Help with IDing of Alexandra from Fresh Auditions

Mr Glam

Closed Account
Hey dudes I need some help getting the id of this chick

I only know her from Fresh Auditions but hoping you dudes can help me out :D
I do know she went under the name of Alexandra and its an old set.
You can also see her here
I think she's decent looking and worth checking out more of lol...
Any help is appreciated and since this is my inaugural post...Hey Dudes Glad to Be here (Yeah I say dude a lot)

Mr Glam

Closed Account
I hate to necro this thread but knowing that she did two sets for Twistys, is there any video of her there? I would check it myself but am not a Twistys' member.

Mr Glam

Closed Account
Also finding her promo photos on the Twistys' babe index it seems that the set that I linked to is either from Twistys or Twistys purchased the rights to the set or vice versa. No idea about the exact details though.