Have you tied any of these when you were a kid?

MILF Teacher! Have her meet Roald and she can get hooked up with Brazzers!


I still remember all my teacher crushes. I especially remember this one English teacher of mine and she was walking fast back to her classroom and everything on her jiggled so nice. Every right way that body of hers could jiggle it did. Something about a nice little petite teacher in a dress skirt and firm, but loose, blouse. Yummy.

Roald, is out till Jan 4th.I'll make sure he won't get a hint about it.LOL

Had a lot of crushes on teachers, but never had the guts to ask them out.There are a few others like Miss.Jones, but this student teacher line sucks.Can't really cross the line with them, though the urge to feel them is severe.Wish everything is as easy as it is shown in Milf Lessons.


I'm watching some specialist videos
I'm waiting until I'm a pensioner when I can get away with it again, 'cos the sweet old man doesn't realise what he's doing.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Pretty fucked up, IMO - especially the last part. Because if you substituted the little boys with little girls and the women with men in that clip, YouTube would have instantly taken it down, somebody would be in jail about now... and a mod would have already locked this thread.


BuzzKill :wave:

P.S. I guess I was in about the 6th grade when I happened to catch a glimpse between my teacher's legs. Miss M's knees happened to open about the time I looked up, as she was getting up from an open front table. The flash of white panties and her crotch did intrigue me. But I was more into girls my own age. So playing doctor and "show me yours and I'll show you mine" with lil Cindy G. was more my speed.
No, my mother would chew me out and spank me for that, I liked playing with NASCAR cars and trucks and stuff when I was a kid and my mother and grandmother would make sure I did not do that to others. I did get naked a couple of times when I was younger to explore my personal space, now I do it every day in the evenings to get comfortable. I love getting naked and taking off my clothes, its a rush and a release.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I used to run at full speed and head butt people as a sign of affection and friendliness.