
What is the appeal of this site? I don't get it. I don't feel I have to tell the world my life story. I don't feel I need to know what other people from my past are doing.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

If you don't like it, don't go there. Sign-up is not mandatory. Some people feel the need to connect with others. Clearly, it has some value or it wouldn't be this popular. I refuse to join the social networking revolution. If this makes me a dinosaur, so be it. But I don't feel the need to question those who enjoy the site. :2 cents:
It's so we can find those bitches who wouldn't fuck us in High School and laugh at how dismal their lives turned out and how fat and ragged they ended up.
It's simple, either join it or forever be an outcast living in the sewers only emerging at night to feed on roadkill or scraps left out by the other homeless who at least have a facebook profile. The choice is yours.
I hate the people that post minute by minute updates like "gonna drop a duece now. . . back in 5"

Otherwise, its a nice way to stumble across old friends, co-workers and former classmates that you haven't seen or talked to in years, as well as keep in touch with people you don't see very often
What is the appeal of this site? I don't get it. I don't feel I have to tell the world my life story. I don't feel I need to know what other people from my past are doing.

But you feel the need to tell the world that you don't feel the need to do these things... :o
What is the appeal of this site? I don't get it. I don't feel I have to tell the world my life story. I don't feel I need to know what other people from my past are doing.

I'm in the military and move around alot. With deploymets and such it's the most effiecent way of staying connected with people I know.
You have FB misconstrued with Myspace.

No, MySpace is for High Schoolers to look at the bitches who won't fuck them now, but who they will be laughing at on Facebook in ten years.

If you don't like it, don't go there. Sign-up is not mandatory. Some people feel the need to connect with others. Clearly, it has some value or it wouldn't be this popular. I refuse to join the social networking revolution. If this makes me a dinosaur, so be it. But I don't feel the need to question those who enjoy the site. :2 cents:


I just don't get this bogus attitude of "what's the point" or "how stupid is that?!?" that some associate with most any new website. If you don't see how it's useful, it's obviously not for you, but that doesn't mean it's not useful for others.