Sorry to post late on this.
I'm getting behind with my terror attack investigations lately.
I'm also a busy TV repairman. Spend most of my time just trying to find customers.
Yeah this is fake.
I usually first look at CNN's coverage, which I did.
Then I look elsewhere to find a video that sums up my impressions of said event as best I can.
As soon as I saw Mr RAAK I knew it was fake. Just like as soon as I saw Christine Leinonen on CNN after Orlando I knew that was fake.
You might Remember Christine was very upset the afternoon of the Pulse. Talking about banning automatic weapons and all.
Then 2 days later she was smiling so much even Anderson Cooper couldn't handle it, and he's used to people smiling after their children were brutally murdered.
Then she showed up at the Hiliary DNC campaign......sad again.
But yeah this RAAK guy is all that needs to be seen on this one.
RAAK got shot in the leg by an AK-47 at close range but didn't bleed. Guess the blue tinsle was enough to stop the bleeding and soak up any blood.
He was released from the hospital and taken to the airport on a gurney then he got into a wheelchair the next day to go home. His other 12 friends he was in Turkey with were not with him at the airport.
He also got shot in the cel phone which saved his life because although AK-47's can shoot through concrete blocks they don't fare as well against cel phones.
Anyway Here's RAAK. RAAK owns a business that sells Military Equipment.