Has the FreeOnes Board become obsolete?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Instead of a rendition of kumbaya, I prefer a more subtle approach to peace time.


There. Better.


For the EMPEROR!!
:1orglaugh^ That gif just made my day.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The fact that HeroPorn hasn't been banned, even just temporarily, for at least one very excessive personal attack (in a post chock-full of that and other logical fallacies) should tell people all that they need to know about the FreeOnes board as it is nowadays... :(

Also, there's the James Deen contest. Let's not even go there.

If someone should be banned, it would be you nazi prick.

Is it going to be one of those days?

Please: 'all should take in consideration that - if I am not mistaken - our friend is fromBelgium.

Just imagine to live in a sate where the country seems to fall apart at the seams. Especially after the ISIS attacks and continued problems that were showing because ofthem.

I do think we have other problms, and a little cursing and swearing is just so petty.

Le Fly says: Peace!


Please: 'all should take in consideration that - if I am not mistaken - our friend is fromBelgium.

Just imagine to live in a sate where the country seems to fall apart at the seams. Especially after the ISIS attacks and continued problems that were showing because ofthem.

I do think we have other problms, and a little cursing and swearing is just so petty.

Le Fly says: Peace!
Who's from Belgium?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I must have mis-remembered something. ell, blame it on my AHOTY status. Maybe I am subconscviously pushing for votes.

So where you from?
I do think we have other problms, and a little cursing and swearing is just so petty.
If you had actually read my linked post, you would have seen that this isn't merely about "a little cursing and swearing:"

Apparently I need to point out logical fallacies yet again (in addition to HeroPorn's misrepresentation of what I posted elsewhere). There are several in HeroPorn's post:

He's just another "anal oh no!" guy
Don't paid attention to that nazi!

1. Nothing about me changes the factuality of what I posted about Alix Lynx's anus. That is a blatant ad hominem argument.
2. Nothing about me is relevant to what I had been discussing (Alix Lynx's anus and the evident lump). Trying to make this about me is a diversionary tactic and another logical fallacy -- a red herring.

People watch what they want to watch, if you don't like don't watch and shut up Adolf.

I never disputed that. You're creating a straw man -- which is yet another logical fallacy.

As for "Adolf" and "nazi," HeroPorn invoked Godwin's Law as well: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

Ad hominem: http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ad-hominem.html
Red herring: http://literarydevices.net/red-herring/
Straw man: http://www.fallacyfiles.org/strawman.html
Godwin's Law: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GodwinsLaw
The fact that HeroPorn hasn't been banned, even just temporarily, for at least one very excessive personal attack (in a post chock-full of that and other logical fallacies) should tell people all that they need to know about the FreeOnes board as it is nowadays... :(
Back in 2010, ad hominem attacks, misrepresentation, insults, and taunting were against the rules. They no longer are, of course: the FAQ section about flaming has changed substantially since then, and the use of the ignore feature is suggested instead.

What is considered Flaming?

Flaming is the hostile and insulting interaction between members. This often leads to personal attacks and harassment but can also include the use of threatening or intentionally inflammatory language. Flaming can include but is not limited to:

Outright Rudeness: disrespect and failure to behave within the Rules of the Message Board.
PUrposeful Insults: an intentional expression, statement, or behavior that is degrading or offensive.
Gross Profanity - profanity used against another member (fuck you, you fucking bitch!).
Personal Attacks - attack against a member, not their views, argument, opinion or stance on an issue.
Taunting and baiting - posts or comments with the intent to inflame a member or group of members.
Quoting another member out of context to give the impression they hold views they don't hold or to malign them.
http://board.freeones.com/faq.php?faq=ww (archived from 2010)


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If you had actually read my linked post, you would have seen that this isn't merely about "a little cursing and swearing:"

Well, I have re-read his posts. But what do you expect from afrenchman? He is the product of a country that stands for degeneration. Regarding his mentioning Adolf:

If my ancestors would have been successfull, we would have a different situation, but alas! it didn't work out that well.

Look at it like this: The way things go right now, not only Germany is hading back in that old direction.

Well, I have re-read his posts. But what do you expect from afrenchman? He is the product of a country that stands for degeneration. Regarding his mentioning Adolf:

If my ancestors would have been successfull, we would have a different situation, but alas! it didn't work out that well.

Look at it like this: The way things go right now, not only Germany is hading back in that old direction.
Now you are making an ad hominem argument and tossing in red herrings.

Anyway, invocation of Godwin's Law, insults, and taunting/baiting aren't really a big deal to me. Ad hominem arguments and misrepresentation of what someone else stated, OTOH, are. I'd like the old rules (with penalties/infractions) for those at least to be reinstated. I think that'd make this place more pleasant.

That said, reinstating the penalties for insults/baiting/rudeness (except for humorous reasons) as well might make some OCSMs happier:

Here's a classic example of the kind of unwarranted BS people on this forum will drop on us ladies, and then wonder why we might not want to be around. this is the entire statement I made on the "What's your favorite food?" thread. I in know way was trying to push anything, just stating what my old favorite was and well you can see here.....

"Ok I used to LOVE me a certain butchers NY Steak, I would put it up against ANY other cut it was so phenomenal.. but.... I have gone Vegan since march of last year and now my absolute favorite thing is an Italian Sausage from a company called 'Field Roast' .... just love the shit out of it and it helps me not miss meat in the slightest"

The response I got was this:

Oh look, someone piped up about being vegan without prompting and it only took sixteen hours. Which is lightning fast on the board these days. No offense, but vegans have got to interject their lifestyle into conversation as quickly as possible. I treat it like I would with someone who has a facial tattoo. Generally I don't want to speak to them unless I have to but I know it's gonna be bad.

I didn't say a goddamn word about my lifestyle any more than others in the thread saying they were on this diet or that diet and would love to have some fucking pizza.

So, in closing, is it easy to not come here when I get this kind of treatment? Absolutely. But do I leave? No, and I'm not bitching either, I'm just showing you and example that happened today (for me) of why so many ladies have left or just don't give a fuck about members on the board anymore :)

I just saw that [Mandy's] post this morning, and felt exactly the same way.

It's fine to disagree on things, but people don't need to be so unnecessarily rude and uptight so often for no good reason, completely unwarranted. So much negativity without need. That kind of stuff doesn't upset me anymore like it did years ago, as these days I tend to just roll my eyes. I have such little patience for it, and don't care much to get into many arguments or debates, since it never solves anything. It's meh to me these days, and since it's so prevalent, I can't be bothered to post as much. Twitter, fetlife, and reddit is where I spend most of my time now.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Blink, (if I may call you this), I have been a lot aong your lines, and as I was a moderator back in the day, I have been really harsh.

I have loosened up, maybe too much. That is why I generated a second personae, "Le Fly", which I post as when I AM in a trollish mood or feel so mad about stupid shit that, if I were posting dead seriously, I would get banned for insulting the hell out of the idiots around here.

As for really serious and earnest discussions, this forum is not the right place, ultimately. A lot of various reasons why this got to this situation.

So if you want to have a discussion like the one about anal sex, I guess we need to take it somewhere else.


For the EMPEROR!!
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Supadupafly again."

:1orglaugh Love the Monty Python reference, Supa.