NEWS POLL: Bernie Sanders remains the most popular politician in the US
A Fox News poll released Wednesday indicated some Americans have unfavorable opinions about the Trump administration, as well as some congressional Democrats and Republicans.
Trump's overall job approval rating has dropped five points compared to a February poll from the network. As of March 15, 43% of surveyed voters approve of Trump's performance, while 51% disapprove.
Of the 43% of voters who approved, 30% said they "strongly approve," while 13% said they "somewhat approve."
Of the 51% who disapproved, 7% "somewhat disapproved" while 45% "strongly disapproved," the Fox News poll found.
In the February survey, 48% of people surveyed by Fox News said they approved of Trump's job performance and 47% disapproved.
While both Democrats and Republicans received low approval ratings from respondents, Democrats fared slightly better than Republicans with 32% of respondents approving of their actions in Congress, and 60% disapproving. Republicans earned a 29% approval rating of their actions in Congress and a disapproval rating of 63%.
Voters were also read a list of people, items, and organizations and asked if they had a "favorable" or "unfavorable" opinion of them.
Sen. Bernie Sanders received a rating of 61% to 32%.
Planned Parenthood was rated 57% favorable to 32 unfavorable.
The Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare" was rated 50% favorable and 47% unfavorable.
Vice President Mike Pence received ratings of 47% favorable to 43% unfavorable.
House Speaker Paul Ryan's ratings were 37% favorable compared to 47% unfavorable.
Fox News' poll was conducted from March 12-14, 2017 via telephone (landlines and cell phones) with 1,008 randomly selected voters from across the country.
The poll was done in conjunction with Democratic Anderson Robbins Research and Republican Shaw & Company Research. The full poll results report, including answers to over 50 questions, can be read here :
1) I am still 100% sure Bernie would have won over Trump
2) Trump, Pence and Ryan are all three less popular than policies they want to eliminate...
3) On February, Trump had a +1 approval index (48/47). Now he's down to -8 (43/51).
It took Obama 6 monthes to get a negative approval index. And it took him one more month to get to -8 or lower. Trump made in in 2 monthes