Well the title says it all... who's yours?
1. John Byrne (X-Men, Fantastic Four, Namor, The Sub-Mariner, Next Men)
2. John Romita Sr. (Amazing Spider-Man)
3. Arthur Adams (Longshot Mini-series, X-Men)
4. Dale Keown (The Incedible Hulk, PITT)
5. Barry Windsor-Smith (Iron Man, X-Men, Weapon-X)
6. Neal Adams (X-Men, Batman, Green Lantern & Green Arrow)
7. Todd McFarlane (The Incedible Hulk, Spider-Man, Spawn)
8. Gary Frank (Motormouth, The Incredible Hulk)
9. Greg Horn (various covers for Marvel)
10. John Cassaday (Astonishing X-Men)
1. John Byrne (X-Men, Fantastic Four, Namor, The Sub-Mariner, Next Men)
2. John Romita Sr. (Amazing Spider-Man)
3. Arthur Adams (Longshot Mini-series, X-Men)
4. Dale Keown (The Incedible Hulk, PITT)
5. Barry Windsor-Smith (Iron Man, X-Men, Weapon-X)
6. Neal Adams (X-Men, Batman, Green Lantern & Green Arrow)
7. Todd McFarlane (The Incedible Hulk, Spider-Man, Spawn)
8. Gary Frank (Motormouth, The Incredible Hulk)
9. Greg Horn (various covers for Marvel)
10. John Cassaday (Astonishing X-Men)