
Who pulled a building that big? :dunno:


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Approved Content Owner
its a longheld argument. i would say "hiv" is a real virus in terms of science yet "aids" fails the science test. and the argument that people in 3rd world countries are dying of aids is a fail, as they are usually dying of malaria, bad water, and political strife to begin with.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I thought that was very interesting. So once again, in order to make sales and ratings, the media had/has humped something like a chihuahua on Viagra.

What next, germ theory doesn't exist, it's just a propaganda machine pushed by the corporations to sell you their poisonous drugs that give you Autism - which doesn't really exist, but you think it does so it's real anyway - in order to wipe out 80% of the population so the Reptilian Illuminati can take over the planet?

To quote Ben Goldacre of the Bad Science blog on the film itself:

It engages, for example, in repeated overstatement of marginal internal disagreements about the details of HIV research, to the extent that 18 doctors and scientists interviewed for the film have issued a statement saying that the director was “deceptive” in his interactions with them, that it perpetuates pseudoscience and myths, and that they were selectively quoted to make it seem as if they are in disagreement and disarray, when in fact they agree on all the important facts. (The statement denouncing the film)

oh for gods sake. ok, i live here in San Francisco, and im gonna have to go out on a HUGE limb here and say that yea, HIV/aids sure is real. ive seen people who have been effected by it first hand in the hospital. its a terrible fucking thing, and while it technically isnt the reason people die, it makes the wheels start turning towards it.

do you believe every video you see that goes against the mainstream thought process? are you that gullible?
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Just when I thought there couldn't be anything that made me feel the human race could be any dumber, here comes this thread.
I thought this sounded crazy too.

We all know there are people who die of Aids which is a syndrome. But does HIV cause Aids or is it a combination of stress from diagnosis and toxic overload of drugs in the body? The drug AZT is a DNA destroyer and kills. HIV could be one of thousands of retroviruses that our body has immunity to and just sits in our bodies. It could be the treatments that cause aids and are killing people.

You have to see the documentary to understand. Everyone involved who first discovered it is in the film interviewed.
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