Global Warming's 50 Years of Fraud

By Jack Hellner

The theory for those pushing the green new deal or some other radical energy policy that will destroy tens of millions of jobs and greatly harm the poor and middle class is that humans, CO2, and fossil fuels cause warming and climate change. This warming causes the ice to melt in Alaska, then the melting ice causes sea levels to rise and the rising sea levels will cause coastal cities to be underwater.

They have predicted the coastal cities to disappear for the last 100 years and they have been wrong for 100 years.

Meanwhile, Alaska has been exceptionally cold for the last few months. As a nerd who knows that the people pushing the garbage theory of humans causing climate change is based on a series of lies, I look at actual data.

It is a shame most of the media, entertainers and other Democrats just repeat talking points instead of doing research.

January 2020 was the 15th coldest January on record in Fairbanks Alaska. At negative 27 degrees. it was over 13 degrees below average this year. Obviously, the ice will be thickening faster than average and is not going to be gone as predicted.

Here is a small sample of predictions and fear articles over the years.

1922-Article by AP in Washington Post and elsewhere saying icecaps were melting, oceans were dying, and coastal cities would disappear.

1970-First Earth Day. We were scared with articles that billions would die soon from catastrophic cooling.

1975-Newsweek-Doom and gloom article called “The Cooling World”

1989-Back to warming. The UN essentially repeated the warnings from 1922 article and said we only had ten years to solve the problem.

2008-ABC ran fear story saying much of Miami and New York City would be under water by 2015.

2019- The UN again repeated the same warnings from 1922 and 1989 and again we have only ten years left.

How did the Earth cool so much from 1945 to 1976 that we got warnings of catastrophic cooling if rising CO2, humans and fossil fuels cause warming? The answer is there is no correlation between CO2, population, fossil fuel use and temperature.

Humans can’t control the temperature of the sun, tilt of the sun, solar activity, distance the Earth is from the sun, daily rotation of the Earth, annual orbit of the Earth, high tides, low tides, the Jetstream, El Nino, or La Nina but we are told that if we give politicians and bureaucrats trillions of dollars they can control the sea level, temperature and sea levels forever. Does that make sense?

A clear indication that the theory that fossil fuels, rising CO2 and humans cause global warming or climate change is a hoax or a series of lies is that the globe had a significant cooling period from 1945 to 1976. It cooled so much that it was predicted on the first Earth Day in 1970 that we were having a disastrous cooling period where billions would die from starvation.
You know who else looks at actual data? Climate scientists.

The world’s five warmest years have all occurred since 2015 with nine of the 10 warmest years occurring since 2005, according to scientists from NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).

It was also the 43rd consecutive year with global land and ocean temperatures, at least nominally, above average.

All the actual scientists who study climate are telling us the same thing. These are people who go to university and study climate, then get out of university and spend the rest of their lives studying climate even harder. Anyone who assumes that they know better is either ignorant, arrogant, or both.

Humans can’t control the temperature of the sun, tilt of the sun, solar activity, distance the Earth is from the sun, daily rotation of the Earth, annual orbit of the Earth, high tides, low tides, the Jetstream, El Nino, or La Nina but we are told that if we give politicians and bureaucrats trillions of dollars they can control the sea level, temperature and sea levels forever. Does that make sense?

These 2 lines alone prove that the author has less understanding of the causes of man-made climate change than the average 6th grader.

Stop wasting people's time with this bullshit.
You don't trust the UN, hollywood celebrities or the mainstream medias ? Fine, don't pay any attention to what they say. Listen to scientists, read scientific publications.

These 2 lines alone prove that the author has less understanding of the causes of man-made climate change than the average 6th grader.
On the contrary, I think the author knows his shit very well. But he's doing a well know speech technique : Reductio ad absurdum.


Hiliary 2020
I don't know. I do know David Gilmour auctioned off his guitar collection for 23 million dollars to donate to Climate Change.
I would hate to think he did that for nothing.

On the contrary, I think the author knows his shit very well. But he's doing a well know speech technique : Reductio ad absurdum.

Humans can’t control the temperature of the sun, tilt of the sun, solar activity, distance the Earth is from the sun, daily rotation of the Earth, annual orbit of the Earth, high tides, low tides, the Jetstream, El Nino, or La Nina

It's not reductio ad absurdum at all. None of these have ever been suggested as causes of climate change. The last few are just natural occurrences that have been affected by climate change, the rest aren't even related. My 8 year old daughter knows that. This guy either knows jack shit about the causes of man-made climate change, or he's deliberately creating straw men.