the guy who shot up the theater in Colorado bought 100 round magazine online, no questions asked, LEGALLY!
ALL guns should be bought from a licensed vendor. No private sales allowed. No gun shows. Make it ONLY legal to own a gun if you do it this way. Why is that an issue? You don't bitch about registering your car do you?
Is someone going to use my boat to shoot kids in a school? No.
jesus look at that fucking idiots face.
THIS is my idea of gun control!
why bother coming up with a valid counter arguement when you can just post some bull shit memes
Eventually, there will come reason to the USA, like it did to all the other first-world countries. You deserve better than to live in a state that has mass hootings every fucking week, has guns free to get for every lunatic and madman around, with all what is to follow, and the Gun Mafia that has you so deeply brainwashed will go away. Seriously, look at the statistics, comparing gun deaths per capita in advanced countries, you can't say it's got to stay that way!
Great Sup...but where's Mexico, and South America. How about South East Asia, or the Middle East. I know you aren't saying that, because the ones pulling the trigger in those areas are military, or police, it isn't murder. Genocide can't be acceptable, because it's being committed by leaders, as opposed to some whack job that runs amok in a theater. Now, find me a graph that shows all homicides committed with all types of weapons. Just because someone was stabbed and not shot, doesn't mean they shouldn't be called a murder, and don't blame me, because I want to bring a gun, to a gun fight.
Not to mention that most of these statistics are padded by suicides.
There are a..T of brilliant people in the world but how is he using his brilliance? To clog up our political system and he believes the fucking earth is 6000 years old and dismisses 99.9% of all scientists who aren't on the payroll of oil and fossil fuel corporations who say otherwise. How smart is he then?
You keep going back to him being smart as if they qualifies him for anything other than being smart. True intelligence is judged by how you use your smarts. So far he's as dumb as Palin when it comes to being a politician.
"Ted Cruz – Señor Cruz has never gone on record about the age of the Earth"