Habin (Pocket Girls) / Oh Young Kyung

Pocket Girls (in Korean: 포켓걸스) is a Kpop (pop music from South Korea) all-girl band, who debuted in 2015, created by race car modelling agency MissDica to promote their girls, and was active until 2018, when it focused only in modelling. As it's usual in Kpop bands, the girls begin when they are "18 years old", which, the weird way koreans count their ages, mean that they are 16 or 17 years old.

Ok, I know people just get in Freeones to watch naked girls, a few minority bother to read their biographies, and almost no one reads about culture. But. The korean way to count age is assigning "year 1" to the year the person is born, and "year 2" when the calendar year changes. So, a korean girl that, on 2024-10-02, is "18 years old", means just that she was born in year 2007, which is her "year 1". Fun fact: a korean baby born on 2023-12-31 would be "two years old" the next day - which would even be, for 12 hours or so, the same day in the West.

Habin (하빈), real name Oh Young Kyung (오영경; Oh is the family name, an exception, since 50% of koreans have Kim as family name), b.1994-02-10, is the hottest of the girls, who began the group (with Celine and Yeonji), and is currently making their lineup (with Minchae and Yeonji) and has been posing with small bikinis and miniskirts with pantyshot.


Screenshots from her 2023 and 2024 videos (NOT musical videos) from https://www.youtube.com/c/POCKETGIRLS

#1: "The One Camera", Minchae taking pictures of Habin
#2: "Gold Dress Dance Compilation"
#3: "Black Side Slit Dress Dance Compilation"
#4: "Silver Dress Dance Compilation"
#5: "Cat Crawl in a Pink Checkered Skirt"
#6: "Poolside Glamour in Gold Bikinis"


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