$1.66 average per click today on my website! I can't give you any details as to what I do or what Niche I am in, but I thought I'd share it with you guys. Also hit 10k rep power. It's been a while since I've had a good day!
I spend $18 a month for both websites.
No advertising at all.
Rely on the big G.
I don't have a very nice website. I just give information and try to build rich content for viewers. I'm getting paid for what I love to do.
The only thing I need to work on is my HTML/CSS skills. Then php which is a bitch for me to learn.
I spend $18 a month for both websites.
No advertising at all. Rely on the big G.
I don't have a very nice website. I just give information and try to build rich content for viewers. I'm getting paid for what I love to do.
The only thing I need to work on is my HTML/CSS skills. Then php which is a bitch for me to learn.