Former Shell boss predicts $5/gal gas in 2012 in America

So much for the we invaded Iraq for their oil nonsense. It's like everyday I wake up there is just nothing but shit news...and the middle-class continues to decline until we are no longer. I just feel like crying. :crying:

With fuel prices in a temporarily lofty spot thanks to the holidays, it's hard to think of the price of a gallon of gas as a bargain, but according to the former president of Shell Oil, that's exactly what it is compared to what we'll see just one short year from now. While speaking with Platt's Energy Week Television, John Hofmeister said that he fully expects gas prices to be above $5.00 per gallon by the end of 2012. That stance puts Hofmeister firmly in the worst-case scenario club, though other analysts are barely any jollier in their predictions.

Tom Kloza, who serves as the chief oil analyst with Oil Price Information Service, believes that Hofmeister's predictions will come true, just not in the time-frame that the former Shell head honcho has predicted. Instead, Kloza says that he expects $5.00/gallon fuel to show up within the next decade. If so, we can probably expect to see a repeat of the financial shock that occurred when fuel prices shot up in mid-2008. The predictions are enough to make us a little queasy, so you have to really feel for our friends in Blighty – the UK recently saw gas prices spike to $7.30 a gallon. What will their prices be in 2012?|main5|dl4|sec2_lnk1|33562

Invest in moped stock now.

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
It's a good thing if it will mean the end of the SUV and the big pickup truck. People going in debt $40k for a vehicle that gets 12 miles to the gallon really deserve to feel pain at the pump.

Hofmeister is just a talking head/media puppet. He will say anything to get on cam or in print. On MSNBC he'll say "the oil companies can drill safely if the govt forces them to use the safest tech" and then over on Fox he'll say, "All we need is the Gov't to get out of our way...." :facepalm:


Official Checked Star Member
'feel for our friends in Blighty – the UK recently saw gas prices spike to $7.30 a gallon' yes but over two thirds of that is tax! The fuels the cheap part! But thanks for thinking about us :tinhat:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Sucks to live in a country where there is no such thing as public transit unless you live in Toronto.
It's a good thing if it will mean the end of the SUV and the big pickup truck. People going in debt $40k for a vehicle that gets 12 miles to the gallon really deserve to feel pain at the pump.

Hofmeister is just a talking head/media puppet. He will say anything to get on cam or in print. On MSNBC he'll say "the oil companies can drill safely if the govt forces them to use the safest tech" and then over on Fox he'll say, "All we need is the Gov't to get out of our way...." :facepalm:

I can still remember back in 2000 (yeah, I know, a millenium ago) and we were paying 99 cents a gallon. 99 cents! :crying: I will be telling my kids that some day and they will be shitting themselves as they fork over $10/gallon.

Sucks to live in a country where there is no such thing as public transit unless you live in Toronto.

It's been a while since I been up that way, but you guys don't have public buses in most places?

Even if that is true, while I was paying 25 cents with my mom when we rode the bus when I was a kid, we now fork over $2.50 for fare. Now, if you think about that, that shit adds up real quick if you ride it everyday. Shit, times 30, that's $75.00 a month just to take your ass to work. If you do that twice a day it's $150.00 (I know you can get the card and get a discount). Hell, I can get around in my four banger for about that price in gas, and I can go where I damn well please. You just can't win today. They're just dickin' us in every direction and form.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
'feel for our friends in Blighty – the UK recently saw gas prices spike to $7.30 a gallon' yes but over two thirds of that is tax! The fuels the cheap part! But thanks for thinking about us :tinhat:
Notice you still see suit wearing fucks who've never lifed a finger in their lives driving around in Astin Martins? Anybody would think that the Conservatives were up to their usual tricks...


The idea that we'll have $5 per gallon of gas in 2012 won't matter, Scott, we'll have solar & wind powered cars by then. . . . . either that or we'll be dead (according to the Mayan callendar). :facepalm:

Sucks to live in a country where there is no such thing as public transit unless you live in Toronto.

But, OTOH, it is a joy to not have to live in stacked up high rise housing like they do in areas where public transit actually works. ;)

Me luvs that ground floor level of living . . with no one above me to piss me off! :flame: :D
Well, at least the gulf spill is over so our oil companies can drill for it to make up for the supply.... oh, what? O-face put a moratorium on drilling? And when congress didn't pass cap and tax he's now going to make the EPA enforce it anyway? Yup, at least $5 bucks by 2012 then.

My fellow libs, if you really are smarter than us neanderthal conservatives, please, come up with a good alternative for coal, oil, and nuclear. At the present time, all the solar and wind farms in the world cannot produce the energy output of one nuclear reactor, that may be a slight exaggeration but not by much. We cannot just give up our current forms of energy before the next generation forms of energy are as reliable as the current ones. So, please all you smarter than thou libs, make them so!


My Penis Is Dancing!
Deserves the spoiled little pieces of shit in this country right. Don't like paying high gas prices? Take your fat ass from behind the wheel and walk around for once in your life.
Gas is 7,69 dollars a gallon right now in the Netherlands and it has been hovering around that price for months now so I don't feel sorry for you poor Americans. But here's an idea and it's also good for you.

Red Spyder said:
My fellow libs, if you really are smarter than us neanderthal conservatives, please, come up with a good alternative for coal, oil, and nuclear.
Hydrogen. It's the most abundant element in the universe and we never run out of it.
haha,i like your idea Boothbabe, i gave up on owning a gas powered vehicle back in 2007,even tho i drive a truck for a living i dont mind walking when i am at home :)
i can live without the Auto Payment, Insurance Payment,Gasoline purchases and whatever else may rise.
@ Andrew39:
My wife and I both have a car otherwise we can't get to work but when we're @ home we seldom use them, we do almost everything by bike. It doesn't cost a thing and we stay in shape :)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'd settle for Biodiesel by 2012

Yep. :thumbsup: Or cellulosic/switchgrass ethanol:

Switchgrass Ethanol

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other government departments throughout the world, is utilizing the power of switchgrass for ethanol biofuel production. The grass can be grown on plots of land that have, over the years, been depleted of vitamins and nutrients by other crops. Its deep root system also makes growing switchgrass in areas of drought more effective.

Another benefit to producing switchgrass ethanol is the lower cost of production. Currently, corn is the most utilized feedstock for ethanol production. Producing ethanol from corn is thought to use as much energy as it puts out in pure fuel. Ethanol biofuels manufactured from switchgrass tend to yield five times more energy than it takes to produce the fuel, which could mean lower production costs and lower ethanol costs at the pump. When the total cost of the machinery used to plant, cultivate, and harvest corn is taken into consideration, the yield difference jumps to 20 times higher for switchgrass ethanol over corn ethanol.

For anyone who doubts the power (and reliability) of a car powered by biodiesel or ethanol, attend an ALMS sports car race and then prepare to be shocked.

Why do Americans continue to whine about buying oil from people who hate us, yet refuse to push for and embrace alternative fuels that are not just renewable, but also would support the economy HERE???!!! :dunno: