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Fox News says young people should vote, because "they don't know the issues".

Fox News Hosts Say Young People Shouldn't Vote When 'They Don't Know The Issues'

Ahead of the 2014 midterm elections in November, making sure that everyone who can vote does vote, has become increasingly important.

But the hosts of Fox News' "Outnumbered" on Wednesday decided instead to use their air time to discourage young voters from hitting the polls.

Why would they ever do that, you ask? Because young people don't know what's going on in the world, they argued.

Or maybe, just maybe, it's because the young voter is exactly who Republicans fear most.

Here's how it went down:

"Do we want them [young people] to vote if they don't know the issues?" Harris Faulkner asked Wednesday afternoon.

"No!" Lisa Kennedy Montgomery answered. "You absolutely don't!"

"Do you really want to motivate them to vote and be ignorant at the polls?" Faulkner continued.

Young people don't need Fox News to convince them not to vote. They already don't. During the last midterm election in 2010, less than 25 percent of voters ages 18 to 29 cast a vote. Predictions for the November elections are even more grim, with only 23 percent of young voters expected to go to the polls.

The problem is that the consequences of millennials not voting can be incredibly damaging. In reality, most reports find that millennials are actually more engaged and knowledgeable about political and economic issues than the generations before them. And their vote can be more powerful than you think. In the 2012 election, youth voters were the deciding factor in Obama's victories in Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio. In other words, if it wasn't for young voters, Obama may very well have lost the election.

Paired with the fact that young people tend to vote Democratic, this could be exactly why these Fox hosts would prefer young people just stay at home this election.

Does the average mid-west farmer knows the issue better than the average college economy student. I'm not sure...
What I'm sure is that if only people who know the issues can vote, not many people will be allowed in the voting boothes. Democracy is giving the power to the people, alowing them to vote and elect the people that will represent them. It's every person's duty to get informed about the issues in order not to elect stupid people. If they don't get informed and they vote for the stupid candidate, well sad for her but he's the guy they choosed so you gotta respect the people's choice. Otherwise it's not longer democracy, it's oligarchy.
I'm sure "They Don't Know The Issues" is code speak for "they don't agree with us".
Not exactly... It's more like "If they knew the issues, they would agree with us".


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Yes, it is true, every issue is broken down to two sides, and two sides only. One party is always right, the other is always wrong.

It fucking amazes me that in 2014 society is full of such stupid fucking people. The system is broken because too many narrow-minded, easily persuaded fools think this way. So glad I have been able to teach my children to think for themselves. It is a shame so many people look to see how someone else thinks about an issue before voicing their opinion. Fox News does a shitty job, so does NBC. I haven't watched ABC or CBS in years.

As Bill Hicks used to say, most of the "issues" are smoke screens for how you are really getting fucked by the government.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Not exactly... It's more like "If they knew the issues, they would agree with us".

That's a fairly common human instinct. Not in support of it but people will be people. Are we in America the only ones like this? I don't see what this has to do with any ideology or party affiliation. Human beings ruin politics just like religion.

Are they the same way in the France? If Marine Le Pen is freely elected we must respect the will of the people. As an American I hope you don't choose her but I guess I will show reverence and stand down. Good luck with that.

That's a fairly common human instinct. Not in support of it but people will be people. Are we in America the only ones like this? I don't see what this has to do with any ideology or party affiliation. Human beings ruin politics just like religion.

Are they the same way in the France? If Marine Le Pen is freely elected we must respect the will of the people. As an American I hope you don't choose her but I guess I will show reverence and stand down. Good luck with that.

Yeah. But even if french citizens from arab or african ascendancy mostly vote for the Left, other parties never said that these people should't be allowed to vote. They criticized the reason why these people voted for Hollande but no one would ever say that these people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Yeah. But even if french citizens from arab or african ascendancy mostly vote for the Left, other parties never said that these people should't be allowed to vote. They criticized the reason why these people voted for Hollande but no one would ever say that these people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

The people here were discouraged to vote, not disallowed. Who on the panel advocated for the stripping of their right to vote?
Democracy is giving the power to the people, alowing them to vote and elect the people that will represent them.
That's a republic. In a democracy, the people vote on every piece of legislation themselves. Not a very practical form of government, that. What really chaps my ass is the disgustingly large number of Americans who don't even know what the hell type of government their country has.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Read that sentence slowly out loud and if you agree with the sentiment then you don't deserve to vote.

I personally would never discourage anyone to vote but I would encourage them to inform themselves before voting. I would neither force nor prohibit either.

My family in Amarillio were eager to vote for Sarah Palin. The closest thing I did to discouraging them was letting them know she wasn't running for President. They still insisted she was.
That's a republic. In a democracy, the people vote on every piece of legislation themselves.

Republic is a form of government in which power resides in the people,[1] and the government is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (from Latin: res publica), rather than inherited or appointed (such as through inheritance or divine mandate).

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens are meant to participate equally – either directly or, through elected representatives, indirectly – in the proposal, development and establishment of the laws by which their society is run.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Of course, FOX takes it to the top with this one:

As you said - You don't see it our way, you should not be allowed to vote! DUH, smart kids, hate them :facepalm:
I wonder what kindof college degree do these women have and which College did they graduate from. Do they even have college degree ? I'm not even asking the question about the guy because it is clear that he never went to college. I mean, these are not random young people, these are Harvard students, the most brilliant US minds of their generation. And look at how the lady (Kennedy) says "Harvard students", you can hear her despise thruough her voice.
Because this is what Fox News is all about: Despise fo every facts, science or knowledge that doesn't fit their agenda, their ideology.

This reminds me the opening scene of the first episode of The Newsroom : When Will McAvoy dares to say that "America is not the greatest country in the world", everybody's shocked. Even if he backs his declaration with datas and facts.
Then he starts talking about how great things were back in the days and he says "We aspired to intelligence; we didn't belittle it".

This is exactly what we see in that video from Fox News : some Harvard students dare to criticize the US and Fox News just can take it. And even if it comes from people that are the greatest minds of their generation, they are gonna belittle them, treat them just like stupid kids who don't know anything.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I am sure that the news anchors and hosts at FOX all have college degrees - they just HAVE to act like the way they do because that is company policy.

Possibly another reason why they are so angry - if you have to act stupid every day, and made to wear dresses and made to show your legs with the camera at waistheight, so you are in constant danger of giving crotch-shots if you make a wrong move, you are bound to get white-hot mad
I've graduated from some schools in the past, but if I really cared about voting, I'd still vote for the one with the biggest boobs... :suspicious:

...just as nature goes; if you are an ugly woman, anything you say will always be meaningless, you will still be ugly and that will make you irrelevant. When you are pretty, anything you say will be meaningless, you are pretty and that will make anything you say meaningful, unless that's against my beliefs. Intelligence belongs to materialistic beliefs and is unnatural to many core needs that dominate each one of our choices, excluding psychopathic behaviour. One trying to get acknowledged by intelligence is a direct proof of ones own stupidity. Just like women trying to get acknowledged by the price tag in their shoes. Interestingly enough, majority of the people in earth when asked if they think they are smarter than average will almost always think that they are, regardless of their answer. You could say this is a definition of being what makes one nothing more than an average person...

I live in a country where education is usually said to be at decent levels, but we do not really have much of this concept of "better" and "worse" schools even thought some areas have certain effects to popularity. People usually know that schools tend to be more for giving a general information without really knowing much about anything, while people still learn what matters by doing... Does not make too much difference where you gain your ass-wipe graduation papers here...

Why are certain schools around the word so much "better" than other schools? Do they have better quality of education and content of studies, are their teachers actually super professionals compared to teachers in other schools, are their teaching techniques better than other schools or are they just flying by the fame of having higher minimum entry requirements to their school? What does make these people in school X so much better than people in school Y expecting that they have same kind of degree? How many famous successful business men there are that have "not" graduated from these "famous" schools you can name, compared to ones who have graduated from these famous schools?

Let's take for example popular Asian style studying. They might have lot of high scores, but use techniques of memorizing without understanding. Yes, lot of Asians do remember correct solutions to questions, but they lack understanding of actual problem and mechanism. They don't necessary even have time to learn all these things with huge amount of studies and it's much easier just to remember correct answers...

I've also met some people around the world from different schools. The biggest difference to here seemed to be that they had pretty good knowledge of one and only subject, but lacked understanding of anything outside their specialization, while some people had knowledge of much wider area while lacking on superb specializations to one area...
I've graduated from some schools in the past, but if I really cared about voting, I'd still vote for the one with the biggest boobs... :suspicious:

...just as nature goes; if you are an ugly woman, anything you say will always be meaningless, you will still be ugly and that will make you irrelevant. When you are pretty, anything you say will be meaningless, you are pretty and that will make anything you say meaningful, unless that's against my beliefs. Intelligence belongs to materialistic beliefs and is unnatural to many core needs that dominate each one of our choices, excluding psychopathic behaviour. One trying to get acknowledged by intelligence is a direct proof of ones own stupidity. Just like women trying to get acknowledged by the price tag in their shoes. Interestingly enough, majority of the people in earth when asked if they think they are smarter than average will almost always think that they are, regardless of their answer. You could say this is a definition of being what makes one nothing more than an average person...
Then I guess Angela Merkel is the goddess of beauty...

... just like Margaret Thatcher was before her.

And Segolène Royal, who lost the French presidential election 2007, did so because she was ugly, not because she kept saying stupid things...

Fortunately for the sake of the world, not everyone votes with his dick, like you say you do...

Will E Worm

Younger people don't know the issues, for the most part.

The voting age should be at least twenty-one.

Young people don't need Fox News to convince them not to vote. They already don't. During the last midterm election in 2010, less than 25 percent of voters ages 18 to 29 cast a vote. Predictions for the November elections are even more grim, with only 23 percent of young voters expected to go to the polls.

The Surprising Trends That Suggest Young People Won’t Vote in 2012 Link

Few Millennials Plan to Vote in 2014 Link

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
I am sure that the news anchors and hosts at FOX all have college degrees - they just HAVE to act like the way they do because that is company policy.

Excellent point. I always thought if someone like Kimberly Guilfoyle got hired by MSNBC she'd be happy to become an Obamabot if the price was right. News is business and revenue here. I'm not a fan of hers but people like Kimberly Guilfoyle and her saucy Puerto Rican/Irish ways and she always knows who in the room to agree and disagree with to benefit her career. She preys upon pervs with foot fetishes too.

Younger people don't know the issues, for the most part.

The voting age should be at least twenty-one.

The Surprising Trends That Suggest Young People Won’t Vote in 2012 Link

Few Millennials Plan to Vote in 2014 Link

first link pretty much demolished by actual data from 2012

second link soon to be proved wrong

you arent really trying are you