Gun Cat is choosing a weapon


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Yeah, um.......wrong forum. I guess most of your posts belong in the funny forums anyway.
The SKS and 10/22 are obviously not even in the running. The Kalashnikov trumps the 10/22 in every way and the slight accuracy advantage of the SKS doesn't negate the limitation of its magazine or the dependability and ease of use of the Kalashnikov.

The Remington 870 is great for close defense but loses effectiveness after 50 yards. The Mosin Nagant remains a great, accurate rifle, but finding ammo in a SHTF scenario will be a burden and the capacity and rate of fire render it unfit for modern combat.

The cat's a douchebag poser. It's cats like him that get men killed.
Sorry just realised it's in the wrong section, although homocidal cats are no laughing matter


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
The cat has a decent stash of weapons.


Postal Paranoiac
*quick! before they move this thread!*

Pick the KAT-22!!!
I agree with the people that said it isn't an impressive selection of guns. The knives are even worse.

Reading the comments I don't see anyone saying it isn't an impressive selection of guns or maybe I missed it :confused:
Reading the comments I don't see anyone saying it isn't an impressive selection of guns or maybe I missed it :confused:

Nobody said it, but it is kind of true. It's mostly a collection of C&Rs. And the only two centerfire automatics are 7.62 x 39. Not very versatile.

The Kalshnikov, 870 and Beretta are a good starting point though.
Nobody said it, but it is kind of true. It's mostly a collection of C&Rs. And the only two centerfire automatics are 7.62 x 36. Not very versatile.

The Kalshnikov, 870 and Beretta are a good starting point though.

Does he really need the best stuff, he probably only needs to take out the mouse under the floorboards, the dog next door and that rival cat from down the street that has marked its territory unfairly!
Does he really need the best stuff, he probably only needs to take out the mouse under the floorboards, the dog next door and that rival cat from down the street that has marked its territory unfairly!

Ummm, you know, the two bolt action relics on the right are Mausers. I deserve rep for not making a pun right there.

Anyway, the cat's current needs are irrelevant. The ability to manipulate the outcomes of potential situations should be taken into consideration. The cat's just being lazy. Instead of saving up for a FAL or AR, it goes and blows the remainder of its paycheck on another C&R. Quantity over quality.
Reading the comments I don't see anyone saying it isn't an impressive selection of guns or maybe I missed it :confused:

I was more or less relating to LaLiLuLeLohan comments about them. He might have been more generous than I would be. About the only thing there I might be moderately interested in is the Remington shotgun. (At least I think it's a Remington. It stock looks like the chap ass synthetic ones they put on their guns, and the trigger guard looks right.)
I was more or less relating to LaLiLuLeLohan comments about them. He might have been more generous than I would be. About the only thing there I might be moderately interested in is the Remington shotgun. (At least I think it's a Remington. It stock looks like the chap ass synthetic ones they put on their guns, and the trigger guard looks right.)

Ah, so you're a scattergun snob. If/when TEOTWAWKI comes dowb, I want you on my right flank. :D:glugglug:

Edit: BTW, it could be a Mossberg 500 or another, I just made a guess based on sales. The ghost ring set up may very well be Mossberg.
Ah, so you're a scattergun snob. If/when TEOTWAWKI comes dowb, I want you on my right flank. :D:glugglug:

It's not so much that as there are a lot of decent and cheap shotguns and unless somebody really screws up buying one or it was abused badly it's hard to go wrong with them at least for break open and pump action ones. Even automatics have gotten a lot better in recent years. There also the type I would have the least problem buying used without knowing how that individual gun performed.