Gangbang Auditions 22 - Sativa Rose episode

Has anyone seen that behind the scenes footage of Gangbang Auditions 22 where Gangbang Auditions 22 is being hugged by a fully clothed man while she is naked and crying? Then she went into another room where a male had sex with her vaginally while trying to calm her down.

That seemed to me extremely bizarre. Does anyone know what was all that about? What actually happened which mad her cry? Because before that crying part, she was shown as having DP in not so tense and very normal way.


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I watched that bonus scene and it was intense and bizarre indeed!

Sativa used to like him (the director) but she hated him, too. and maybe she was somehow forced to do that scene and wasn't feelin it that day!
If the director was Chico Wang, I hated him too.

just looked it up and he was the director...anyway, looked like no one was quite doing it right, they were all just off, kept moving around a lot and she had to quit early cause the DP wasn't going correctly, probably was hurting too much and she went off to a different room with the camera man like the OP said...anyway, she was crying cause the scene wasn't going correctly and obviously she felt like it was her fault for not being prepared or into it enough which didn't look entirely true, the little bits i watched looked like the whole group just wasn't clicking, but it woulda been tense and awkward so she got emotional. she came back out and had some close sex with just one of the guys and then they all did the cumshot scene...the powers of a search engine ;)
yeah he killed himself a few years ago after his wife died, possibly killed by him (indirectly)...he was a major scumbag from what i understand
yeah he killed himself a few years ago after his wife died, possibly killed by him (indirectly)...he was a major scumbag from what i understand

Same guy that allegedly killed Haley Paige?

What a piece of crap... good riddance.
yeah he killed himself a few years ago after his wife died, possibly killed by him (indirectly)...he was a major scumbag from what i understand

Thought I'd remembered that name from somewhere

Stage Name: Haley Paige
Real Name: Maryam Irene Haley
Lived: December 30, 1981 – August 21, 2007 (On my birthday)
Circumstances Of Death: Undetermined although her boyfriend, pornographic director Inkyo Volt Hwang (more commonly known as Chico "Wanker" Wang) had been "implicated" in her death. Hwang overdosed on methadone, in an apparent suicide on September 29, 2007.
Full post at (pornstar deaths):
The strangest thing about that scene was the man who had sex with Sativa Rose in another room in an apparent attempt to calm her down. To me it's like giving alcohol to a drunk instead of coffee.
The strangest thing about that scene was the man who had sex with Sativa Rose in another room in an apparent attempt to calm her down. To me it's like giving alcohol to a drunk instead of coffee.

yeah i didn't really get that either...whatever works i guess :dunno:
Has anyone seen that behind the scenes footage of Gangbang Auditions 22 where Gangbang Auditions 22 is being hugged by a fully clothed man while she is naked and crying? Then she went into another room where a male had sex with her vaginally while trying to calm her down.

That seemed to me extremely bizarre. Does anyone know what was all that about? What actually happened which mad her cry? Because before that crying part, she was shown as having DP in not so tense and very normal way.

Sounds like a drug freakout.
Sounds like a drug freakout.

Very interesting point. Drugs have been associated to porn since its inception. However, it is hard to find the substantiated information as to how they effect each other.
It's only available as a special featurette on the DVD.

Even the official Diabolic site doesn't carry it, they do have the 3 ''normal'' scenes from GA22, mind you.
As does v1de0b0x.

The scene is actually quite prevalant online though, so you're only a *cough* click away. :dunno:
When You Mix drugs, abused emotional types, and douchebag bottomfeeders, things wind up this way. Chico was an absolute coward, as evidenced by his, and Haleys demise. When you see the scene, there is an element of uncomfortability throughout and it simply just comes to a head. You usually don't see suicide as a positive, but Chico was an exception. In his case, it seemed to be welcommed by his peers.

It's a damn shame he couldn't be the lone casualty in it all.