Freeones rank is a F-ing joke

Alina Lopez is ranked #22, with an average rating of 4.5 from 4023 votes and has 2293 followers with 572,000 views.

Some girl named Febby Twigs is currently ranked #12 overall -- average rating of 4.3 from 353 votes and has 301 followers with 93,000 views.

No, don't tell me -- Freeones uses a "proprietary algorithm", which probably involves how much money they're getting paid to promote the pornstar.
Next thing you'll accuse them of sleeping their way to the top. Their entire existence is as a sofa bed that can be dragged out and fucked whenever someone else decides. At least if you put a bag of coke on the sofa bed both would still be there when you came back from the toilet.


Next thing you'll accuse them of sleeping their way to the top. Their entire existence is as a sofa bed that can be dragged out and fucked whenever someone else decides. At least if you put a bag of coke on the sofa bed both would still be there when you came back from the toilet.
Dino, you're making me hungry for cocaine couches. And whores. 👍


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
I love the conspiracy theory. Yes, all the pornstars are very very rich, especially Miss Twigs, and make sure we're on the payroll. Good lord. :facepalm:

Now tell me the one about the monster in the closet.
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I love the conspiracy theory.

Yeah. The only reason to wear a tin foil hat in this message board store of pornography is to prevent someone's cum accidentally getting on the top of your head. I've already seen a number of horrible slip & falls in the Politics & Religion aisle that were soapbox related.



The mentally disturbed do not employ the Principle of Scientific Parsimony: the most simple theory to explain a given set of facts. They shoot for the baroque.

- Philip K. Dick


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
In all seriousness though, Febby is pretty new and has shot a lot of content since debuting and has proved popular everywhere. We've been getting a lot of content of her, hence why she's positioned so high. It's not a conspiracy, honest.


On the dark side of the moon
They're both hot. Why just pick on Febby (there a few others I'd knock out first)? For me, any ranking of the top 2 without Angela White and Lena Paul is null and void. We all have our preferences.
It's still not as bad as Youtube's algorithm where it's become so complex and they have added so much crap to it over the years that Google itself literally isn't quite sure how it actually works anymore, and no one person can understand it.

Next thing you'll accuse them of sleeping their way to the top.

One of these days I would like to see one pornstar accuse another one of cheating by acting her way to the top. You know, just to turn things around on themselves.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.


It's still not as bad as Youtube's algorithm where it's become so complex and they have added so much crap to it over the years that Google itself literally isn't quite sure how it actually works anymore, and no one person can understand it.

Yeah. Seriously high level stuff. Like when they hobble a user account with the inability to score other users posts (have you seen their posts? I would muzzle my critics, too, if I were that lost 🤣), or with invisible posts to give their bogus alternates time to formulate a (nonetheless deeply flawed) response to the still invisible post, and then complain openly about the lack of diverging opinions in the talk forum, after harassing, and banning, and harassing again diverging opinions in the talk forum.

It's part of this brilliant, traffic-killing plan to perfect a perfectly resonant echo-chamber wherein none feel free to contribute lest they toe the party line of the people who were actually appointed to prevent just such abuses and imbalance. It's elegant in its degree of jackassery. Not one, but several trauma-impacted minds had to come together on something like this. It's giving me an erection, just thinking about it. And so they're doing their jobs! 😁 Most of it, anyway. Now, if you'll excuse me. 🍆💦


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
Yeah. Seriously high level stuff. Like when they hobble a user account with the inability to score other users posts (have you seen their posts? I would muzzle my critics, too, if I were that lost 🤣), or with invisible posts to give their bogus alternates time to formulate a (nonetheless deeply flawed) response to the still invisible post, and then complain openly about the lack of diverging opinions in the talk forum, after harassing, and banning, and harassing again diverging opinions in the talk forum.

It's part of this brilliant, traffic-killing plan to perfect a perfectly resonant echo-chamber wherein none feel free to contribute lest they toe the party line of the people who were actually appointed to prevent just such abuses and imbalance. It's elegant in its degree of jackassery. Not one, but several trauma-impacted minds had to come together on something like this. It's giving me an erection, just thinking about it. And so they're doing their jobs! 😁 Most of it, anyway. Now, if you'll excuse me. 🍆💦
