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Guys (and a few ladies) I could really use some advice

heres my situation, I'm going to a concert tomorrow and I just now had a bit of a falling out with my friend that I am going with, heres teh conversation:

friend: you should drive my truck
me: y
friend: so i can smoke before the concert
me: no
friend: why
me: im not driving ur truck so u can get high
friend: why
friend: whats the difference
friend: would you rather have my truck or yoru car in teh middle of san fran
me: my car
friend: why
me: 2 reasons
me: i flat out dont want to drive ur car to sf, and second i dont want to spend time at a concert with a high person
friend: why
friend: there will be no difference
friend: it would be better then feeling like going to a concert with my mom
me: where the fuck did u get that from
friend: your talking like a mom
me: no im talking like a person that doesnt feel liek spending a concert with a high person
friend: one have youe ver spent tiem with a person while high
friend: two you should be listenign to the music
me: yes, and being at a concert alone is lame
friend: so yoru saying that me getting high wuld make you eb at the concert alone
me: u would make me want to be
friend: no it wouldnt your just talkingout of yoru ass like a parent would
me: mitch
me: im not driving ur car so u can get high
friend: fien fine mom
friend: i might just drivew then
friend: iw as gonan get a brownie anywya
friend: and sitll mgiht
friend: then you woulda had no control over it
friend: unless youw anna freak out like now and been like im not driving you now
me: i am not driving your car so you can get high
friend: MOM
friend: i here you
friend: keep repeatring yoru point over and over again and i still understand it

he was obviously high while this conversation happened, and now im in a slightly tight spot.

I have no problem going to the concert alone, but this comming friday I'm supposed to goto another concert with him in sacramento (i live near san fran) and after that concert we were gonna stay in a hotel that night so we wouldn't have to drive all the way back. then that next morning I am flying out of the sac airport to visit my older brother for a few days, and now ive got a problem. can someone please gave me a bit of advice on what do do.

btw i dont do drugs of any king (even alcohol) never have never want to and my friend has recently, within the last year, become a MASSIVE pothead and ever since that has put a strain on the friendship. if that means anything :helpme:


I am sorry you are in this position. Sounds like your friend is not being very understanding.

You are going to have to decide what you want to do. If it is worth it or notto go to the concert under these circumstances.

But unless your friend becomes more understanding; I am afraid your friendship will probably end; at least for some time. Maybe forever. You had better get used to that posibility. THere are ALWAYS other friends.

I sincerely hope it works out for you.
Doesn’t sound like a mate to me, tell him to f*** off acting like a 12yr old.
Been in a place like this myself where my friend got into drugs...he started of with weed but then went onto harder stuff and wouldn’t listen to any of us when we tried to help him out. He thought he was too "cool" with all the drug taking to be arsed what people thought of him.

...Damn you must have a photographic memory to have written all that conversation back (i barely remember what i said 2mins ago) :D
Phil_Mitchell said:
Doesn’t sound like a mate to me, tell him to f*** off acting like a 12yr old.
Been in a place like this myself where my friend got into drugs...he started of with weed but then went onto harder stuff and wouldn’t listen to any of us when we tried to help him out. He thought he was too "cool" with all the drug taking to be arsed what people thought of him.

...Damn you must have a photographic memory to have written all that conversation back (i barely remember what i said 2mins ago) :D
he probally copy and pasted his logs and just changed the names. its a hard decision. but if your friend can't respect what you believe in and not do those things around you then he dosent deserve to be your friend. now and possibly forever. i had and i was one of these friends buts i respected them and they respected me. you just need to have a further chat. be straight forwards. tell your friend that if you cant respect my thoughts and so forth then i dont think i want to be around you. if your like me its not a huge problem if they do this on there own time ( like at home or when there not around you) but when they do this around you that is a problem. i hope i or anyone else here was a help to you. wish you the best of luck and have a fun time at the concert.

by the way what concert is it?? whos playing?
ilovepornpics said:
drive his truck, let him get high, and then leave him there.
well, ok lets make this situation get worse then it already is.

well here is what i say, i have went places and my friends have smoked up in the car. truly, if they are your friend you wont be there alone. i have went to movies, golfing and even paintball with my friends while they were high, and admittitedly, they were fine to be around. as long as they dont smoke a lot, they seem to be able to function.

if you are truly apposed to the use of marijuanna, then i would suggest going alone, because it seems your friends mind is set on smoking up before going to the show
juballs said:
if you are truly apposed to the use of marijuanna, then i would suggest going alone, because it seems your friends mind is set on smoking up before going to the show

I agree with this. If he won't budge then your options kind of get simple, either go while he smokes up, or don't go with him. Which choice you choose, will have to be up to you.
If you're adamantly against your friend's use of drugs at the concert, I certainly hope you're against them for other activities as well. Don't make it about the concert. Your friendship seems to be at a fulcrum point. It's time for a heart-to-heart with your friend. You've got some decisionmaking to do, thegovna. Do you accept your friend despite his drug use, or would you rather cut ties and find another friend? Maybe only socialize with this friend when he is sober or reasonably sober. Send a message. Or, let him do whatever the hell he wants and still socialize with him - it's his life and body, and you can simply not get high with him but enjoy his company. There are options, but many some better than others...

This is a common dilemma. I've faced it with friends. Many of us have. My best friend of 12 years (we no longer speak) got wrapped up in pills after he started a job as a bartender in a dance club several years back. We used to get together and play music, play videogames, have some beers, talk all night about life, love, women, career, etc., but he started popping all sorts of pills and drinking on top of them. I'd go over to his place to hang out and within 2 hours he was so messed up I couldn't hold any sort of decent conversation with him. I talked to him about it, very seriously, and luckily he stopped after not too long. Sadly, we ended up not talking anymore after his fiancee broke up with him - he went off the deep end and isolated himself from everyone he knew.

I've also been "the bad guy" in this scenario as well. For example, I started wondering why people stopped asking me along to do stuff at a certain point (back in my wildass 20s lol), and finally one day a friend told me, "Man, we can't do this or that on weekends without having to worry about you driving home and killing yourself on the road." That woke me up. I never really had thought about it. To me, I was "in control." Of course, as you know with your friend, it's youthful cockiness and hubris speaking.

The thing is, you need to decide what you want for YOU, thegovna. While you may really enjoy this friend and have a history of great times together, if he makes you more worried and uncomfortable than happy to spend time with him, it's time to "cut bait and move on." It's sad, but it happens.

I wish you the best of luck, man. You'll make the right choice. :hatsoff:
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foxycougar said:
If you have the tickets maybe you could get someone else to go with you...

My thought's exactly. Find someone else to go with you. I've gone through this year's ago myself when i cleaned up my life. When you don't want to party or be around the element you'll catch alot of shit for awhile & you may lose some so-called friends for not partaking in the lifestyle. But in the end you will realize who your REAL friend's are. They are the one's who will value your friendship over drinking a fifth or doing a line.
Well he paid for his ticket so that wornt work, and it is a Green Day concert btw

and I decided I'm going to swallow my pride, act like its nothing until I can cleanly cut ties and then I don't think I want to be friends with him anymore. Unfortuantly tho its gonan be another 3 months before that happenes because we have like 2 classes together (college not high school) now and it would be hard to avoid him there.

thanks for the advice everyone
Do what feels right and best for YOU, govna. But don't be a coward about it either. If you think he has a drug problem and you're concerned, tell him so. It might end the friendship which you are going to end anyway, but in the end it might help him. You never know. Maybe one day he'll thank you for it.

:thumbsup: :hatsoff:


Nightfly said:
Do what feels right and best for YOU, govna. But don't be a coward about it either. If you think he has a drug problem and you're concerned, tell him so. It might end the friendship which you are going to end anyway, but in the end it might help him. You never know. Maybe one day he'll thank you for it.

:thumbsup: :hatsoff:

Great post Nightfly (imo).

No offence thegovna. but if a friend of yours felt as you do, would you not rather be told?
Or would you want him/her to pretend like everything is fine for weeks on end?


Retired Moderator
He's not much of friend if he doesn't understand that it would make you uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to hang around with someone who were high anyway. You would feel pressured into "babysitting" him, worring the entire time that he might do something stupid. Sort of like what a DD feels like when he's taking a bunch of drunks home :2 cents:
As for advice, I wouldn't go. You probably wouldn't enjoy yourself anyway.
it's Green Day....I am sure you know what that name stands for. I see why he wants to get high now lol. Give us an update later on how it goes, hopefully the balance of "do it on your own time" can smooth things out.
oh yes great point samurai..

so next time i take my mom to vegas to see wayne newton... im gonna have to remember your advice and buy some gonja before the show and smoke up with her in the back alley before the show.
juballs said:
oh yes great point samurai..

so next time i take my mom to vegas to see wayne newton... im gonna have to remember your advice and buy some gonja before the show and smoke up with her in the back alley before the show.

Damnit mom, its puff-puff-pass.


Member, you member...
After all that, I say Good Luck, Govna.
Kill any flowers lately?
no flower killin, cause i quit that job a while ago, I work at best buy now but I'll have to tell that story later cause Im gettin ready to leave for the show.

and now hes gonna just eat weed cookies instead of smokin