Evening all. Is it me or am I looking in the wrong place, but I never seem to find a website with consistently decent image quality? Am I looking under the wrong bush(so to speak

High rez is just a big assed picture. High def is what happens when you have, ohhh... a lovely DPI amount on a sheet of paper. Would you rather see 100 or 200 DPI? More dots, more definition. The same is true in pictures and movies for comps. You can be watching a DVD at 720 rez but notice a bad transfer, or film grain.. or.. whatever!
So.. to answer your question, I find that CD girls, ALS scan and InTheCrack often have the highest resolutions and most defined pictures.
In the members area, that is. Good luck finding huge pics and HD movies for free.
Also.. be sure your comp can actually handle HD movies. I'm sure there's an HD sample at cd-girls.com, I recall one at wifeysworld.. or was it dawns place.. and some filipina girl's site.. or was it lil coco?! Dangit I cant remember! TITTIES!