Going vegetarian


I've gone kosher for awhile now but I can't in good conscience do any of it.

was eating leftover pot roast the other day and was just chewing and wanted to puke. sick of it.

I'll get my protein from powder shakes.

You better send me all the meat in your house than. So you won't be tempted. I'll see to it that it is given a proper home, cooked well and not a ounce goes to waste :hatsoff:
I meant the Mrs. is still doing her countrified cooking. I can't empty the freezer. We'll see how this goes but she's still getting that meat.
I had Arby’s Mountain Of Meat sandwich earlier this week. Deelish!

Can’t wait for Dino to chime in on this.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Every time my wife starts that same rant, I make a batch of my home made pasta sauce...lots of pork and beef, then just to put a little fuck you on the spin, I make chicken parm. It's evil to crush her efforts, but man didn't develop oppose-able thumbs and rise to the top of the food chain to eat a fucking carrot.
Every time my wife starts that same rant, I make a batch of my home made pasta sauce...lots of pork and beef, then just to put a little fuck you on the spin, I make chicken parm. It's evil to crush her efforts, but man didn't develop oppose-able thumbs and rise to the top of the food chain to eat a fucking carrot.

I'm horrified of course but I lol'd.
again, I love animals and there's just something about this all that screams this wasn't meant to be.

look at the gif in the original post - death wasn't meant to be.

In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.
Isaiah 11:6
again, I love animals and there's just something about this all that screams this wasn't meant to be.

look at the gif in the original post - death wasn't meant to be.

I got a pellet gun when I was 10 years old, my dad had these squirrels that he fed and they would come up to the back patio door and would watch them eat. One day when my parents weren’t paying attention I shot and killed one of the squirrels. I walked up and saw the squirrel just laying there and it seemed senseless as to why I killed it. I started crying and grabbed the squirrel by the tail and was walking down the street holding my pellet gun and the dead squirrel by the tail, my neighbor Mrs, McCarthy said what’s wrong Jack? I was crying and said I killed this squirrel and I didn’t mean to do it. She asked where was I going I said to bury him. She helped me put him in a box and did a small squirrel funeral and I felt better.

That moment stopped me from ever hunting another animal ever in my life.
Meat is delicious, [Nobabe]yum yum yum[/nobabe]. And every time I think I COULD do a vegetarian lifestyle, I remember all the sanctimonious vegan pricks I'll be upsetting by NOT, and then I really enjoy that bacon sandwich or bag of scratchings with my pint or trip to KFC or chicken tikka pathia.

Isaiah 11:6[/I]

That's the most offensive part. If the big book of hate inspires people to go veggie, I'm going to eat EVEN MORE cute delicious animals. Fuck you Donald, your guns, your bible and you stupid red caps. Stay away from my whore's right to abort and let me enjoy my hellbound hot dog.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Well if you do take the leap, my wife makes some good meals...she just browns some ground beef, or turkey on the side, and I add it as I see fit. I'll try and find some recipes, as long as you don't get all preachy about killing animals for food.


For the EMPEROR!!