Final Fantasy 7 Remake! It's Real!

If there is one thing I don't like about FF7, and it's hardly at fault by it's own on this, but it was one of the biggest things that revolutionized the craze for ridiculously oversized weapons.
The last FF I played was IX so I was used to the Active Time Battle system and one of the reasons why I got into FF. Not sure I will like the real time action system, Im getting old :facepalm:
Miss the random encounters too, that added a little suspense not knowing when a battle would occur.

But massive summons always interests me.

There any out there of FF7 Remake ?

15 looks awesome too.
I hope those summon animations can be skipped. It's cool the first time, but having to wait for it to finish the 200th time you cast one would get old I would think.
Ya those summons add up in alot of game time. Can' t see why they wouldn't add a skip option.
Nice to know they are making the remake.... I just hope they dont change too much. The game was great as it was, they could improve on certain parts change the map around, but if they change the materia system/characters/storyline or gameplay(the battles) too much than I doubt it will live up to the iconic name it has in the hearths of many.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I agree, bump up the graphics all they like. If we don't hear that same music, and enjoy taking all those paths from back in 97, it would be a shame.

But I am sure they will be adding stuff, just don't take away!


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
/\ Gotcha. Kinda like Crisis Core I suppose. Oh well, I'm still excited!
I hate how RPGs made by all the big name developers are going away from turn based battle systems. It was once a big part of what made video game RPGs what they were.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I hate how RPGs made by all the big name developers are going away from turn based battle systems. It was once a big part of what made video game RPGs what they were.

I agree, I'm not seeing turned based lately, which is a tragedy. I'm looking for a new RPG to play on Wii U or 3DS and that's one of the selling points for me.