what's the farthest you've tossed your load?
i just hit a personal best with a good 12 inches or so.
Ofcourse you know I love shooting my jizz at my face and tasting my cumm for myself.
Oh, so that's where you were on your recent sabbatical (leave of absense) (?)While having sex with my girlfriend (ex now)
I've hit a ceiling a time or two
once when I was with the ex in the backseat I was laying on my back and blasted the window behind my head. So whats that? 3 feet or so.
What, did you do that in a Big Wheel? :rofl:
huh? Oh I've also shot myself right up the nose while sitting at the computer.
Really? I usually get it right in my mouth. I must have better aim than you.
Oh, so that's where you were on your recent sabbatical (leave of absense) (?)
Nah, he just can't suck his own dick like you can. :rubbel:
I once got it about three/four feet. Hit a poster on my wall when I was young. Bragged about it to all my friends.