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Government Nationalization of Food • author - Democrat


Government Nationalization of Food

HR 875, was introduced by Rosa DeLauro whose husband Stanley Greenburg works for Monsanto.

The bill is monstrous on level after level - the power it would give to Monsanto, the criminalization of seed banking, the prison terms and confiscatory fines for farmers, the 24 hours GPS tracking of their animals, the easements on their property to allow for warrantless government entry, the stripping away of their property rights, the imposition by the filthy, greedy industrial side of anti-farming international "industrial" standards to independent farms - the only part of our food system that still works, the planned elimination of farmers through all these means.

The corporations want the land, they want more intensive industrialization, they want the end of normal animals so they can substitute patented genetically engineered ones they own, they want the end of normal seeds and thus of seed banking by farmers or individuals. They want control over all seeds, animals, water, and land.

Our farmers are good stewards. That is who is threatened by Rosa DeLauro's bill (and because of that, we all are). At a time in this country when wise stewardship and the production of anything real - especially good food - is what is most needed, it is our best stewards whom Rosa DeLauro threatens, under the cruelly false name of "food safety."

And now Monsanto wants its own employee, Michael Taylor - the man who forced genetically engineered rBGH on us (unlabeled so us, unaware) when the Clintons placed him over "food safety" in the 90s - back in government, this time to act with massive police power as a "food safety tsar" from inside the White House. HR 875 would give him immense power over what is done on every single farm in the country and massive police state power to wield over farmers and punishments to break them at will.

The following quotes show Monsanto and its biotech ilk are not "stewards" at all. Their inhuman focus on profit has led to inhuman, insane, sickening products that require intense corruption of democracy and science institutes and media, to foist them on country after country which don't want them.

It is our farmers who stand between us and this outrage which masquerades as science, as food, as normal business, as government. And it is or farmers who need not only protecting and but actual freeing from government intrusion, control and harm.

Vegetarians and vegans do not identify with farmers who raise animals but what is at stake here is critical for all of us. "First they came for the Jews" is an apt reminder of what matters in standing with each other because the overwhelming bureaucratic burdens, the recording over every single thing done on a farm, the warrantless inspections, the end of farmers markets, the criminalization of seed banking, the ten years in prison for stepping out of line in any way, will next be applied not to animals breaking out of fence onto a neighbors' farm, but for such things as not spraying pesticides on an organic farm to eradicate earthworms (now listed as an invasive species) because the government's "food safety tsar" has deemed it necessary. It is totalitarian control (and HR 875 epitomizes it) which we stand against, and now it is aimed with ferocity at farmers with animals. Stopping it now keeps all farmers safe.

Rosa DeLauro and Stanley Greenburg have a great deal to account for in attempting through a mislabeled bill with hidden intent to wipe out our farmers and harm all of us.

House Resolution 875

Got designer modified grain, poultry & livestock ? Cool ! I like new progressive designer stuff ! :bowdown:

A government of, by and for who ? :confused:
Don't bother to pull your head out of your ass to tell me how good this *Big Corporation* infused piece of legislation is, remain just as you are.
hm. I wonder why they mentioned vegetarians and vegans? all of them I know are pretty supportive of family farming and they know how fucked up Monsanto is.

I know from that quote it is saying that they are against this, I'm just saying I can't imagine any that were not and really believed that such a thing would be better for animals.


At least there wasn't any mention of a czar in this one . . . yet ! :dunno: :uohs:

People who read this thread also read Farenheit 451 & Brave Neo World ! :p

for reals. when the government is using the word "czar" to refer to it's own internal workings, that is a warning bell that we should be getting nervous.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
This is not what farmers should have to worry about. that sounds like a food line in a communist state. control our food. and everything else they can get away with. :eek::mad::thefinger
well if it uses the word "green" then it must be good for the environment. such as "green" CO2 producing coal and natural gas. and hey, isn't that what happens after a nuclear meltdown? then everything turns green and glowing.
You should provide the source for the commentary that you seem to subscribe to be part of the Bill text.

Rosa DeLauro is a Dem from CT...the commentary does not match up with someone who is a New England Liberal.

Perhaps the commentary is actually from a big corporate stooge trying to sink a bill that actually brings about needed regulation to the Food Industry?
Would you like a Green Czar on that salad ? :uohs: :shocked:

Might as well :laugh: 'cause I'm sure not gonna cry.

Have you had your head in the sand for 8 years Facetious? Do you not "recall" all the food/meat recalls we've *suffered* under the past 8 years? Peanut Death is merely the latest one. Remember ChinesePeticide from a couple of years ago? When the Chinese dumped all that shit into pet food and it killed off hundreds and thousands of Fluffys and Fidoes around the country? Or the numerous meat recalls...Cargill being the largest--1 million pounds of beef? 2 years ago?

A Food Czar doesn't sound like a bad thing to me. It's the safe thing actually...
More government control? Jeez... how much do they want from us.

After a few years we'll all have mandatory wake up call from an airhorn.

Yes people... that was sarcasm.;)


Have you had your head in the sand for 8 years Facetious? Do you not "recall" all the food/meat recalls we've *suffered* under the past 8 years? Peanut Death is merely the latest one. Remember ChinesePeticide from a couple of years ago? When the Chinese dumped all that shit into pet food and it killed off hundreds and thousands of Fluffys and Fidoes around the country? Or the numerous meat recalls...Cargill being the largest--1 million pounds of beef? 2 years ago?

Looks like the FDA & USDA rank & file have been taking extended lunch breaks, huh ?

"Just drive by the joint (food processor corp.) and call it good, Bill, they were compliant last time we inspected them." :beer:

"There's a nice shady tree over there, Bill . . I tell you what . . . let's see . . it's 1:30 PM ? hell ! we gotta whole afternoon to kill. Nobody needs any inspectin'. Why don't you just let me off here, Bill, I'll get the six pack and just meet you over underneith the shady tree". :D

- Govt job security :D
If I'm going to cede control over the food that I eat to any huge bureaucracy - and that is the situation that most of us must confront (for example, if you don't have much property, live in an apartment, or do non-farm work most of the time so you can't grow your own food) - I would prefer that control go to the government rather than organizations that have solely a profit motive.

At the very least, I want serious government regulation and control over the quality and safety of the food. The corporations that produce it will cut corners and compromise health and safety as much as they can possibly get away with it. That much is beyond obvious.
If I'm going to cede control over the food that I eat to any huge bureaucracy - and that is the situation that most of us must confront (for example, if you don't have much property, live in an apartment, or do non-farm work most of the time so you can't grow your own food) - I would prefer that control go to the government rather than organizations that have solely a profit motive.

At the very least, I want serious government regulation and control over the quality and safety of the food. The corporations that produce it will cut corners and compromise health and safety as much as they can possibly get away with it. That much is beyond obvious.

So what your saying is you would rather have a group of individuals that have their own personal political agendas, and know nothing about food production to control it? Your putting to much faith in the government to have that much control.

However... corporations will take to many risks for profit that will definately adversly affect us as well. Seems its a damned if you do, damned if you don't.


If I'm going to cede control over the food that I eat to any huge bureaucracy - and that is the situation that most of us must confront (for example, if you don't have much property, live in an apartment, or do non-farm work most of the time so you can't grow your own food) - I would prefer that control go to the government rather than organizations that have solely a profit motive.

At the very least, I want serious government regulation and control over the quality and safety of the food. The corporations that produce it will cut corners and compromise health and safety as much as they can possibly get away with it. That much is beyond obvious.

Here we go again...does anybody follow that logic?
Let's see...Government Agencies tasked with inspecting homegrown and imported foodsources do shitty jobs, and a minute portion of the food supply is recalled due to an abundance of caution and some reported/verified cases of contamination. So, the bestest smartest solution is to no longer trust the business that eats (pretty punny, huh?) the huge cost of recall and disposal of any non-compliant product, but to give all control of the process to the most inefficient corporation of all, the Government, that didn't do their assigned job in the first place and conduct thorough inspections at key production and dispersement facilities. I mean, they're Civil servants who just about can't be fired unless they get caught multiple times pissing in the popcorn.
After all, American agriculture may be the absolute best and most prolific producer of agriculture in the entire world, a model of efficiency and cutting edge processes, but we all know a turgid beaurocracy such as the US Government would be so much more safe and efficient?
Well, at least urban philosophers such as F-K think so...I'm sure he's Googled several articles on beef production and seed geneology. :computer:

Have you had your head in the sand for 8 years Facetious? Do you not "recall" all the food/meat recalls we've *suffered* under the past 8 years? Peanut Death is merely the latest one. Remember ChinesePeticide from a couple of years ago? When the Chinese dumped all that shit into pet food and it killed off hundreds and thousands of Fluffys and Fidoes around the country? Or the numerous meat recalls...Cargill being the largest--1 million pounds of beef? 2 years ago?

A Food Czar doesn't sound like a bad thing to me. It's the safe thing actually...

Eight years ago? Oh, Lord...it's a sneak attack of a Bush Basher...:rofl:
So, GW created the only time in history things got by the inspectors? Really? Why not look back 10 years, or 20?
As the pet deaths had to be estimated due to the normal kidney problems faced by all the old, overbred, and very young pets out there, there was a concensus that the Chinese scam did directly and indirectly cause hundreds of kidney failure deaths, possibly thousands ..."the same type of insoluble crystals found in U.S. pets in the 2007 outbreak, which killed at least 347 cats and dogs, according to preliminary data gathered by Wilson Rumbeiha at Michigan State University-Lansing. The exact number is believed to be much higher but in the absence of a structured reporting system has not been determined."
I see no benefit leaving food safety and production control to the exclusive purview of greedy politicians and Government Civil service workers...before you know it, we'd be told that Soylent Green was ready for distribution and was "yummy! good for you!".