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Former President of Iran Pens an Open Letter to President Trump


Hiliary 2020
Former President of Iran Pens an Open Letter to President Trump


Its a big letter but I read it.
I think every American should.
To me the main point of this letter is former PREZ of Iran Ahmadinejad practically begging Trump not to start war with Iran.
Not only for the Iranian and American people but for the entire world.
Some of you here know how angry I get when I hear politicians like Mccain screaming for war. That Nikki Haley threatening Iran just like her ugly predecessor. And Netanyahoo demanding the US "do something" about Iran...meaning attack them.
And Trump himself going on about how Iran is the worlds leader in terrorism and are a threat to the world.
Its just not true. Iran has done nothing to us.
A war with Iran if it happens will not be for the benefit of anyone in the world other than a small group of elite who would benefit from it.
War with Iran? We get that and all this bring back the jobs and make America great again is out the window no matter how many orders he signs.
With HC we knew we would attack Iran and that would be our final nail. Trump has a chance to change it all.
I hope he can and wants to do it.

So read this letter, listen to his pleas. Please.
With HC we knew we would attack Iran and that would be our final nail. Trump has a chance to change it all.
I hope he can and wants to do it.

Actually Mr P, that's not the case at all. Hillary was elemental in the creation of the nuke deal, which was intended to de-escalate tensions between the US and Iran.

Trump on the other hand has talked about trashing the deal and re-upping sanctions, which would infuriate Iran, a nation that was on the brink of developing a nuke despite the previous sanctions. There's the Pandora's box you should be worried about.

I read the letter, but I have no respect for or trust in Armcharimohammed.
Check out his bio as president of Iran and you'll see why.

There are others who make cogent appeals who don't have his sordid, mentally unbalanced past.
Yes, a nation bursting with Shia that has pledged to push Israel into the sea, and identifies an entire country (take a guess) as the personification of evil, that imports American flags solely to burn them... yeah, show them respect. Don't raise your voice. Fuck Iran, and fuck the Holocaust-denying Ahmadinejad. Fuck him in the neck. His turn at governing a nation didn't shake out so well that any American leader needs his advice. Fuck these punks. Route that shit to the fucking spam folder. Seriously? We gotta hegemony to maintain, kick rocks pissant.
meesterperfect said:
Its just not true. Iran has done nothing to us.

Exactly. The American diplomats and staff "taken hostage" in Tehran for 444 days was nothing of the sort and a perfect example of fake news decades before the term would be coined.

Those Americans asked their Iranian hosts for political asylum, until the feckless Carter Administration was over. Iran's Islamic revolution showed their benevolence not only by granting the request, but by providing 24/7 armed protection. And sure enough, as soon as Reagan was sworn in, the American guests came home.


Hiliary 2020
Exactly. The American diplomats and staff "taken hostage" in Tehran for 444 days was nothing of the sort and a perfect example of fake news decades before the term would be coined.

Those Americans asked their Iranian hosts for political asylum, until the feckless Carter Administration was over. Iran's Islamic revolution showed their benevolence not only by granting the request, but by providing 24/7 armed protection. And sure enough, as soon as Reagan was sworn in, the American guests came home.

Did they hurt those Americans? Starve, abuse, torture?
1979 is the worst excuse ever.
You do know the in 1953 the CIA got rid of Irans popular leader and installed a dictator?
That was the US.
After 25 years they took back their country.
And to avoid the USA, more precisely the CIA going in there guns blazing they did what they had to do.
How would you like it if another country took out your leader and replaced him/her with a puppet who only looked out for the interests of that country and not its own people?
And this has nothing to do with 1979 anyway. Thats just a cop out people use.


Hiliary 2020
Yes, a nation bursting with Shia that has pledged to push Israel into the sea, and identifies an entire country (take a guess) as the personification of evil, that imports American flags solely to burn them... yeah, show them respect. Don't raise your voice. Fuck Iran, and fuck the Holocaust-denying Ahmadinejad. Fuck him in the neck. His turn at governing a nation didn't shake out so well that any American leader needs his advice. Fuck these punks. Route that shit to the fucking spam folder. Seriously? We gotta hegemony to maintain, kick rocks pissant.

Looks like somebody has been propagandized.
Propagandized real good.

So you've been to Iran? A bunch of crazy A-Rabs right? Burning flags, killing Christians, eating jewish babies alive.
They are monsters right? Fucking animals.
I always laugh and puke when I see somebody talking about the Holocaust in one sentence then talking about kill em all in the next.
Kinda proves my entire point. Kinda shows how easliy people can be brainwashed by a GOV who wants war.
Ok so you want a war with Iran? Great. Go sign up for the military and tell them you want to be the BAR man on the front line.
Hopefully you'll get what you want instead of guarding opium fields in Afghanistan.

Let me ask you one question?
How many times do you need to be lied to about the reasons for invading, attacking, creating coups, or going to all out war with other countries before you finally catch on to the fact you are being lied to?
Did they hurt those Americans? Starve, abuse, torture?
1979 is the worst excuse ever.
You do know the in 1953 the CIA got rid of Irans popular leader and installed a dictator?
That was the US.
After 25 years they took back their country.
And to avoid the USA, more precisely the CIA going in there guns blazing they did what they had to do.
How would you like it if another country took out your leader and replaced him/her with a puppet who only looked out for the interests of that country and not its own people?
And this has nothing to do with 1979 anyway. Thats just a cop out people use.

you got to be f'n kidding me. "Did they hurt those Americans? Starve, abuse, torture?" How about depriving them of their freedom for 444 days? You said "Iran has done nothing to us." How about the Beirut Marine barracks bombing where 241 U.S. servicemen were killed? Or the numerous other Americans who have been killed by the terrorist groups Iran sponsors such as Hezbollah. The advanced IEDs encountered in Iraq and Afghanistan that killed/maimed so many Americans were supplied by Iran.

I know none of this means anything to you and it's an exercise in futility on my part as you live in an alternate reality, exiting your rabbit hole to post something here.
But sometimes I can't help myself.

carry on.


Hiliary 2020
Actually Mr P, that's not the case at all. Hillary was elemental in the creation of the nuke deal, which was intended to de-escalate tensions between the US and Iran.

Trump on the other hand has talked about trashing the deal and re-upping sanctions, which would infuriate Iran, a nation that was on the brink of developing a nuke despite the previous sanctions. There's the Pandora's box you should be worried about.

I read the letter, but I have no respect for or trust in Armcharimohammed.
Check out his bio as president of Iran and you'll see why.

There are others who make cogent appeals who don't have his sordid, mentally unbalanced past.

I know what Trumps been saying. I know what some of his people have been saying.
And if you want to beleive that Hiliary ever had any intentions at any time of her life to bring peace anywhere you can.
Just ask that Libyan girl who was going to college for free in 2010 and going to be a Doctor but has now been raped 100's of times and sold for human trafficking. You could ask her family but Hiliary killed them all.
But you dont trust Ahmadblahblahblah and that's fine.
You have your reasons I'm sure. I can't argue with you on that.

But what I read was a letter from one human to another with the main intention of avoiding war. A war that could not only kill millions, put the final nail in the coffin of the US economy and perhaps very well start a world war that could kill every one of us.
That is reality to what a war with Iran will bring.
And assuming we survive and actually win without nukes, which we can't, then what?
Another Arab or African country taken over by the bearded mercenaries we are "fighting""?
Because thats whats happened to the other countries we've attacked and destroyed save Afghanistan aka Opium Central.

He even warned Trump about being careful with the people around him. About the Shadow GOV within the US.
And that does certainly exist. In fact that's the root of the whole problem.

I dont think you'll ever get it. Since at least the 1950's (I believe since WWI) the US has attacked over hundred countries.
Not one of those were for the benefit of the people of either country but a small group of very rich powerful people.
All wars are bankers wars.

Finally sanctions.
My definition of sanctions-
Do what we tell you to do or we will make the civilians of your country suffer.
We will make you people and children go hungry and do without. We will ruin their lives in the hopes that they will blame you
for what's happening to them

Sanctions are a form of selective punishment. Against the Geneva Convention and classified as a War Crime.
How would anybody here like it if say the Saudis (The real A-Rab threat to the US) put a sanction against us for oil.
Gas goes up to 20 dollars a gallon. Everthing shuts down, no more driving, inflation goes nuts, one loaf of bread on the shelf type stuff.
While watching you child crying from hunger would you be angry at your own GOV or the Saudis?


Hiliary 2020
they're persians and not arabs. But of course you knew that.

What "Holocaust?" Right? Just say it. You know you want to.

I've said it dozens of times here for all the world to see. I am very open about my feelings.
I'm not going to get sucked into a debate on this thread so don't count on that.
I could get in to more detail but i will only say this.
6 million Jews could not have died or been systimatically murdered because the were not 6 million jews in all the area Germany occupied at any point during WWII. But there was a very systimatic murder of German civilians and soldiers at the end of the war. Russians, Poles, Czechs, US, and British slaughtered millions of Germans at the end of the war and the months following.
I believe the Jewish people were use as pawns by their own leaders and elite and many died because of that.
Funny, I'm the guy here who is anti war based on mostly humanitarian reasons and I have people who want to "Kill em all" because the news person told me thay are bad trying to make me out to be a heartless jerkoff.
Looks like somebody has been propagandized.
Propagandized real good.

Yeah, because Iran isn't the world's single greatest state sponsor of terrorism. You know those YouTube beheadings you see, people burned or buried alive, thrown from buildings? That's ideology made in Iran, exported to the world. Read a paper, pusscake.

meesterperfect said:
I always laugh and puke when I see somebody talking about the Holocaust in one sentence then talking about kill em all in the next.

Is that what I said? Reading for comprehension isn't really your thing, is it?

Dude, you snuggle up to Iran all you want, but something tells me that a radical theocracy with nukes might just be bad for everyone. Persians, Arabs, Jews, Russians, etc. Everyone. Because nukes are messy, and Iran is Iran. And Pollyannas like you wring their hands and agonize over the US bullying those poor folks that just want to be left alone. So they can work on the nukes that Allah wants them to have. Wake up, man. Or shut up.
You do know the in 1953 the CIA got rid of Irans popular leader and installed a dictator?
That was the US.
After 25 years they took back their country.

How would you like it if another country took out your leader and replaced him/her with a puppet who only looked out for the interests of that country and not its own people?

Viable points that somehow seem to often get overlooked. We helped create this cluster fuck, but somehow stating as much is considered treasonous.
On the other hand, your contention that Iran has never harmed us, or doesn't sponsor terrorism, is just plain wrong.
who was responsible for the overthrow of the Sha of Iran? Who could it be? Hmmm, I dunno, could've it been SATAN CARTER? </church lady>

Like Obama toppled Gaddafi and Bush toppled Hussein. Thank goodness for Putin propping up Assad (as murderous as they both are) given the alternative.


Hiliary 2020
You don't know shit dude.
I think you may even be a little insane.
Like I said go sign up. Tell them you want front line combat experience.
Now lemme see your War Face?
but you sorta convinced me the Holocaust wasn't real. what youtube vids should I check to further my journey?

you fucking nut case.

meesterperfect said:
"6 million Jews could not have died or been systimatically murdered...But there was a very systimatic murder of German civilians and soldiers...Russians, Poles, Czechs, US, and British slaughtered millions of Germans"

When you pivot from "the Holocaust wasn't real" to "Germans were victims of their own holocaust" you've bronzed yourself as an eternal assclown.
When you pivot from "the Holocaust wasn't real" to "Germans were victims of their own holocaust" you've bronzed yourself as an eternal assclown.

"The Russians doing what they want with their own country" (paraphrasing) when it comes to Crimea and Ukraine or referring to Iranians as arabs not to mention the kids from Sandy Hook who are still alive SOMEWHERE, gives you a clear picture of where MP is coming from.


Hiliary 2020
"The Russians doing what they want with their own country" (paraphrasing) when it comes to Crimea and Ukraine or referring to Iranians as arabs not to mention the kids from Sandy Hook who are still alive SOMEWHERE, gives you a clear picture of where MP is coming from.

You don't scare me. Work on it!