Games featuring and/or being based on native American tribes/civilizations

I think the title of this thread is pretty easy to understand.

I'd like to know which games feature native American tribes and/or civilizations. I already have a (very small) list...

Civilization I, II, III, IV, etc
Age of Empires II (one of the expansions)
Medieval: Total War II (expansion)
American Conquest (+ expansions)

I'm hoping you can help me make this list a bit larger...


Die For Me
There was a Pocahontas game on Gameboy and Sega Genesis, I guess that counts?
Whats the reason for this, If I may ask? It just seems kind of random :dunno:
There's lots of games featuring European civilizations (Roman, Greek & in some cases Celtic and Germanic civs), Asian civilizations (Chinese and Japanese for the most part. It seems the Indian civilization has been neglected in most cases) and North African civilizations (ok, only Egypt, but Carthage wasn't really North African as it was a Phoenician colony and the Nubians have only played a relatively small part in history).

American & Middle Eastern civilizations have been neglected for the most part.

I usually like these games since it allows you to become part of the civilization you're playing with.

I've already played all of the gamers mentioned above & I want more (a city game like Caesar I, II, III, Emperor or Pharaoh (Impressions) would be perfect, but Impressions never made such a game). Except for Theocracy, Medieval: Total war II and Civilization the mentioned games give only limited possibilities when playing the natives and in Civ the civilizations have relatively little distinction.

I simply want more...
Far Cry 2 focused on Africa, if I remember right, yes? As did Crysis. :dunno:

Prey had a Native American Indian as the main character, of which, if I remember right they added a bunch of Indian heritage and history to it. In a sense, of course.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Far Cry 2 did indeed focus on Africa, however, Crysis took place on a tropical island overrun by Koreans.

And you are right, Gordar, there is an absence of PC games containing American Indians.
Pioneering claims to have some factions of American Indians, but the game frankly looks quite brutally bad. Take a look at the pictures, shown here. And while the sites claimed the release was going to be in September, I found nothing about its release.

Empire: Total War: The Warpath was just released, and features American Indian tribes at war with each other. In fact, the Empire: Total War franchise focusing on the American Revolution seems to have a few Indian aspects here and there. The graphics in this one look rather good. I've been unable to find any solid reviews on it as of yet.

Another game is one I do not think has been released as of yet, Darkest of Days. From the looks of it, in this one, you are rescued from sure-death, only to be made a guardian of some of the darkest days in history, including the "American Civil and Indian War". The pictures look OK, but I have yet to see one of an Indian.

There is an older game, Birth of America, Which features the French and Indian War. The graphics look simplistic, but it sounds like a bit of a challenge.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well, there's GUN...

You don't quite play as a native American, though... You kind of spend the game killing them.