GREATEST STORY EVERTOLD II--the long awaited conclusion




“WARNING- this story will make you either ejaculate or develop callous’es on your masterbating hand if you are male or squirt and moisten your panties if you are female. Do not read if that is not acceptable to you. As I am only using words I probably cannot make you orgasm unless you help things along. I am a good writer but not a magician or John Steinbeck. Make your decision now.

skip part you laready read if you want i marked approx conclusion point

I am writing to tell you a story about a time when a girl I was shacking up with was coming not cumming home from a step aerobics class we both attended. It was a medium intensity workout where you have energy left over rather than being wiped out for a few hours. The endorphins and pheromones were in and on our sweaty body’s as we left class. As it turned out she was about to be cumming home but I was only coming home. I am a doctor and she was my girl of 3 years. We fucked like rabbits for a year and now about once a day on average.

We have the hots for one another. She slipped and fell and suffered a deep cut so I picked her petite body up and took her to my clinic that was closed for the weekend. I figured I would treat her and fuck her later at home (cumming home get it). I laid her out in the treatment room and cleaned up the wound. My girl was nervous as usual in a doctor’s office and she said she was light headed. She was not nervous around me unless we were at a medical facility. The ointment stung her and she actually passed out but was ok so I put a dressing on her and hooked her up to the vitals monitor.

We both were horny from my carrying her with the pheromones from the aerobics and all. I was dressed in shorts and t shirt and she was scantily clad in short shorts and a tight shirt. I had earlier put electric monitor patches on her body aboue her breasts and one in-between and two on her upper tummy area.

She was measuring normal on the monitor with a slightly increased heart rate. I cut off her shirt and noticed her b cup titties with protruding long nipples. She was muscular with a firm tummy but feminine all the way. Just a well built girl with stamina I found out as I lived with her. Her legs were firm and long for her petite physique.

As long as we were there I prepared for a physical even though her doctor had just done one a few months back. I felt her up and put her legs in the stirrups. I managed to slide the shorts off her firm buttocks and pelvis (I did not want to lose those as she was hot as hell in those).

Her sex was nearly exposed except for a few inches of cloth. She would appreciate this as she could delay her next Dr appt.. She was laying there a sexual goddess under my control in only her white tight sports bra and red panties. I observed a few areas of her body any decided on a pelvic examination as long as a rectal for thoroughness. I took samples for a cbc, abg, chem 7, blood gas, electrolytes. I used the portable EKG machine and had fun with more patches on her sexy body and smooth creamy skin. I rolled her over and did the fun rectal on her after lowering her panties and undoing her bra in the back Her back was firm and sculpted and she had a nice small bubble butt with the dimples. I kissed her neck and she started to come around as I was in her ass literally.

I turned her over hoping to finish before she was alert. I completely removed the panties and slipped her bra off to expose her breasts and erect nipples. I took off my pants for comfort noting it was a little cold . I again put her in the stirrips and this caused her labia lips to spread and expose her sex. She was all pink and I felt her critical places and took a swab. I looked at her titties jutting up and flat stomach and started breathing harder and noticed my penis was not flaccid any more.

I noticed she was healthy as far as her vagina and uterus and from what I could feel of her cervix. I did not use a speculum. She was fairly conscious but a little out of it.

She was cold so I used a few hot packs on her. Her turgid breasts were exquisett and shaking a little. She was afraid but I said she was ok and we could leave in a few minutes if she was up to it. She asked if I had been fantasizing or pawing her body while out of it and I said yes, I could not help it.

She wanted to get even.. I put her in restraints as a tease and started rubbing her body and squeezing her tits. I rmost of the patches and that was a little painfull for her and she managed to snake part of her hand under the front of my boxers and grabbed my testicles. She said the rest would need to come off carefully or I would be in a lot of testicular pain. I was slower and her vise like grip let me know how she was feeling as I removed her titty electric pads.

I said she could cancel her Dr appt. as I had her covered and she smiled and thanked me by rubbing my penis. I listened to her breathing for a bit and placed the stethoscope right between her boobs and said your heart was A-OK. She asked if she was fit for sexual intercourse with a black man with a huge shaft. And knowing her fantasy I said yes and smiled at her. She wanted to be freed but for her own good she would be under observation all day by medical staff. She struggled against the restraints but was just tiring her self out in her vain efforts for freedom.

I said if she was not cooperative I would insert a vibrator in her anus for punishment and give her sedatives till I got her cooperation and submission. Submission was key to her going home and cumming in her own bed tonight. Without submission I was going to spank her butt raw and admit her for more testing. She was shaking and trembling and her skin was ashen but she was friendly verbally to me and rubbed my testicles. I assured her she was safe with me and was just fine. I removed my shorts and shirt and took her pussy temp and it showed she was having a fertile period of her cycle.

She must obey or she would be impregnated today. She did not want to spoil her sex pot figure so she obeyed. She smelled of dried sweat from aerobics and the girl muskyness of a pussy ready for penetration. Her goose bumps were going away from her ordeal and all that stood between her bed and her particular medical fix was my rugged cock and its uncircumsized tip.

My cleaning crew was due in today and one black gentleman with big hands and who was always boasting of his conquests sexually was the forman. I had given him physicals for years and being healthy he might want a white petite sex slave. My girl answered yes master when I advised her of the visitor and said after our lovemaking he was dessert. I felt her up some more and massaged her slim body and she urged me to get naked so she could submit to my carnal desires. I was naked in a flash and she flipped my half erect shaft in her mouth for processing.

I was growing and she was slobbering on my man hood. She was moist and starting to leak fluid on the exam table. She was breathing rapidly with forced breaths and sweating again from the thought of the pussy pounding she would need to submit to, to be declared ready to join society. I inserted my bulbous head into her pussy only to have her clamp down and try to expel it, but to no avail. She was so lubed up with anticipation of black cock she could not stop my man meat on entry. As I delved deeper and deeper like “Sea Hunts” Lloyd Bridges she began writhing and moaning. I was at full erection and like steel was unbending in search for her cervix, deep in her cavity.

I was balls deep and slapping her ass as I pumped her 5 times hard and deep. She was beside her self in extacy and began panting as she always did a few minutes b 4 orgasm. With her clitoris peeking out from its hood I flicked it gently causing a loud scream. She squirted a stream at my chest and knew it was time for oral treatment to her labia and vaginal opening.

She cooed like a dove as my tongue slipped in where she kept her girl plumbing. I slowed to hasten a slow orgasm and a stronger one brought on by wonton lust. Her vaginal tissues were at full stretch it seemed and I thought about the large black shaft ABOUT TO IMPALE HER IF it arrived on time.


AFTER I shot a load of sperm in her I remained by her with my cock still impaling her until she stiffened, shooked , rocked back and forth and orgasmed. She fell asleep until the cleaning crew arrived. . My pulsing cock during my ejaculation is what frequently gets her off with the warm man goo jetting out and splattering her womb. The crew arrived shortly after, and I told Chris to wait in an exam room as the nurse would see him soon. I had set this up in advance and the injury was just a chance of luck that we would be at my office or else I would have had to come up with a reason for me and my wife to be there.

Chris was a good friend and a past patient and my wife had not met before. Chris was a lonely guy who has been alone since his wife died. I spoke to my wife about him in her room and she agreed to pretend to be my nurse for this guy and I told her she had a chance of getting some really huge black cock for a change. (her main fantasy)

My girl friend had just woke up from her slumber and was a little groggy as I told her of chris and his desires. She hurriedlydressed in a uniform hanging up on the wall. My girl looked sexy in the old time nurses uniform and was smelling of sex. I even noticed some of my sperm spilling out of her cooter and running down her thigh.

Chris was hard up for pussy and my girl would not do him if she knew it was arranged so it had to be a chance meeting. My girl thought this guy was a patient and since I would be in the room she thought it would be ok. I told her to go in and do a history and fill out some forms with his personal data. She went in and with me listening at the door, she asked his name and such. He said his cock was an odd color and had problems using it. According to her, she took his weight, blood pressure and he was grabby with her and was touching her in the wrong places. She said he had to keep his hands to himself or the doctor would be notified.

She continued with the pre exam questions and getting his vitals. When she came out she told me everything in private and I told her he would need help undressing and she would prepare him to be hooked up to the monitor by me. She was apprehensive at first as he continued to be touchy and coming on to her. I told her to be friendly and not such a prude and it was ok if he got some feels in as I was the boyfriend and thought it was sexy. (and an actual fantasy coming alive before my eyes). She entered and there were some protests and some ahhhing from her and as I heard more of the agreeable and pleasant sound from her. I knocked on the door.

She had undressed Chris and he was sitting up on an exam table with his boxers on. With his penis not being able to use it complaint. I assumed it was not able to have sex and my nurse assumed it was a urinary problem and not a sex problem. She was thinking about leaving as he would be sent out for testing at a urologist. When I told her to wrap a monitor pad around his penis she just about lost it. But I got her to do it after we cleared up what needed to happen in this exam room with this patient. She warmed up to him and smiled. She took a pad and removed the backing and rolled it around his penis as Chris held the fly open. She had to re-do it a few minutes later as she needed to do it on a stiff penis and more tword the base.
She was about to leave for ice and with a grin she said she needed to you know make him stiff. I said to do it the usual way we did not want this exam to take all day. She smiled out of embarrassment and asked permission from Chris and he said OK. Chris stood up and my girl lowered his boxers to his ankles and put both hands on his penis and started jerking him lik ea street slut in heat.

As he was firmer she wrapped a new monitor pad on him and he laid down so she could attach the others to his chest and lower abdomen. She covered his pelvic area with a sheet and I left for a while after hooking up the monitor. They got to know one another over the hour it was taking readings and were flirting with each other. The ice was broken with my fake penis monitor pad trick.

He was sore so she had him roll over and she massaged his back as he felt her out. With my sperm still dripping down her thigh she was moist as he fingered her. She said later she was embarrassed to be felt up like that with my load still in her and not to be clean. I liked to watch my girl have sex and fantasized about it all the time but I did not let her in on my secret. She did not want to be thought of as a slut so I had a problem with my fantasy.

With the ice broken I entered the room and sat on a stool facing the cumming action about to take place on the exam table between my nurse girlfriend and this good pal. He had a massive cock and large testicles thet hung low in his scrotum. He was a foot and a half taller than my girl and had chisled abs and chest.

My girls small firm titties were sticking out proudly from their uniform. As she stood next to him he grabbed them and she backed away with my presence in the room. I told her to be friendly and remove the sheet so she could view the naked male body before her and finish the office visit. I told her to give him a full body massage ending with a hand job to see if a full erection was possible in his state.

She cleaned the body and dried him worked the feet and sucked his toes. She put on blue latex surgical gloves and got lotion. She rubbed his muscular legs stopping just below his nut sack and flaccid man hood she did his face muscular shoulders and pecs. She helped him roll over and cupped his manhood to protect it. Chris said thank you and moaned a little.

MY girl massaged his back by crawling on top of his buttocks and sitting. She was in a dazed hurry just before the patient arrived and She was not wearing panties so some , my how should I say. ,“DRIPPINGS” smooched out on his butt cheeks. The combination of my DNA and her vagina juices were a sight to behold.

When she massaged his buttocks, being embarrassed and feeling slutty due to our lovemaking earlier, she simply worked the lotion and excess fluid in. She said under her breath
“damn panties” He moaned and groaned as she pressed hard on his butt , as it was putting pressure on his sex organ. She pulled his manhood out straight and his testicles also so they were not under his body- but in her full view between his legs. She worked his butt good being carefull not to touch his genitals but she massaged very close to them. She made sure his rectum was cleared with her finger and some lube. He groaned and twitched as she was inside wiggling around and she fondled him to see if an erection was starting he said it felt good and she said thank you.

I lowered her outfit so her perky breasts were in full view of all and pinched her nipples so they stood out erect. The outfit fell off her slim waist to her pelvis soon and all of us got a look at her chiseled abs. I told her to let him suckle her breasts and play with them for 5 minutes but still no erection. I soon had her naked and kissing him to no avail. She then took matters in her hand so to say as his penis was propped up by her left hand and her right was cupping and warming his testicles and nut sack.

She said the scrotum was heavy and his privates were shaven clean. As she twirled and squeezed her hand he twitched and moaned. AS she licked the popsicle shaft he grunted and released a small amount of pre-cum. He was firming up a little. My girl shocked me when she said she liked a man who could take this much action on his genitals and not cum prematurely. A real woman would like to be ridden for a long time and pounded long and hard b 4 a man gives up his ejaculate material. He was able to get half erect with her oral and hand stimulation.

She gave him a titty fuck as she bent over him with her bare chest and he said he liked that. He played with her mammarys some more and was sweating. She climbed on top to see if his massive manhood would fit or bend over before achieving intercourse coupling. It kept bening out of her snatch so they were unable to achieve complete penetration.

My girl was breathing hard with the looks of this naked stud. She was sweaty and working hard to get him hard and firm and ready for coitus or at least an ejaculation so a sample could be taken. She turned around and removed her fish net stockings and wiggled out of her dress in sexy fashion to our hoots and hollers. She was naked and about to mount his fairly rigid love maker in the opposite direction. With her tits facing him she lowered her self on to his sex pole and was in to the end of his bulbous tip. She was not used to a man with a forskin and was soon working her self to half penetration. I congratulated them both and said that was sufficient for healthy sex and procreation if his seman was potent.

I said they could dismount but she wanted more and slipped down his huge shaft balls deep and rode him like a cowgirl. She tired her self out on him like that and fell over on his chest and with his dick in her quim she squeezed him for seed but got none. She left a hickey on his chest as a reminder of there union. He got up forced her down on the table and rode her missionary position.

Her titties wobbled with each thrust and he grunted, She shrieked and made sounds unknown to our lovers unions together. His massive manhood plunged deep till it bottomed out at her cervix and she screamed in pleasure.

She raised of off the table on an upstroke and as she was forced down she stiffened, shrieked, moaned and fell limp. She had a massive orgasm and was in nowhereland. He continued to pound her rag a muffin body all limp till he came with multiple volleys of sperm. Some coated her insides and some was on her tummy and tits.

It was a success for Chris and the cleaning crew and yes his sperm sample taken from my girls nipple showed him to be very virile so much so I gave her the morning after pill for protection- so I would not have to raise Chris’s baby. My girl wants a threesome and Chris is game for petite white nurses- but I am not so certain this is a good road to go down.

Write your opinion about a threesome or should my babe get a nursing degree and work for your doctor-- Fuck even start a new thread-- OPINIONS VALUED IT KEEPS ME WRITING.

THE END--- check out the nipples pic and sexy old style nurse uniform.


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