
Lick the shit out of my ass.

I'll just direct you to your own "Grow the fuck up" reference in another of your numerous redundant threads.

Is this how you post now? A passive aggressive way to cope with the butt hurt you received from the mods or the board admin that must have intervened after your last little on board spat went to far?
I'll just direct you to your own "Grow the fuck up" reference in another of your numerous redundant threads.

Is this how you post now? A passive aggressive way to cope with the butt hurt you received from the mods or the board admin that must have intervened after your last little on board spat went to far?

You bore me. *click.
well the spanish do animal cruelty by this, harming people too, the hindu's throw dead people on water, and let them rot there, and you still think the talibans are worse?
and you still think the talibans are worse?

Yes. They behead innocent people who aren't mooslums. And, they kill their own daughters if they have disrespected the family and, they stone wives to death.


Is somewhere outhere.
I know it's their culture & all but who would be mad enough to run down the street from a dozen angry cows. :eek: