Gun Control is Coming - But Listen to This!


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I think the numbers CLEARLY prove, how Americans feel about gun control, and the outlawing of semi-automatic rifles, and 30 round mags. If nobama hasn't been able to do it legally, and even the tricky little bullshit games he's tried to play haven't worked, I doubt it's going to happen without some VERY SERIOUS shitbaggery, that likely would be the straw that breaks the camels back, or out right, full scale military action against the law abiding citizens of this country. If it does happen, I can almost guarantee complete civil disobedience....kind of like what they're doing in New York. I should have posted it, but Yahoo had an article about how New Yorkers are just saying fuck you to the State leaders, and keeping their guns, and not registering them. I say good job, send a message. Instead of punishing the law abiding, do away with the criminals. This asshole that shot up the theater....he's guilty, 1 appeal, if it fails, on his knees, bullet in the back of his head, closure. Quit plea dealing out anyone that commits a crime with a gun, and if they do it again, surgically remove their fingers, so they can't pull a trigger. I agree it's a tricky proposition as far as medical records go, but if someone has legally been adjudicated mentally ill, no guns. By that I don't mean stressed out, or depressed, I mean serious illness, like schizophrenia, things of that nature. There has to be a way to do it, without full violation of rights, but keeping it in check. I will agree that that issue needs to be addressed, however, there is no such thing as a guns how loophole. If you aren't supposed to have a gun, and buy one at a gun show, you're a criminal, law abiding citizens should not be punished for other peoples crimes. In Ohio, you are required to ask for a drivers license, or State I.D. to insure the person you are selling to, or buying from, is an Ohioan. Now as far as far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't buy from a gun show, unless I got the sellers name and address, just in case, but that's because I won't risk it. If the Government is so concerned with gun shows, they should provide the private citizens that buy and sell there, access to computers to check the status of the people doing the governments cost.
the guy who shot up the theater in Colorado bought 100 round magazine online, no questions asked, LEGALLY!

ALL guns should be bought from a licensed vendor. No private sales allowed. No gun shows. Make it ONLY legal to own a gun if you do it this way. Why is that an issue? You don't bitch about registering your car do you?

oh and good luck going up against the military with your semi-auto rifles and handguns. luckily we've been building thousands of tanks that come right off the assembly line and go into a parking lot that'll finally get to be put to use. Good luck to you and the other rednecks with your war against the army and marines LOL
Yes the numbers do show that americans are in favor of something being done about the easy access of guns to the wrong people. the NRA wants ZERO limitations on gun sales. They say they support background checks as do MOST americans yet they fight them all the way.

I found this photo entertaining. Im posting it for no specific reason. I just like it and thought Id lighten the thread a little with some porn since this is a porn site after all. Honestly, I'm not directing this at anyone in-particular. I swear to god


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
the guy who shot up the theater in Colorado bought 100 round magazine online, no questions asked, LEGALLY!

ALL guns should be bought from a licensed vendor. No private sales allowed. No gun shows. Make it ONLY legal to own a gun if you do it this way. Why is that an issue? You don't bitch about registering your car do you?

I have been viewing your posts in this thread, because this is as important an issue to me, as the planned parent hood issue is to you.

First, I do bitch about registering my car. I see it as nothing more then a scam to bilk the people of their money. I bitch about ANYTHING that gives the government the right to hold us by the balls...or tits, which ever your gender may be. To make private sales illegal, is the same as saying you can't sell your boat to the guy that wants to buy it for a $2000 more then the guy before him. I have seen A LOT, of guns get sold at shows that were sold for a fair price, because some greedy asshole didn't have to make his profit. How wrong is it, that a son, can't receive his grandfathers gun, as an heirloom. On line vendors ARE licensed...and if it would have been a firearm, just like from an online auction, it would have to go to a FFL dealer, and a back round check would be done. That magazine is useless without the gun, and I honestly do not know where he got the gun, or if he was even allowed to own one, but to purchase ammo on line, is a given. The way they've jacked up the prices, when it goes on sale, you buy. It only takes a few hours at the range, to go through 10 boxes of ammo....and that's not being a nut, and popping off rounds as fast as you can...that's just executing practical target acquisition, and accuracy shooting. When you go to a gun show, you show I.D. to get in, and in Ohio, you must ask to see an I.D. before you buy and sell t5o insure no crossing of state lines. These problems are not gun control issues, they are one of failure to properly prepare, and protect. If the theater doesn't want to allow patrons to carry in their theater....which is their right, and WHY he choose that place....that is their right, so they should be LAWFULLY required to hire armed security, for protection.

Now the part that's going to piss you off. The truth is, no politician really wants gun control. Obama, has stock, so does Hillary. They cry gun control to juice up their stocks and bonds. Their will NEVER be complete gun control, EVER, and the reason is, your democrats, are as bad as the republicans. They all want the same thing, they'll just get their differently. You need to accept that, because while your morons are screaming about guns, and the other morons are screaming about abortions, the country is going to hell, and no one seems to be worrying about that. And I am not a republican, I could care less how many fetuses you have sucked from your uterus, I could care less how many gay people get married. I typically vote libertarian, or republican, only because your side wants to redistribute wealth, that I don't have, to those that THEY DEEM worthy, and I don't get a say in who gets what. If one out of ten people on welfare don't deserve to have it, that one person, is one to many for me, and I shouldn't have to pay for him, or her. My property taxes are VERY high, for my area, more then half is for the school system. I have no children, and I don't use the school, other then as a polling place, but I have to pay, and it's wrong.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Is someone going to use my boat to shoot kids in a school? No.

And no one is going to use my guns to shoot someone in school....what's your point? And please don't tell me "because guns were designed to kill, boats aren't". More people die from medical malpractice, or cigarettes, or booze, then guns...they weren't designed to kill either, and one is there to help and heal. The only way any gun violence is going to stop, is if EVERYONE had no guns...and that will never happen, because even if they take them all, the criminals will get them somehow. California has huge gang problems, most of them have criminal records, some are illegals, I would guess, and California has strict gun laws, but there are a shit load of gang members packing heat, and shooting each other, and innocent people up every day. It just makes more sense to enforce the laws we already have on the books, and stop any leniency to anyone committing violence with a gun...or a knife for that matter. If you've been arrested for attacking someone with a weapon, you've demonstrated you are a threat, but if you haven't, you shouldn't loose your rights, because something MIGHT happen.
jesus look at that fucking idiots face.

THIS is my idea of gun control!


That idiot has no problem releasing his college transcripts. Where are Obama's? And Alan Dershowitz says he is the most brilliant student he ever had. I will put his intellectual capacity up against anybody's.

As for his physical appearance, there have been a lot of great presidents and politicians that weren't exactly handsome or beautiful. Abraham Lincoln comes to mind.

You are a real piece of work. You better thank God you were born with a physical appearance that allowed you to make a dollar. You damn sure wouldn't have done it with your brains and personality.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Eventually, there will come reason to the USA, like it did to all the other first-world countries. You deserve better than to live in a state that has mass hootings every fucking week, has guns free to get for every lunatic and madman around, with all what is to follow, and the Gun Mafia that has you so deeply brainwashed will go away. Seriously, look at the statistics, comparing gun deaths per capita in advanced countries, you can't say it's got to stay that way!

That's the price of freedom, Supe. As we all know, all of those other countries on the chart are now living under brutal tyrannical dictatorships, because they weren't able to defend themselves anymore. Freedom requires hootings!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Eventually, there will come reason to the USA, like it did to all the other first-world countries. You deserve better than to live in a state that has mass hootings every fucking week, has guns free to get for every lunatic and madman around, with all what is to follow, and the Gun Mafia that has you so deeply brainwashed will go away. Seriously, look at the statistics, comparing gun deaths per capita in advanced countries, you can't say it's got to stay that way!


Great Sup...but where's Mexico, and South America. How about South East Asia, or the Middle East. I know you aren't saying that, because the ones pulling the trigger in those areas are military, or police, it isn't murder. Genocide can't be acceptable, because it's being committed by leaders, as opposed to some whack job that runs amok in a theater. Now, find me a graph that shows all homicides committed with all types of weapons. Just because someone was stabbed and not shot, doesn't mean they shouldn't be called a murder, and don't blame me, because I want to bring a gun, to a gun fight.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Not to mention that most of these statistics are padded by suicides.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Great Sup...but where's Mexico, and South America. How about South East Asia, or the Middle East. I know you aren't saying that, because the ones pulling the trigger in those areas are military, or police, it isn't murder. Genocide can't be acceptable, because it's being committed by leaders, as opposed to some whack job that runs amok in a theater. Now, find me a graph that shows all homicides committed with all types of weapons. Just because someone was stabbed and not shot, doesn't mean they shouldn't be called a murder, and don't blame me, because I want to bring a gun, to a gun fight.

Not to mention that most of these statistics are padded by suicides.

Oh I see: Because in other xcountries, there re killings by officials, and because every statistic has some slight errors in it, there is no need for action, no, in fact, you say you clowns need to be able to wage war on your own government. You d know what that makes you, don't you?

You are terrorists. You are not okay with your own government? Small wonder. Yet you have given up changing things, no, you talk shit about peope who do change it the right way, through going into politics, you celebrate the party that has gone into open war against yourself, and you want to go to war against government officials.

When will we see you in the evening news? Just don't wear your Freeones T-Shirt!
Am I still sleeping or did someone say "guns weren't designed to kill" ??????? Did I REALLY just read that? Maybe your guns won't be used to kill others in mass shootings but the access YOU have to military-grade armor-piercing bullets and grenades and body armor is the same access that the very person who WILL be using them to shoot innocent people in grade schools and movie theaters. Don't you see that? You could show your ID and buy whatever you want because you aren't worried about what you'll do with them. But if some lunatic like these people can get them with no questions asked you and people you love could be the next victims.
There are a LOT of brilliant people in the world but how is he using his brilliance? To clog up our political system and he believes the fucking earth is 6000 years old and dismisses 99.9% of all scientists who aren't on the payroll of oil and fossil fuel corporations who say otherwise. How smart is he then?

You keep going back to him being smart as if they qualifies him for anything other than being smart. True intelligence is judged by how you use your smarts. So far he's as dumb as Palin when it comes to being a politician.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Now I see why you won AHOTY. First off, my country kills, we just don't hear about it, because they're sneaky, shady fucks. Secondly, you missed the point, which was, you listed a bunch of countries that by nature are not at the top of the violence list. Mexico for example has fairly strict gun laws, but yet cartels and drug lords slaughter innocent people every day...sometimes with guns, sometimes by brutally beheading them. Look at the Middle East. When have you ever heard of a citizen being able to defend his home from being plundered.

I like the way you call innocent, law abiding citizens terrorists, because we believe in the Constitution, and choose to exercise our Second Amendment rights...your silly square ass sounds just like G.W.Bush. Because we choose to enjoy the shooting sports, or collecting, and want our RIGHTS to remain in tact, because we feel strongly enough to stand up to the elected EMPLOYEES that have clearly failed us, and abuse their power, we are sound a lot like the clueless fucktards we have in office right now. That's just a real special way to look at special ed, I guess they have short yellow buses over in Europe too. We don't give up on change...I'm sure some Americans have rolled over and taken one in the ass, I choose not to. I write my elected officials, and let them know just how I feel. I vote, and I inform myself before I do. As far as which way, is the right way, who will your country call, when you need help? Yeah, it won't be someone like Australia, or France, it'll be America. The stupidity of your post has given me a serious headache. Why in the fuck can't you, or any of the other numbskulls that feel the need to disarm a lawful populace seem to understand that free men DO NOT ask permission, for what is their RIGHT, and we certainly don't stand idly by, and allow ourselves to be stripped of those rights. Why is it you just can't understand that, when someone commits a crime, you don't give them a hug, and allow their behavior to be excused because of their environmental back round? I have no problem with change, as long as it's for the better, and taking away the rights of the people that OBEY the law, isn't the right way. Instead of a hug, maybe that criminal should rot in a maximum security prison for the rest of his life, not given a slap on the wrist, and rehabilitation. Perhaps if our prisons weren't country clubs, but places were scum goes to die, the people that commit crimes with a gun, would eventually all be locked up. I'm for that, and as I've said before, if we have to, lets cut off some trigger fingers, and if that doesn't work, take a few eyeballs and leave them unable to see who are potential victims.

But keep your fucking hands off of my guns, I abide by the law, and I do no one any harm. unless I need to defend myself, or my loved ones. I will not be bullied, or shamed into believing that the ownership of ANY type of firearm is unnecessary, and I will NEVER consed that crime rates, and violence will be reduced by depriving anyone that follows the letter of the law, their rights. Of course you and your kind will never understand what it means to earn your independence from tyranny. You'll never understand that millions, upon millions of people that have been brutally slaughtered because their tyrannical government wouldn't allow them the right to defend themselves. We have been steadily loosing our rights, and I see no reason to believe it will ever get better. They record our phone calls, they fly drones over our OWN soil. They treat us as if we were the enemy, and all because we want our rights. Rights people have died for. I feel nothing but hatred for the people that abuse, and disregard the Constitution, because they not only deserve the rights it CLEARLY provides, they don't deserve to live in a country that provides them so much, and they certainly don't deserve the security of having those freedoms.

I would like to precast my vote for this asshat now, for next years election.

Really Mariah, are you that clueless as to what the laws are? No one is allowed to own grenades, you can't just waltz into a store and buy them. You aren't allowed armor piercing rounds either. This is the hypocrisy of the anti gun club. You claim we spin everything, and twist it around to fit our agenda, but your side does it too, but that's ok, because when your side does it, it's for the common good of the people. But all it is, is for the common good of those that wish to further exert control over a free society. Reread the post, it says the other things that kill weren't meant to, you misunderstood the way I worded the post.
There are a..T of brilliant people in the world but how is he using his brilliance? To clog up our political system and he believes the fucking earth is 6000 years old and dismisses 99.9% of all scientists who aren't on the payroll of oil and fossil fuel corporations who say otherwise. How smart is he then?

You keep going back to him being smart as if they qualifies him for anything other than being smart. True intelligence is judged by how you use your smarts. So far he's as dumb as Palin when it comes to being a politician.

From a liberal leaning blog and website:

"Ted Cruz – Señor Cruz has never gone on record about the age of the Earth"
