HATE CRIMES: Stop teaching hate, homophobia kills....


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
No, I dismissed your comment because the murderer already admitted he hated homosexuals, while you you were just speculating.
If sometimes I don't reply to your comments, is not because I have nothing to rebut them with, but perhaps because your comments have become too redundant IMHO, despite all the information given.

How am I the one who is speculating when it clearly states that they are still investigating this case, because they are clearly trying to find out if it is or isn't a hate crime?


Also, if the killer admitted that he was a homophobe, it doesn't automatically mean that he killed this kid because he was gay. That's an assumption, not a fact. Maybe he just so happened to be gay. Maybe it's just an unfortunate circumstance. You don't know what happened and you don't know why this kid got murdered, so stop assuming things that aren't necessarily true.

Perhaps because being decapitated, mutilated and burned is not exactly the same as "getting his ass kicked.":rolleyes:

You compared rape to decapatation. People in glass houses...

Ummm, interesting how some people empathize with criminal and not with the actual victim. Don't we all sometimes act naive, or just plain stupid??? Does that somehow means we should punish the criminal less severely because they took advantage of a lapse of judgement?

I'm not empathizing shit. Just because I'm not calling for the accused murderer to be put to death doesn't mean that I condone what he did. You are taking this case personally, as you feel a meaningless connection with the victim - I get it. But, don't expect everybody to feel the same way you do. Personally, I think you are clearly over-reacting, but you don't see it that way. You feel as if your anger is justified, and that's fine. You have every right to feel the way you do, about anything, but just because you have that right doesn't mean that everybody has to (or will) agree with you.

...the whole community becomes terrorized and fear for their lives just for being who they are.

Yes, because they want to. My ex-girlfriend is gay, but she's not living her life in terror just because some stupid people did some stupid things to other gay people; other gay people that she doesn't even know.

Is it a sad thing that this kid got murdered? Yes, it is. Does it make it even more sad, just because he's gay and it could possibly be a hate crime? Nope, not at all. Like I said, terrible shit happens to everybody, each and every day, so why should people feel worse about cases like this? Why? Because he's gay? What does that matter? Why should people feel worse because he's gay? If this kid was straight, it wouldn't even be news to most people. People would almost ignore this story if this kid wasn't gay, but, since he is gay, people are supposed to feel terrible about it just because he's not straight? That doesn't make any sense. I mean, what if he was bi-sexual? Should I just feel slightly worse than I would if he was straight?


Obviously most crimes have an element of hatred, but when we talk about "hate crimes", we are refering to those that happen when the crime is motivated by bigoted sentiments towards a community as a whole.

Once again, you and your community talk. Let me ask you something...

Do you feel as if you are part of the community that is being effected by this crime? You don't know this kid. You don't live by this kid. You've never seen this kid or talked to this kid and you've never even known that this kid existed until just recently. Yet, you still choose to act as if you, and "the community", has some sort of deep, meaningful and whole-hearted connection with this kid and that you're directly effected by the events that took place in HIS life?


As I stated before, my ex-girlfriend is gay. Do you think she's now full of fear and angst, just because this kid got murdered? Do you think she's terrified for her life and overwhelmed with a sense of being outcast? Do you think she lives her life in a constant state of terror, continuously fearing for her life, just because she's "different" and this kid's murder somehow sent her and her fellow "community" a message of hatred? No. No, she doesn't. Why? Because, she doesn't choose to make herself different by trying to associate herself with people and situations that have no bearing on her life what-so-ever. That's exactly what you're doing right now.

It's unfortunate that this kid was murdered, but it doesn't effect your life what-so-ever. Everybody feels hatred and everybody has a reason to be fearful for their life. People need to stop using their differences (sexuality, race, gender, etc) as a tool to gain sympathy from the world.

Just like we punish terrorists more severely because they want to kill us just for being American, we should also punish those who seek to terrorize a community of people because they are "different."

See, here's the thing - you aren't helping your cause in this being "different" bullshit. It's people like you (you aren't the only one) that cry about being treated like an outcast just because you are "different", but turn right around and remind the whole entire world that you are, in fact, DIFFERENT. So, if you want to be treated as if you aren't different, don't make it a point to remind everybody how different you are, how bad you have it, how society shuns you, etc.

Also, this is not even close to being similar to terrorism. The fact that you are even trying to compare the two just proves how unnecessarily upset you are about this. Americans get murdered every single day in other countries, because they are Americans. Where are your threads about those news stories? Why don't you choose to make a connection with those people?

Why only get riled up about a gay kid who got murdered?

...we both know the answer to that already.
The term "hate crime" is one of the most bullshit, useless terms on the planet. All violent crimes are hate crimes. All that the phrase does is put people in smaller and smaller boxes. Someone does something to somebody else that isn't in that particular demographic and all of a sudden it's a hate crime. I'm I trying to say that shit like this doesn't happen? No, it does far to often. People are far too hung up on labels.

Here are some labels for you. Redneck, hippie, liberal, conservative, intellectual, jock, smart ass, dumb ass. Which of theses describes me? the answer is all of the above and none of the above. Quit putting me and everyone else in little boxes. I do not know a single person who is so simple that they can be fully described by a catch all label. The only label that I will accept is human. Like it or not we all have flaws. If people would learn to accept their own the world would be a much better place.
I think some people are in denial that homophobia is the main motive behind this crime, or that they themselves hold homophobic sentiments they are not willing to admit. I live in NYC, one of the most "gay friendly" cities, yet still here people get beaten up and verbally abused for no other reason than being "faggots." Therefore coming from an open city or country, doesn't rule out homophobia.

Like I mentioned, if a woman decapitated and mutilated a man who made unwanted anvances on her, she would be called the psychotic freak she is. But if a man does the same to another man because of unwanted advances, somehow it's understandable that this "poor man" would not handle that civilly. The real issue behind that line of thinking is homophobia, and that is what I am addressing.

If people want to get into a debate about the definition of hate crimes, maybe that's for a different thread.

I cannot change people's mind, they have to be willing to do it their own. But if my comments can help someone understand something, then it serve the purpose.:thumbsup:

No...some people want to be intellectually dishonest and that's their right. Most reasonable people see through intellectual dishonesty.

Like in some of the earlier threads. I hope you don't care about trying to change their minds but just citing reasons why their assertions are absurd and leaving it at that.
How come if an old person is beaten, assaulted, murdered, or robbed the term Ageism is not tossed around? Same with a woman getting same done to her by a man, or vice versa, it is not considered a Sexist crime.

Yet, a gay person gets anything done to them, it is immediately homophobic and labeled hate crime.

Crime is crime. Nothing more. I hate that term hate crime as much as I do neocon and Speidi! And countless other dumbass terms the public use because it is catchy and puts a group of people in one group and then adored by some and hated by others.

We are all people. That is that...

Nah, apparently, Mathew Sheppard is much deader than Jesse Dirkhising. And Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom are much deader than James Byrd...you know, because Dirkhising, Christian and Newsom were raped and murdered out of love, not hate.

And when Muzzammil Hassan decapitated his wife, he did it because he loved her so much he wanted to see her inner beauty as well. See the difference?
The term "hate crime" is one of the most bullshit, useless terms on the planet. All violent crimes are hate crimes. All that the phrase does is put people in smaller and smaller boxes. Someone does something to somebody else that isn't in that particular demographic and all of a sudden it's a hate crime. I'm I trying to say that shit like this doesn't happen? No, it does far to often. People are far too hung up on labels.

Here are some labels for you. Redneck, hippie, liberal, conservative, intellectual, jock, smart ass, dumb ass. Which of theses describes me? the answer is all of the above and none of the above. Quit putting me and everyone else in little boxes. I do not know a single person who is so simple that they can be fully described by a catch all label. The only label that I will accept is human. Like it or not we all have flaws. If people would learn to accept their own the world would be a much better place.

"All violent crimes are hate crimes"? Really?

Even ones where the killer is dispassionately after the victim's money and their life is a mere obstacle to that goal? Or when someone kills a witness to another crime? I could give countless examples where hate has nothing to do with it....

Stop listening to talk show hosts and think for yourself.:2 cents:
Nah, apparently, Mathew Sheppard is much deader than Jesse Dirkhising. And Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom are much deader than James Byrd...you know, because Dirkhising, Christian and Newsom were raped and murdered out of love, not hate.

And when Muzzammil Hassan decapitated his wife, he did it because he loved her so much he wanted to see her inner beauty as well. See the difference?

The "justice" system makes differences between most murders. For instance 1st degree murder carries a longer sentence than 2nd. Doesn't that mean that a victim of 1st degree is any deader than that of second?
Basically it is to send a message that such crimes will not be tolerated, in order to mitigate the number of murders that result from this kind of hatred towards particular groups. The FBI has a long list of murders solely based on the race or sexual orientation of the person. White ppl are represented in those lists as well.
The "justice" system makes differences between most murders. For instance 1st degree murder carries a longer sentence than 2nd. Doesn't that mean that a victim of 1st degree is any deader than that of second?
Basically it is to send a message that such crimes will not be tolerated, in order to mitigate the number of murders that result from this kind of hatred towards particular groups. The FBI has a long list of murders solely based on the race or sexual orientation of the person. White ppl are represented in those lists as well.

Court Scenarios:

Because you killed a gay person, whether you knew they were gay or not, you will be sentenced to double the amount of if you would have killed a straight person.

In this case, they knew, so they will be sentenced triple the amount.

However if you are gay or straight and kill a straight person. You will be only be given the average amount of punishment and time serve.

Oh? It was a gay black man who wears glasses? We will immediately put you in the life sentence/death row category.

Kind of like that?
The "justice" system makes differences between most murders. For instance 1st degree murder carries a longer sentence than 2nd. Doesn't that mean that a victim of 1st degree is any deader than that of second?
Basically it is to send a message that such crimes will not be tolerated, in order to mitigate the number of murders that result from this kind of hatred towards particular groups. The FBI has a long list of murders solely based on the race or sexual orientation of the person. White ppl are represented in those lists as well.

No action which is illegal is "tolerated" that's why some acts are classified as crimes. Crimes that carry more severe sentences do so in order to punish commensurately. Not because one crime is "tolerated" less than another.

Intentional murder is a more severe crime than incidental murder and incidental murder is a more severe crime than accidental murder. They're sentences should correspond to the severity level.

The classification of the murder is determined by intent (divining what was the assailant's state of mind, the very thing hate crime opponents claim can't be done).
Court Scenarios:

Because you killed a gay person, whether you knew they were gay or not, you will be sentenced to double the amount of if you would have killed a straight person.

In this case, they knew, so they will be sentenced triple the amount.

However if you are gay or straight and kill a straight person. You will be only be given the average amount of punishment and time serve.

Oh? It was a gay black man who wears glasses? We will immediately put you in the life sentence/death row category.

Kind of like that?

Not true. If you kill a person by firing a "gun" randomly into a crowd of people and that victim happens to be gay or Asian, you're not going to be charged with a "hate crime".

If you rob a bank and kill the security guard and it's later determined that person was gay, you're not going to be charged with a "hate crime".

If you hold up some random individual up at gun point and kill them, if they just happen to be gay you're not going to be charged with a "hate crime".

However, if you kill a white, straight male then carve all sorts or racist statements in their skin....you will be likely charged with a hate crime no matter what race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. you happen to be.
Not true. If you kill a person by firing a "gun" randomly into a crowd of people and that victim happens to be gay or Asian, you're not going to be charged with a "hate crime".

If you rob a bank and kill the security guard and it's later determined that person was gay, you're not going to be charged with a "hate crime".

If you hold up some random individual up at gun point and kill them, if they just happen to be gay you're not going to be charged with a "hate crime".

However, if you kill a white, straight male then carve all sorts or racist statements in their skin....you will be likely charged with a hate crime no matter what race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. you happen to be.

It was just what if scenarios to TT in what he said about how punishments need to be severe and the whole deader comment about 1st and 2nd degree murders. I did not say that as if it is what is happening now. :hatsoff:
How am I the one who is speculating when it clearly states that they are still investigating this case, because they are clearly trying to find out if it is or isn't a hate crime?


Also, if the killer admitted that he was a homophobe, it doesn't automatically mean that he killed this kid because he was gay. That's an assumption, not a fact. Maybe he just so happened to be gay. Maybe it's just an unfortunate circumstance. You don't know what happened and you don't know why this kid got murdered, so stop assuming things that aren't necessarily true.

He was looking for prostitutes in an area frequented by transgender prostitutes, picked up the teen. Took him home, had a flashback of when he was raped in prison, then mutilated and beheaded him because he hated homosexuals.

Unfortunately Jorge Steven is dead, and we cannot get his side of the story.
Although apparently someone like you would more quickly believe whatever the criminal says, than the victim in this case anyway.

You compared rape to decapatation. People in glass houses...
How is comparing those who blamed a rape victim to those who blame a murder victim the same as comparing decapitation to rape?:rolleyes:

I'm not empathizing shit. Just because I'm not calling for the accused murderer to be put to death doesn't mean that I condone what he did. You are taking this case personally, as you feel a meaningless connection with the victim - I get it. But, don't expect everybody to feel the same way you do. Personally, I think you are clearly over-reacting, but you don't see it that way. You feel as if your anger is justified, and that's fine. You have every right to feel the way you do, about anything, but just because you have that right doesn't mean that everybody has to (or will) agree with you.
Being outraged because a boy was beheaded and mutilated is "overreacting.":rolleyes:
You are one the most uncompassionate individuals in this board. Just like this story has moved me, other stories in this board have as well. Such as the Fort Hood tragedy, etc. Is not just this. You are only seeing what you want.

Yes, because they want to. My ex-girlfriend is gay, but she's not living her life in terror just because some stupid people did some stupid things to other gay people; other gay people that she doesn't even know.

Is it a sad thing that this kid got murdered? Yes, it is. Does it make it even more sad, just because he's gay and it could possibly be a hate crime? Nope, not at all. Like I said, terrible shit happens to everybody, each and every day, so why should people feel worse about cases like this? Why? Because he's gay? What does that matter? Why should people feel worse because he's gay? If this kid was straight, it wouldn't even be news to most people. People would almost ignore this story if this kid wasn't gay, but, since he is gay, people are supposed to feel terrible about it just because he's not straight? That doesn't make any sense. I mean, what if he was bi-sexual? Should I just feel slightly worse than I would if he was straight?
Sweety, you don't understand what you read. I never said it was sadder beause he was gay. I said that we need to address the homophobia in order to prevent more of this happening.

Once again, you and your community talk. Let me ask you something...

Do you feel as if you are part of the community that is being effected by this crime? You don't know this kid. You don't live by this kid. You've never seen this kid or talked to this kid and you've never even known that this kid existed until just recently. Yet, you still choose to act as if you, and "the community", has some sort of deep, meaningful and whole-hearted connection with this kid and that you're directly effected by the events that took place in HIS life?

So you think ignoring something and remaining silent is the best way to prevent this from happening again???

As I stated before, my ex-girlfriend is gay. Do you think she's now full of fear and angst, just because this kid got murdered? Do you think she's terrified for her life and overwhelmed with a sense of being outcast? Do you think she lives her life in a constant state of terror, continuously fearing for her life, just because she's "different" and this kid's murder somehow sent her and her fellow "community" a message of hatred? No. No, she doesn't. Why? Because, she doesn't choose to make herself different by trying to associate herself with people and situations that have no bearing on her life what-so-ever. That's exactly what you're doing right now.
Perhaps she is not a gay man living in San Juan, Puerto Rico??

It's unfortunate that this kid was murdered, but it doesn't effect your life what-so-ever. Everybody feels hatred and everybody has a reason to be fearful for their life. People need to stop using their differences (sexuality, race, gender, etc) as a tool to gain sympathy from the world.

I beg to differ that gay, lesbian and transgender people are just whining to gain sympathy from the world. Just that way too much abuse is directed towards this people and we need to stand against it, or is going to continue to happen even worse.

See, here's the thing - you aren't helping your cause in this being "different" bullshit. It's people like you (you aren't the only one) that cry about being treated like an outcast just because you are "different", but turn right around and remind the whole entire world that you are, in fact, DIFFERENT. So, if you want to be treated as if you aren't different, don't make it a point to remind everybody how different you are, how bad you have it, how society shuns you, etc.

Where have I said that I am treated as an outcast? How bad I have it and how society shuns me? :rolleyes: I have actually been very lucky in that aspect, but only because most people don't know my birth details. I can't say the same for those who are not so lucky though.

Also, this is not even close to being similar to terrorism. The fact that you are even trying to compare the two just proves how unnecessarily upset you are about this. Americans get murdered every single day in other countries, because they are Americans. Where are your threads about those news stories? Why don't you choose to make a connection with those people?

Why only get riled up about a gay kid who got murdered?

...we both know the answer to that already.

I would be just as outraged about the story you described. However, many people here post stories about crimes. What's wrong about me posting a single case of a crime against a homosexual?? First time in like 8 months since I been here... What's your problem?
"All violent crimes are hate crimes"? Really? Yes

Even ones where the killer is dispassionately after the victim's money and their life is a mere obstacle to that goal? If you are willing to kill over money then yes. Or when someone kills a witness to another crime? Ahh, yeah. I could give countless examples where hate has nothing to do with it....

Stop listening to talk show hosts and think for yourself.:2 cents:

That is the one thing that I always do. You should try it sometime.:hatsoff:
It was just what if scenarios to TT in what he said about how punishments need to be severe and the whole deader comment about 1st and 2nd degree murders. I did not say that as if it is what is happening now. :hatsoff:

Point is...it's not who you kill (the misinformation perpetuated by "hate crime" opponents) which determines the severity of your charge...unless it's a on duty cop which carries special circumstance guidelines in many jurisdictions....it's your motivation and intent.

That is the one thing that I always do. You should try it sometime.

Sorry....I'm not trying to repeat their doofus claims all over the place only to hammered senseless by logic.
The "justice" system makes differences between most murders. For instance 1st degree murder carries a longer sentence than 2nd. Doesn't that mean that a victim of 1st degree is any deader than that of second?
Basically it is to send a message that such crimes will not be tolerated, in order to mitigate the number of murders that result from this kind of hatred towards particular groups. The FBI has a long list of murders solely based on the race or sexual orientation of the person. White ppl are represented in those lists as well.

Court Scenarios:

Because you killed a gay person, whether you knew they were gay or not, you will be sentenced to double the amount of if you would have killed a straight person.

In this case, they knew, so they will be sentenced triple the amount.

However if you are gay or straight and kill a straight person. You will be only be given the average amount of punishment and time serve.

Oh? It was a gay black man who wears glasses? We will immediately put you in the life sentence/death row category.

Kind of like that?

Point is...it's not who you kill (the misinformation perpetuated by "hate crime" opponents) which determines the severity of your charge...unless it's a on duty cop which carries special circumstance guidelines in many jurisdictions....it's your motivation and intent.

Sorry....I'm not trying to repeat their doofus claims all over the place only to hammered senseless by logic.

With it being in all one post. Do you see my joke in my post now about if you kill a gay person and are straight you get double sentence? It was nothing but a tongue-in-cheek post in regard of what TT said.

Is this really an issue? I did not say that in a serious tone.
No action which is illegal is "tolerated" that's why some acts are classified as crimes. Crimes that carry more severe sentences do so in order to punish commensurately. Not because one crime is "tolerated" less than another.

Intentional murder is a more severe crime than incidental murder and incidental murder is a more severe crime than accidental murder. They're sentences should correspond to the severity level.

The classification of the murder is determined by intent (divining what was the assailant's state of mind, the very thing hate crime opponents claim can't be done).

MY point was that the victim of 1st degree murder is no any deader than that of second degree. Yet the criminal gets a longer sentence for first.
I am not an expert on criminology, so I don't really know the semantics behind it, but thank you.
Whimsy, where do you get your facts from??

There is unsurmountable evidence, however, of people getting less time in jail because the victim is gay and they claim it gaves them "gay panic." Many have gotten away with murder because of it.
The "justice" system makes differences between most murders. For instance 1st degree murder carries a longer sentence than 2nd. Doesn't that mean that a victim of 1st degree is any deader than that of second?
Basically it is to send a message that such crimes will not be tolerated, in order to mitigate the number of murders that result from this kind of hatred towards particular groups. The FBI has a long list of murders solely based on the race or sexual orientation of the person. White ppl are represented in those lists as well.

Show me a trial of a murdered or assaulted heterosexual, non-ethnic white male where hate crime statutes were introduced. White people people are represented in those FBI listings, but that data has no relevance to hate crime legislation. By definition.

Senator Jeff Sessions (R Alabama): “A minister gives a sermon, quotes the Bible about homosexuality, is thereafter attacked by a gay activist because of what the minister said about his religious beliefs and what Scripture says about homosexuality.” (Sessions then wanted to know if the minister would be protected under the new proposed hate crimes legislation, because he was attacked specifically because of his religious views.)

Attorney General Eric Holder: "Well, the statute would not — would not necessarily cover that. We’re talking about crimes that have a historic basis. Groups who have been targeted for violence as a result of the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, that is what this statute tends — is designed to cover. That would not be covered by the statute."

The difference between 1st and 2nd degree murder is premeditation and it's a state matter. You're championing the federal government prosecuting state crime due to race, religion and sexuality. So, what you support is the Federal government prioritizing victims based on their race, ethnicity or sexuality.

Domestic abuse has a historic basis. We know for a fact that it has existed as least as long as recorded history has. As rape does. But, do wife beaters and rapists face the Federal Department of Justice for their crimes? No. Do stalkers? No. Women are raped and beaten far more than any group is assaulted or killed.

The reason so many call bullshit on "hate crime" legislation is because it's inherently discriminatory and groups that demand such legislation have no voice in demanding stiffer sentences or Federal prosecution for all violent criminals.

As a white man, I'm 18 times more likely to be murdered by a black man than I would if the roles were reversed. That's not racism or bigotry...or any kind of blanket statement on any race, it's a statistic from the DOJ. I bring up that statistic not to indict anybody based on their genetic composition, but to show that the idea of using race to prosecute state crimes on a Federal level, while excluding the majority of victims (both in number and rate) is absolutely ridiculous.

Holder's own words indicate that "hate" only applies to some. I have no idea how you can justify a mandated inequality in the justice system.

Anyway, as to the 1st/2nd degree murder argument, it's moot. The victims I named in my previous post (save for the late Mrs. Hassan) were white heterosexuals who were raped, tortured and killed by either a gang of black men or two homosexual men. The only thing differentiating the crimes is that Dirkhising, Christian and Newsom were all raped in addition to their torture and murder, yet no civil rights group demanded that either Federal prosecution or state hate crime statues be implemented in those cases. It seems that some would like to see Lady Justice's scales dipping a little to the left.
MY point was that the victim of 1st degree murder is no any deader than that of second degree. Yet the criminal gets a longer sentence for first.
I am not an expert on criminology, so I don't really know the semantics behind it, but thank you.

The main difference between first and second degree murders is whether there was premeditation. If you are angry at someone and just grab something and murder them, that would be 2nd degree murder, mainly because you were emotionally overtaken and acted without thinking about what you were doing.

First degree has premeditation, you were clear headed and planned this murder out.

I'm not too sure if 3rd degree murder is basically manslaughter, where you had no intention of killing anyone at all (such as drunk driving or punching someone and they then have a heart attack as a result)
The main difference between first and second degree murders is whether there was premeditation. If you are angry at someone and just grab something and murder them, that would be 2nd degree murder, mainly because you were emotionally overtaken and acted without thinking about what you were doing.

First degree has premeditation, you were clear headed and planned this murder out.

I'm not too sure if 3rd degree murder is basically manslaughter, where you had no intention of killing anyone at all (such as drunk driving or punching someone and they then have a heart attack as a result)

3rd degree murder, in most states, is a death resulting from extreme recklessness. 2nd degree could be from, say, intending to knock a guy out, but killing him instead. It's different in some states and is usually offered as a plea deal rather than going to trial.

There's been men who robbed a store, the store owner pulls out a gun and kills one of the men, leaving the second robber to face 2nd or 3rd degree murder charges.

And get this, if you robbed a bank and, as a result, a cop across town responded to the call, sped up and accidentally killed himself or another on route, you could face 2nd or 3rd degree murder charges in addition to robbery.
They should do away with 'hate crimes'. Murder is murder, assault is assault and so on. This is America, you are free to hate or love whomever you choose; but if you break a law you will be punished...without extra time tacked on because you dislike the person's race, sexual preferences, etc.