Fuckin rain.

Don't blame your troubles on the rain Diva, we all know what's wrong. Just come out and tell us, we don't judge others here.

You're gay, that's fine. We all still love you and we're all here for you.

Aren't we guys?

Now everyone, sing along:
For the UK we've had surprisingly little rain this year. Can't stand it when the rain comes with cold temeratures and strong winds. Mind you it's still cold here, we'll be lucky to get 2 months of summer, I hope this global warming thing starts soon.

This'll cheer you up
Don't blame your troubles on the rain Diva, we all know what's wrong. Just come out and tell us, we don't judge others here.

You're gay, that's fine. We all still love you and we're all here for you.

Aren't we guys?

I...uhh...I have no idea what you're talking about.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You're fucking rain?


what the fuck you lookin at?
It's been raining for about 6 days straight. :mad: I'm getting upset.

Same here. I'm ok with it. At least I don't have to spend money to water my grass!

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Yep.. Its been raining here too.. But I don't mind it that much, I just HATE the freakin humidity in the rain. Thats what gets me.